The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1158

Rong Jing did not answer, reached for her hand, gently put it in his hand and rubbed it.

"Well, you have a little conscience about my hand." Yun Qianyue murmured, leaned on him, closed his eyes, and said to him, "not only do I have pain in my hands, shoulders, waist, legs and feet..."

Rong Jing low smile, voice gentle, "OK, I'll give you a rub."

"That's about it!" Yunqianyue took a comfortable breath.

On this day and night, yunqianyue enjoyed a full set of Rong's massage from head to foot. After dinner, she went to meet Zhou Gong comfortably.

Rongjing sat at the head of the bed and looked at her for a long time. Then he took out the sachet and looked at her again. Then he walked around the house in his new clothes and then lay back in bed. After closing his eyes, he still had a smile on his mouth, revealing his extremely happy mood.

The next morning, yunqianyue wakes up to see that Rongjing is dressed properly and sits at the table reading the secret letter.

Yunqianyue looked at him, and the morning light flowed into the room, but it seemed that all of them had been absorbed by the man sitting in front of the bed. His honor was incomparable. At this time, he slightly lowered his head, such as Yu's hand-held pen writing something on the secret letter. In the room, he could only hear the rustle of ink falling on the paper.

The moon can't move her eyes. She thinks that if she wakes up to see this painting every morning, she will spend her whole life or ten years looking at it, and she will not be bored. There is a kind of person, he is born like this, no matter when, no matter where, all let people mind for traction, as long as you look at him, you will forget yourself.

"Awake?" The voice of Rong Jing Qingrun rang out.

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon should a, still looking at him.

"Wake up and get up! Yesterday, the Regent discussed with all the adults. Today, he gave a funeral to the second prince. The coffin of the second prince had been stopped in the second prince's house, and the Ministry of rites was still in charge of it. However, there would not be so many rites. Most ministers left voluntarily. But I think you will. Now the time is right. If it is too late, the coffin will be out of the city. You have done a ritual for him in Lingtai temple. Now you can go to the second prince's house to see him off. You don't have to go out of the city. " Rong Jing Wen Sheng Dao.

Yunqianyue thought that what she had guessed yesterday was really good. Today night Tianyi was buried in a hurry. She nodded, pushed aside the quilt, got up, and began to groom.

Rongjing continues to process the secret letter.

After yunqianyue had cleaned up, Zhao's mother brought food, and Rongjing also finished processing the last secret letter, and called on Qingying to take the secret letter away. They sat at the table.

After dinner, we went out of the shallow moon Pavilion together.

Two cars stopped at the gate of King Yun's mansion. One was Rongjing's black carriage, and the other was yunxiaoyue's one that he didn't often take.

Yunqianyue looks at Rongjing. Rongjing explains to her, "you go to the second prince's house by yourself. I have to enter the palace! Although it is a thick burial, the Regent has the order, and officials above the third grade are not allowed to see him off. "

Cloud shallow moon nods, walks toward own carriage.

The curtain of the two carriages fell down and left the palace together. One went into the palace and the other went to the second prince's house.

It's not a long way to get to the second prince's house.

Yunqianyue picked up the curtain and got off the bus. There were only a few people standing at the gate of the second prince's mansion. There were only a few vehicles, and the house was very quiet. There was no sound. She jumped out of the car, thinking that although Ye Tianyi ordered a thick burial and ordered the officials of the third grade to come to observe the ceremony, which officials in the imperial court really dared to come? Now it is no longer the era of Prince night sky tilt, but the era of Regent night Tianyi.

Thinking of the glory of Tianqing and the prince's house in the past, and now that people have just gone, the second prince's house will wither and wither, and a trace of desolation rises in her heart.

"I'd like to say hello to miss shallow moon!" The housekeeper of the second prince's house came forward to meet Yun Qianyue.

"I'll pay tribute to the second prince!" Cloud light moon road.

"Please The housekeeper led the way and said in a low voice: "I know you will come. I'm here to wait for you. Before entering the palace that day, the second prince said to the servant, "if he is dead, if he is split up and buried in a pit, you are required to bury the first soil, and if it is swept out with a piece of grass, the slave will ask you to do it in person.". Now the Regent says that if the second prince can have a coffin, you can cover the coffin for him! "

Cloud shallow moon footstep pause, continue to walk forward, should a, "good, I cover coffin for him!"

The housekeeper did not speak any more, and led the cloud to the moon.

In front of the palace in the main courtyard, there is a coffin. The material of the coffin is not good or bad. Compared with a rebellious prince, it is the best ending. In front of the tent, in addition to the servants of the prince's house, a woman stood with her back on her back. The woman was throwing straw paper into the brazier one by one.

Yunqianyue recognized Qin Yuning and picked her eyebrows.

The housekeeper lowered his voice and said angrily, "Miss Qin has come very early and has been standing here for two hours. The servant asked her to leave, and she said she had asked the regent for her will

Yunqianyue nodded and went on walking. After Qin Yuning, she stopped and looked at the Lingpeng without speaking.

Qin Yuning seems not to know that the cloud shallow moon, even did not return.In front of the Lingpeng, the servants of the second prince's house looked at them, but no one spoke. They used to hate miss Qianyue when they followed her royal highness. They thought that she was not as good as Miss Qin in the prime minister's residence. Now they can't think of half a year's time, so they turn over the world and lose one of them.

Qin Yuning threw the last piece of straw paper in his hand into the fire pot, slowly turned back, looked at the cloud shallow moon, and said in a soft voice: "cloud shallow moon, the person who killed night sky tilt is not me, but you. If he doesn't like you and really like me, I won't have to go down and kill him."

Cloud shallow moon raised eyebrows, "Miss Qin means that if there is no me, you will not listen to the seven Prince's words?"

Qin Yu Ning pursed her lips and said in a dark voice, "at least I won't let him die."

Cloud light moon ha smile, calmly looking at Qin Yuning, see her look haggard, the rumors on the street these two days let her overburdened? Kill night Tianqing, she became a heartless, ungrateful, cold-blooded and merciless woman, is she not expected? She said, "Miss Qin, there is no free lunch in the world. You have to pay a price for everything you do, so you have to think twice before you do something. You think the best result is not necessarily the best. "

Qin Yuning stares at Yun Qianyue. After half a ring, she suddenly laughs, "miss Qianyue has always taught people one set of things. It is clear that you have done more wrong than all others, but no one can refute you. Even if night sky hates you for ten years, he still disturbs a heart by you. Maybe he doesn't know it. He has been disturbed by you for a long time and is used to you Run after him

Cloud shallow moon picked eyebrows. , the fastest update of the webnovel!