The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1153

Yun Xiaoyue snorted, grabbed yuzishu's sleeve and said, "I tell you, even if it stinks, you don't want to change the clothes I made for you. Don't wear the clothes that this woman made for you. If you think about it, she has been making clothes for the uncle in his forties and fifties. The style must be very old. Where can it look good? Don't you lose the price of your jade prince? Don't wear them, you know? "

"Smelly girl Yu Qingqing gave her a violent shudder according to the head of the cloud and scolded her with a smile.

"It was." Cloud shallow month swept cloud Wang Ye's robe one eye, to jade son book nuzui, "you see? This is the kind of clothes. It's old! "

"My mother made it for Zishu according to the pattern you drew that day. She's not old at all." Jade Dragonfly retorts.

"Did you steal my copyright with my permission?" Cloud light, the moon suddenly raised eyebrows.

Yu Qingqing doesn't seem to understand what copyright is, but she does understand the word "theft". Just about to fight cloud shallow moon again, Lord Yun stopped her and said with a smile, "don't bicker. It's still early now. Let Zishu leave early!"

Jade Qingqing dug cloud shallow moon one eye, stopped.

Cloud shallow moon to her hum a, curl one's lips.

Prince Yun whispered to yuzishu, "you must be careful this way. I'm afraid the Regent will keep you. When the emperor was alive, he wanted to make the marriage between Tian Sheng and Donghai. Of course, he wanted to marry King Shizi. However, he was afraid that the marriage would make king Shizi sit even bigger with the support of Donghai. Therefore, he didn't stop you from destroying Luoyao and his marriage. Instead, he wanted to make the sixth Princess marry you. But you are not happy with the sixth princess. You are too friendly with yue'er, and have never avoided people. And he is persistent to yue'er. Therefore, I think it is not impossible for him to make an article from you. But the Regent's mind is unpredictable, and I'm not sure he won't attack you. But in a word, you should be careful. It's always right to be careful when you're on the road for thousands of years. "

"Zishu remembers the words of Uncle Hua." Yu Zishu nodded.

Cloud King Ye lowered his voice and said: "go back and let your father and Emperor rest assured. Your aunt and I are very good, don't worry about it. We will go back when the heavenly saint's affairs are over and the moon settles down. "

"Good!" Yu Zishu nodded.

Prince Yun patted yuzishu on the shoulder, put down his hand, and said to Yun Qianyue, "you can send him out of the city! Dad won't go. The Regent knew that the jade prince was going to leave the city, and was said to have been waiting at the gate of the city

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon nods, to jade son Book way: "go!"

Jade book no longer more words, follow cloud shallow moon, two people go out.

At the gate of cloud palace, horses have been prepared. Yunqianyue unties a bridle and throws it to yuzishu. Yuzishu takes it and turns over to mount the horse. She unties another rein and turns over to mount the horse. Qi Qi left the gate of cloud palace.

Although it snowed again yesterday, after all, Tiansheng capital is the prosperous place of Kyoto in the reign of emperor Tiansheng. The streets have been cleaned up without snow. Today, the weather is fine and the funeral of the old emperor has been completed. Although it is forbidden to wear colorful clothes, sing and dance, and celebrate all kinds of weddings within a month, it does not affect people's release of a sense of depression for more than ten days. As a result, the streets are crowded and bustling today, and some of the capital's bustling colors are restored.

People seem to know that the jade Prince left Beijing to return home, many people have folded plum blossom.

Yunqianyue has some admiration for the ancient people, who did not have all the advanced tools of communication and rumor, but could be so well informed. It was only last night that she knew that yuzishu was going back to the East China Sea. This is not what she admires the most. What she admires most is the character of yuzishu, who has bought Tiansheng capital. She was staring at yuzishu.

Yu Zishu felt her sight and looked at her with a smile, "what's the matter?"

"I'm thinking that the jade Prince is really a good skill. He loves the people as much as the son to heaven!" "Only you, the prince of other countries, such as nanlingrui, xiyanyue, or princess Ye Qian, can't get such good care from the people."

"It's all thanks to the River Valley County's flood control a few months ago!" Yu Zishu said with a smile.

Yun Xiaoyue nodded with approval and sighed, "so people are lovely. Water can carry a boat and it can capsize it. People are water, kings are boats. You are good to the people, and the people will treat you well. It is a pity that many people do not understand this truth. They think that the monarch should take everything for granted. All those in power regard themselves as the incarnation of the dragon and ask all living beings to crawl on the ground. How many people will understand that the people are more important than the monarch? "

Hearing the speech, yuzishu sighed and said in a low voice: "the Regent has managed the northern Xinjiang very well and won the support of all the people in Northern Xinjiang. He would be a good emperor if he put all his thoughts into governing the country. "

Cloud shallow moon looked at the gate of the city, convergence mind, light way: "hope it!"

Yuzishu no longer talks.

At the gate of the east city, in addition to the merchants and the people who came in and went out to visit relatives and friends, many people gathered at the gate of the east city. A group of important officials headed by Ye Tianyi, Prince De, Prince Xiao, and one of them was a woman standing behind ye Tianyi, dressed in plain clothes and skirts, with a gentle and delicate face, was the sixth princess.Cloud shallow moon saw six princesses, eyes narrowed.

Yuzishu's face was warm and could not see any emotion.

When they came to the gate of the city, ye Tianyi said, "many things happened during the time when the jade prince came to Tiansheng. I was too busy to entertain the jade prince. I just sent the former Emperor away yesterday. I thought I could have a good talk with the jade prince. I didn't want the jade prince to return home in a hurry."

Yu Zishu turned over and dismounted and said with a smile, "it's a long time to come. I don't know when I'm going to leave today. Don't be so polite to the Regent

"In spite of this, I am still ashamed that I did not treat the jade prince well." The way of night nature.

"The palace is like a guest of honor living in King Rong's house. The king's son has been very good in hospitality, which makes this palace embarrassed." Yu Zishu said with a smile: "this time my palace came to Tiansheng mainly for the ceremony of moon view and hairpin. He should have gone back after the ceremony of hairpin, but it was delayed for several days. Now Donghai's father and Emperor are in a hurry, and they are urged by three imperial edicts. Otherwise, Zishu still wants to stay a few more days. Now just wait until next time! Moon in heaven, son Book miss her, not sure where to come again. I'll come and go in the future. It's just normal. "

Ye Tianyi took a look at Yun Qianyue and said with a calm smile: "yes, this king has forgotten that yue'er and Prince Yu have a good friendship, which no one else can compare with. She can't keep the jade prince. It seems that the king can't keep the jade Prince today. "

Yuzishu smiles and no longer talks.

Cloud light moon looked at night Tianyi lightly, also did not speak.

"Since you can't keep the jade prince, I won't force him to stay." Ye Tianyi took a look behind her and said with a smile: "the sixth sister has always admired the style and features of the East China Sea, but she has been locked in the deep palace. Now she wants to borrow the jade crown prince to return home, and follow the jade prince to the East China Sea for a visit. She also hopes that the jade prince will take more care of it." , the fastest update of the webnovel!