The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1154

Cloud shallow moon eyes suddenly narrowed, looking at night Tianyi and the six princesses behind him, what is this doing? Send beauty to yuzishu? She didn't expect that ye Tianyi would do this. What does it mean for a princess to go to the East China Sea or follow the jade prince to return home? Three year old children are afraid to know, he really can do it! Anger sprang up in her heart.

"Oh? So the six princesses admire the East China Sea very much But Yu Zishu didn't see any anger and raised her eyebrows and laughed.

The sixth Princess obviously gave yuzishu a noble and glorious temperament. From his arrival, she looked at him with her eyes. Now he looked at her with a smile after hearing Ye Tianyi's words. She was very happy and said in a reserved way: "it is said that the East China Sea is famous for its outstanding people and picturesque scenery. I admire it and want to have a look. I hope it will not bring trouble and inconvenience to the jade prince. "

"The six princesses admire the customs of the East China Sea. How can this palace break the six Princesses' admiration?" Yu Zishu smiles, "but the road from Tiansheng to Donghai is far-reaching, and it is extremely hard along the way. The palace is afraid that the six princesses are weak and weak, and can't bear the hardships of running around. "

"I can bear it!" The sixth Princess shook her head in a hurry. As soon as she spoke, it seemed that her tone was a little urgent. Then she said softly: "I used to be domineering and did not know about the world. Later, I have been teaching in the imperial mausoleum for more than a month. The jade Prince must have heard of this. The princess is not as good as the maid in the palace. Now I am not afraid to bear hardships after I come out."

Yuzishu nodded and said with a smile, "in this case, the palace will take the six princesses."

Cloud shallow month a Leng, originally thought jade prince will refuse, but did not expect him to agree, she some surprised looking at him. She naturally believed that he would not be bewildered by the beauty of the sixth princess, and knew that he had no feelings for her, but she did not understand what his intention was? Her anger faded and she wanted to stop it. Now that he agreed, she had nothing to say.

The sixth Princess obviously didn't expect that yuzishu promised to be so happy. For a while, she was surprised and pleased, "really?"

"Nature is true!" Yu Zishu nodded with a smile, "I have several younger sisters who are the same age as the princess. The princess has a real temperament. When she goes to the East China Sea, I think you can talk about it."

After the six princesses were determined, they happily looked at Ye Tianyi, "seven brothers? The jade Prince has agreed

Ye Tianyi looked at the jade book, and her eyes flashed a trace of exploration and meditation. However, it passed away in a flash, and soon she said with a smile to the sixth Princess: "I've been grinding me for several days, and now you're happy? Don't make trouble for the jade Prince along the way, and don't let human nature fool around after arriving in the East China Sea. Do you hear me? "

The six princesses immediately drooped her head, and her voice was full of joy

"Let's go, then." Yuzishu smiles gently.

Six princesses nodded, led a date red horse, turned on the horse, the whole person from inside to outside showed joy.

"Prince Yu, have a good journey Ye Tianyi hands over with a smile.

"Prince Yu, have a good journey Prince De, Prince Xiao, and others all bow their hands.

"Take care of the Regent and your lords, and don't do it!" Yuzishu sat in the carriage with a smile, arched his hands, and walked out of the city.

Yunqianyue went out with her side by side.

Ye Tianyi raised eyebrows, "moon, you also leave the city!"

"I'll give him a ride!" Cloud shallow moon head also did not answer a word.

Ye Tianyi no longer spoke, did not stop.

The six princesses follow yuzishu and yunqianyue on horseback, and follow them out of the city. She avoids yunqianyue and walks on the other side of yuzishu. This goes back to cleverly not confronting the cloud moon.

Ten miles outside the city to send Jun Pavilion, stopped a black carriage, the carriage stood by two horses. There were three people sitting in the pavilion. One has a white robe with crescent moon, one with dark green fur and one with Xiaoxiao white shirt. It is Rongjing, night light dye, Rong Feng three people. Looking at the posture, the three people are chatting and waiting.

There is no doubt that it is a gift of yuzishu.

Yunqianyue looks at the three people. Her eyes first fall on Rongjing and then moves away. She pauses on Rongfeng and then falls on night light dye. Night light dye does not send off with night Tianyi at the gate of the city. Instead, he waits with Rongjing and Rongfeng to send Jun Pavilion in the ten miles. The cold wind was cold, and his posture was as casual and leisurely as those two men. It seemed that he had dust sealed the coldness after he appeared in the palace yesterday. She looked at him and felt that she really couldn't understand him.

"It's not easy to dye little prince! He knows the advance and retreat better than the Regent. In other words, he is deeper than the Regent. " Yu Zishu turned his head and whispered to the moon: "yun'er, don't be soft hearted to him. The Regent's mind is there. It's very beautiful. He will let everyone see through it. Such a person is not the most difficult person to get along with, but this little dye Prince is not like this. He can't see him through. Such a person is really unfathomable. "

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon nods, "I know."

Yuzishu no longer talks.

The sixth princess looked at yuzishu and yunqianyue to bite her ears intimately and pursed her lips. She did not speak out.

The three men came to the pavilion to see off the king, and they all turned their heads in order.

Rong Jing's eyes fell on the clothes of yuzishu, and a trace of something flashed through her eyes like a clear spring, which was fleeting.Night light dye "ah" ground smile, up and down looking at jade son Book way: "Oh, jade Prince this clothes is so chic and bright! This kind of cutting technique and style can't be found in Tiansheng capital. Even the famous money basket Yin Niang can't do it. Which beauty gave it to Prince Yu

"Dye Little Wang Ye has unique insight!" Jade son Book tiny smile, "that beauty is far in the horizon near in front of."

"It's a little girl! No wonder! " Night light dye looked at the cloud and the moon, smile spread open, as if the previous cloud quarrel, cut off the robe, stand in the cold wind do not exist. He and she were as easy as ever. Nodding: "only she can do it. I'm not surprised what she can do." After that, he asked Rongjing with a smile, "isn't it? Weak beauty? "

Rongjing hook lips a smile, on the cloud shallow moon's vision, the voice is gentle, "yes, what she does, is not unexpected."

"Do you have any clothes she made?" Night light dye asked.

"Cloud light moon, do I have any clothes you made?" Rong Jing asked the moon with a smile.

Yun Xiaoyue rolled her eyes and wanted to say no, but looking at his smiling face, she thought not to provoke him to be jealous. If he was jealous, she would suffer. She nodded and said, "naturally there is!"

Rongjing nodded slowly, moved his eyes, and said with a smile to yuzishu: "the clothes of the jade prince are really chic and novel. If you wear such clothes, the plum blossoms on the roadside will be gorgeous. You can't know how many plum blossoms will be gorgeous on your way back to the East China sea. Take good care of yourself!"

Yunqianyue almost laughs when he hears the speech. Rongjing is a man Asshole Is there anyone swearing around the corner? , the fastest update of the webnovel!