The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1156

Rong Jing Wen Yan picked her eyebrows and did not speak.

Cloud shallow moon "ha" ground smile, close to Yu Zishu, climb on his shoulder, two brothers good way: "Zishu, you are really very good, I can't bear you to go, what should I do? Why don't I follow you to Donghai! In case there's no smoke here. "

"Good!" Yuzishu looked at her with a smile.

Rongjing reached out his hand and gently pulled Yun Qianyue from yuzishu's shoulder into his arms. He said to yuzishu: "jade prince, you should go! No matter how late, the sixth princess can't go to the East China Sea. Maybe other princesses will come after her and want to go to the East China Sea. It's also a trouble if you don't want to take it

"King Shizi is right." Yuzishu nodded with a smile and turned to the horse.

Cloud shallow month angry Rong Jing one eye, wave to jade son book, "remember letter, a month."

"Good!" Yuzishu looked at Rongjing and yunqianyue, and said to Rongfeng, "goodbye, fengshizi!"

"Farewell to Prince Yu!" Rong Feng arched his hand.

Jade book no longer stay, legs a clip horse belly, body under the ride four hooves raised, left ten miles to send Jun Pavilion.

Yunqianyue watched yuzishu walk away, her eyes a little sour, she tried to open her eyes until the figure turned into a small black spot. Finally, she didn't want to take back her sight. The cold wind made her eyes ache.

Rongjing put his hand over her eyes and said in a warm voice, "don't look, everyone is gone! It's not gone. "

"I can't bear to say that." The cloud is light, the moon blinks, and the eyes are wet.

"Yunqianyue, you want me to be jealous, don't you?" There is a secluded tunnel.

Cloud shallow moon wave open his hand, stare at him one eye, "go back! I didn't sleep last night. I was so sleepy. "

"I thought you would not be willing to leave the pavilion and stay here for a day." Rong Jing smiles.

"There is something wrong with who wants to stay outside on a cold day." Cloud shallow month words fall, look to Rong Feng, hail way: "Rong Feng, go, go back!"

Rong Feng nodded and turned on his horse.

Cloud shallow moon is pulled to the carriage by Rong Jing.

After getting on the car, yunqianyue automatically takes Rongjing as a pillow and lies in the car with his legs under his pillow, closing his eyes.

Rongjing pulled the brocade quilt on her body, and then looked at her for a moment. Seeing that she was really going to sleep, he said in a warm voice, "where can you not bear the jade prince like this? If the jade prince sees it, he will certainly be sad. Where there is a woman like you, her front feet will shed tears, and she will soon go to sleep. "

Cloud shallow month snorted with nostrils, "affectation for a while, can't always be hypocritical." Then she added, "if I really cry, you won't die of acetic acid."

"I'm dying of acetic acid." Rong Jing looked at her and said, "cloud shallow moon, where are my clothes?"

"Not yet!" Cloud shallow moon yawned.

"I'll wear it tomorrow." Face under the board.

"I sleep today, but I can't do it tomorrow." The moon is too sleepy to open her eyes.

"I don't care! Anyway, I will wear it tomorrow. If you don't give me clothes tomorrow, I won't let you see jade snow flying dragon. " Yung King Road.

Cloud shallow moon eyelid moved, really can't open, no longer pay attention to her.

"Hello, do you hear me?" Rongjing reaches out to push her.

Cloud shallow moon body swayed, no voice.

Rongjing pushed it away again. This time, he pushed harder.

"Yes! Please be kind and let me sleep Cloud shallow moon helpless.

Rongjing reached his goal, hooked the corner of his mouth, put down his hand, and said in a warm voice, "OK, you sleep! Wake up and make clothes. "

Cloud light moon hum a, sleep.

The carriage goes to the city gate, outside the car Rong Feng listens to the conversation inside the car, smiles.

All the way back to the gate.

People gathered at the gate of the city had already dispersed. Only Brunei, the chief manager of the palace, was waiting there with a small eunuch. When Brunei saw Rongjing's carriage coming back, he quickly and respectfully said, "King Shizi, the Regent has told me to wait for you here. He said that after the funeral of the first emperor, he should prepare for the second prince's funeral. Please enter the palace immediately after you return to the city and discuss with him. "

"Good!" The scene answered.

"Prince Feng, Regent, please come into the palace and say that you haven't gone to court for a few days, and the ministers are discussing matters in the golden hall." Brunei said again.

"Good!" Rong Feng nods his head.

Brunei did not speak any more. After passing the letter, Brunei got into the carriage and went to the palace.

Rong Jing orders Xian Ge to go to Yun Wang's house to send Yun Qian Yue first, while Rong Feng goes back to his mansion to change his imperial clothes.

When the carriage came to the gate of the cloud palace, Rongjing woke up yunqianyue. She opened her eyes, looked at Rongjing vaguely, and then closed it. Rongjing looked at her in a funny way. After a while, she could only get her out of the car and send her back to the shallow moon Pavilion.

Although the news of Rong Jing and Yun Qianyue's love affair is not new, the people in the cloud Palace are used to the two people's going in and out together, but Rong Jing still carries Yun Qianyue back to the shallow moon Pavilion and murmurs about it in private for a long time.After returning yunqianyue to his room, Rongjing goes out of the door, gets on the carriage and goes to the palace.

Yunqianyue opened her eyes immediately after Rongjing left, stretched herself, and sat up.

"Miss? You No sleep? " Ling Lian and Yi Xue are surprised to see cloud shallow moon, where have sleepy idea?

"No sleep!" Yun Xiaoyue shook her head and told them, "take out half of his clothes for me, and take out the sachets I made half of before. I have finished them now."

"Miss, you've been tired all night. Don't rush for a moment." Hearing this, Ling Lian immediately objected.

"Yes, it's not urgent to give things to Jing Shizi." Yi snow even busy way.

"Who said it was not urgent? He's probably dying of anxiety. " Yun Xiaoyue shook her head with a smile and waved to them, "take them all out. I can stand such a small matter. Otherwise, if I go to bed today, maybe I will bury the night sky tomorrow. I will definitely send him a spirit, so I have no time to do it. "

Two people to see a look, see cloud shallow moon spirit is not bad, turned to take.

Yun Qianyue took the clothes first and continued sewing that day. The style of Rongjing's robe is a little more complicated than that of yuzishu, which naturally takes a long time. Fortunately, yunqianyue is very skilled in ancient times, so it can be made very quickly.

Sound afternoon ten, a robe in Linglian and Yixue's praise sound to do well.

After lunch, she continued to embroider sachets. Since Tianyi returned to Beijing a few months ago, when Rongjing and her tantrums were shelved, she was busy with all kinds of things and did not dare to tell Rongjing that she had not finished. Now, after a few months, it takes a lot of effort to find pins and connectors again.

The sachet is a double-sided embroidery method, with mandarin ducks playing in the water on one side and pink peach blossom on the other. Naturally, it is more difficult than making clothes. So the last half is much slower. , the fastest update of the webnovel!