The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1151

Yu Zishu's face moved. Looking at the cloud, she asked in a low voice, "why don't you throw the bomb out? You can live!"

Cloud shallow moon suddenly a smile, tone relaxed way: "at that time do not want to live, ah, what a good chance to die, how can not seize it? At that time you left, I had a bad day. Maybe subconsciously, I was waiting for a chance to give my life? If the bomb is thrown out, it will kill a lot of people wherever it falls. However, if I hold it in my arms, it will only blow me to pieces. How many lives can be saved! Our great faith is to sacrifice ourselves for others, isn't it? Like you, I did it to my death. "

Yuzishu reached out and kneaded the head of yunqianyue and said in a warm voice: "it's been so long, don't think about it!"

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon body a slant, lie on the carpet, to jade son Book way: "son book, you know? Night Tianyi probably knew that this was his father's handwriting, so he did not pursue and executed all 500 dark people of the royal family. The smell of blood permeated the whole Yulong mountain. I really didn't want to stay any longer, so I took Rongjing and left first. When I got out of Yulong mountain, I suddenly wanted to let Rongjing reverse the Yeshi River and mountain. "

Yu Zishu picked her eyebrows and said, "and then? Did you tell him? "

"Well, said it!" Cloud shallow moon nods.

"How did he reply?" Yu Zishu asked.

"I asked him how he was, and he said nothing." Cloud shallow moon smile, continued: "he said the river is too heavy, he can not afford, he can afford, is just a me."

Yuzi's writing color was slightly moved.

"Zishu, I didn't expect him to say that. You know he was..." Yun Xiaoyue's words stopped, covered his face with his hands, sighed, and said, "in this way, is it light or heavy for me?"

Yu Zishu looked at the cloud and the moon. His eyes melted the warmth of spring water. He patted her shoulder and said in a slow voice, "it doesn't matter whether you are light or heavy. If he has such a sentence, it's worth your life. Yuner, you are lucky. "

"Yes, I am. How lucky I am." The moon sighed, "for this sentence, I suddenly feel that no matter what I paid before, what I will continue to pay in the future, even if it is something I can't bear and cut off, I'll cut it off and it's worth it. Because he is Rongjing. "

Yu Zishu nodded with a smile.

Cloud shallow moon no longer speak, still cover face close eyes.

The fire in the house was burning vigorously, and the snow outside was different from the heavy snow a few days ago. The snow fell shallow and light, and scattered snowflakes fell layer by layer, covering the surface of the ground.

It's a kind of gentle and elegant step.

"This man has never been slow The moon murmured.

"It's almost time to save you!" Yu Zishu said with a smile.

Cloud shallow moon pulled the corner of her mouth, let go of her hand, and looked at the door. Rongjing walked slowly in the snow. No matter from which angle, she was graceful and elegant. She murmured: "zunbi the son of heaven, yagai prince."

Yu Zishu looked at the cloud with a smile and said, "is Yuner confused by his appearance or cheated by his black heart?"

"All of them! It's not clear! " Cloud shallow moon shakes head, eyes do not leave the scene.

At this time, Rongjing came to the door, looked inside through the bead curtain, picked up his eyebrows, and in a moment, walked in slowly, also kicked his boots, came to the stove, and held out his hand to the cloud light moon, "get up, the ground is cool."

"Mr. Rong, this is by the fire!" Yunqianyue looks at him.

"You're lying on the floor." Seeing that she couldn't get up, Rong Jing pulled her up and glanced at Yu Zishu, "isn't the jade Prince afraid of the cold? Then go on sitting down! "

"In fact, I'm afraid of the cold, but someone loves to sit on the ground, so I can only sacrifice my life to accompany the gentleman." Yu Zishu laughed and stood up slowly. "I'll be relieved when I go back to the East China Sea tomorrow."

Cloud shallow moon just sat on the soft couch, smell speech Teng to stand up, looking at the jade book, "you will return to the East China Sea tomorrow?"

"Well!" Yu Zishu nodded and said with a smile, "I have been out for too long. My father is in a hurry and urges me to go back. It's already three imperial edicts. If I don't go back, he'll send someone to find it. "

Cloud shallow moon frowned, "look for it, stay a few more days!"

"If you wait for him to find him, it will not be one person or two people. I'm afraid it will be the army of the East China Sea." Yu Zishu laughed and shook his head, "in fact, the father and the emperor's bones are almost the same as the old Uncle Wang. It's not uncommon to make such things."

