The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1152

Ling Lian and Yi Xue look at Yu Zishu in a muddle. Even though they have been with Miss for so long, they still don't know what kind of entanglement there is between Miss Yu and Prince Yu. They only know that their feelings are very deep and deep, and no one can intervene in them. Yuzi's words fell and he did not say much. He leaned on the soft couch, like Yu's hand supporting his forehead, watching the cloud and the moon pierce the needle.

Yunqianyue wholeheartedly sews the clothes in her hands. The needle and thread in her hands are like a cloud, which has been pulled into countless flowers. There is no disorder, there is an order, and it is beautiful.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue have a look at each other, and they all sit by the fire. It's also a pleasure to see Miss sewing.

In the room, there is only the sound of the friction between the thread and the clothing.

Time inch inch loss, the lamp in the house has been pulled several times, the East exposed gray.

I don't know when the light snow has stopped floating all night. The day is bright, the sky is clear, and the cloud is shallow and the moon is falling the last stitch. I just hold my clothes and smile at yuzishu.

Yu Zishu seemed to see a round of sunshine breaking through the defense and running into his heart. He shook his mind and couldn't help laughing and asked, "is it finished?"

"Done!" Yun Xiaoyue was happy and asked, "I haven't made clothes for you for so many years. Do you think I can do it properly?"

"It must be right!" Yu Zishu said with a smile.

With a blink of an eye, yunqianyue threw his clothes to yuzishu, stretched out and sighed: "it's not good to have no sewing machine! If there is a sewing machine here, why midnight? It can be done in an hour. "

Yu Zishu took the robe and suggested with a smile, "do you want to make a sewing machine tomorrow?"

"I'm not going to open a clothing factory!" Cloud shallow moon shakes head, don't grunt a voice, urge a way: "go quickly after screen change." He added, "of course, if you change here in front of the three women, we don't mind looking at the jade Prince's jade body."

Ling Lian and Yi Xue are all red.

Yu Zishu laughed and shook his head. He stood up and took his clothes behind the screen.

Cloud shallow month body a slant, fall on the bed, Ling Lian and Yi snow immediately stand up to come to the bed, one left and one right to her beat shoulder. She sighed with a comfortable sigh, "they are really two small intimate. In this way, I will certainly not bear to marry you out in the future."

Ling Lian and Yi Xue's face blushed and rose again. Qi Qi said angrily, "Miss, we don't marry."

"Where can a woman not marry?" Cloud shallow moon white two people one eye, murmured: "but you are not anxious, wait for me to marry oneself to go out first, then ponder your matter son."

They all smile, "miss is really worried!"

Cloud shallow moon face is not red, gasping ground nods, "well, anxious to death!"

When they looked at her, they were even more amused. Ling Lian said in a teasing way: "Miss, when I went to Rong Wang's mansion to get the cloth of Tian silk brocade, I saw a peach tree planted in the southwest corner of Zizhuyuan! Jing Shizi is more anxious than you. Before spring comes, he plans to cover it in winter. "

Yunqianyue thought of that peach tree, and she was very angry and funny: "the management of that peach tree is more careful than me. I said that when Zishu came, how could he rush around every day, thinking that the government was so busy, his feelings were to make that peach tree. This man I'm so convinced

Ling Lian and Yi Xue also laugh.

The laughter in the house dispelled the fatigue of the night.

Yuzishu came out slowly from the screen, Ling Lian and Yi Xue Qi "ah" and looked at him with admiration.

In the past, the clothing style of jade prince was not very special, that is, the general men's Brocade robe, wide sleeve and wide robe, if there is any special, it is more gorgeous than the ordinary robe, but now it is different, from the collar, to the waist, to the hem, and then to the sleeves, in addition to the fine and fine stitches, it has also broken the wide style of ordinary men's robes, with wide shoulders and narrow shoulders Waist, more is fat, less is thin, now is not more than many, just right. It was originally made of jade. Now it's more elegant and dignified. The sunshine outside the window comes in. He stands there, jade trees facing the wind, noble and dignified. He even feels that people dare not look directly at him.

A piece of clothes can make people change like another person.

"Well, it's just right." Yunqianyue looked at yuzishu with her head on her head. She was obviously very satisfied, but she said jealously, "Why are you so good? He has the status and gold, and has the appearance and martial arts. You've taken all the benefits. It's a real outrage. "

Yu Zishu chuckled, glanced at the cloud shallow moon one eye, "the world woman envies you to know how many, isn't also the human spirit common indignation?"

Cloud light moon blinks an eye, "what do I have to envy?"

"If you have a king son, you will be jealous of all the women in the world!" Yu Zishu said with a smile.

"That broken peach blossom! Attract bees and butterflies. " Cloud shallow month indignant a sentence, rise to stand up, to Ling Lian and Yi snow order way: "go to see Zhao mother to do breakfast quickly? As soon as he's going to get rid of it, let him get rid of it. "

Ling Lian and Yi Xue smell speech cold, immediately answer the voice out of the door.

Yu Zishu smiles and shakes his head and goes to clean face.Knowing that yunqianyue came back and did a night's work, Zhao's mother and others made the breakfast extremely rich. Ling Lian and Yi Xue went to the small kitchen to urge them to have breakfast, and the breakfast was quickly brought into the room.

Yunqianyue kept putting vegetables in yuzishu's bowl, piling the bowl in front of him as high as a hill. Yuzishu ate slowly, smiling.

After dinner, yuzishu said in a warm voice: "I'll just leave by myself. You don't have to send it! Tired all night, have a rest

"No way!" Yun Xiaoyue shook her head, put on her cloak, and walked out with a hand stove, "where is this little work called tiredness? I'll take you out of town

Yu Zishu couldn't persuade her, so he didn't say any more, and followed her out of the house.

Just out of the gate of the shallow moon Pavilion, you can see that the cloud Lord comes with his long follower, who is naturally jade blue and beautiful. Yu Qingqing has a package in her hand.

Cloud shallow month looks at the package in jade Qingqing's hand, does not wait for her to open mouth to raise eyebrows, "you also want to follow the son book to walk?"

Yu Qingqing took a look at Yun Qianyue and didn't answer. She handed the package to yuzishu and whispered to him, "here are the things I prepared for you on the way back. There are some clothes I made for you and some medicines. I'm afraid you're not very calm all the way from Tiansheng to Donghai. You can't tell how many people want to leave you. Be careful yourself. "

"Thank you, aunt. I know it." Yu Zishu took the package and nodded with a smile.

"Mother, why didn't you tell me you made clothes for him?" Cloud light moon low voice asked jade Qingqing.

"Mother, why tell you everything?" The jade is clear and white. The cloud is shallow and the moon is shining. , the fastest update of the webnovel!