"Cloud shallow moon does not give up," then let his army pressure territory, fear what! "

Rongjing played the first time of yunqianyue and said slowly: "yunqianyue, he is the prince of Donghai. What's it like to always be in heaven? If the army of Donghai state comes down on the border, the people will be upset and the political situation will be turbulent. I will have to be busy and have no time to accompany you. "

"To be busy is to be busy at night." Cloud light moon road.

"I am the prime minister. How can the Regent let me go?" The scene was careless.

Yunqianyue thinks about it, hums, but still refuses to give up. This kind of reluctance stirs up her intestines and stomach. She looks at Yuzi's book and says, "you don't have to go so fast tomorrow. It's a day later.""It doesn't make any difference one day in the morning and one day in the evening." Yu Zishu looked at Yun Qianyue placidly and said with a smile, "now that uncle Hua and aunt Hua are in heaven, I can rest assured that you will be free some day. I can go to the East China Sea. Maybe I will come back to Tiansheng again soon. Donghai and Tiansheng are not the ends of the earth, nor are they too far away. They just delay the journey. There will be plenty of opportunities for us to meet in the future. "

Cloud shallow month in the heart is not taste, murmured: "you said that you stay for another two days, words do not count."

Yu Zishu said with a smile, "how about making it up later?"

Yunqianyue snorted, and suddenly turned to push Rongjing for a moment. "You go to make lotus fried fish and cook more dishes. I'm going to have a night talk with Zishu today. If you don't get drunk, you can't go back." Rong Jing looked at the cloud and the moon, "Miss moon, I just came back, and I haven't stopped for a moment."

"Zishu will leave tomorrow." Cloud light moon voice with a pleading flavor, "send him away, I will reward you, OK?"

"Good!" Rongjing immediately stood up and nodded with a smile.

Yuzishu looked at Rongjing and went out of the room. He gave a funny look at yunqianyue and sighed: "the king Shizi who can command the respect and esteem of thousands of people to cook is unique in the world, that is, one you!"

Cloud shallow month complacently raised eyebrow, very quickly to jade son book want to leave again do not give up.

On this day, the dinner was very rich. Rongjing cooked with his own hands, and three people talked at night in the room. Cloud shallow moon will her to jade son book not give up all poured into the wine, cup after cup.

Rong Jing didn't dissuade him. He looked at her and said with a smile, "you want to make Prince Yu drunk. Can't you just leave tomorrow?"

Cloud shallow moon nods, sincere way: "be this psychology!"

Yu Zishu laughed, shook his head and said, "yun'er, my drinking capacity has been greatly improved by old Uncle Wang and Wang Shuhua."

Cloud shallow month hums a, "I also a thousand cups not drunk!"

After three rounds of wine, five flavors of food. In the middle of the night, yunqianyue was drunk. She suddenly thought of something. She stood up and said to the two people: "I have to go back to the cloud palace!" Words fall, do not wait for those two people to speak, she person already ran out.

When Rongjing wanted to get up, yuzishu suddenly stopped him and laughed at him, "jingshizi, I know what she's doing back to the cloud palace. I'll follow her! I'll leave from the cloud Palace tomorrow morning. "

Rongjing looked at yuzishu, then laughed, nodded slowly and sat back again.

Jade book out of the door, toe light, follow the cloud shallow moon to cloud palace and go.

Rongjing sits by the fire and looks out of the window. The snow makes the courtyard white. You can see the peach tree in the southwest corner clearly. He reached out and rubbed his forehead and murmured, "how can I do if I care so much about him?"

There was no one to answer him.

A moment later, Rongjing put down his hand and called out, "Qingshang!"

"There you are Qingchang appeared at the door immediately.

"It's snowy tonight. Cover that peach tree and don't let it blossom!" Rongjing ordered in a low voice.

Qingshang understood what the son of the world meant. She covered the corner of her mouth and laughed. She nodded and said clearly: "yes, I will give you a good look. If you want to blossom, it will also open in our yard."

Let the scenic spot nod, solemnly "um".

Seeing that he didn't give any more orders, Qingshang retreated with a smile.

With the strength of wine, Yun Qianyue used her lightness skills to fly out of the purple bamboo forest. She was rarely drunk and did not get lost. She went straight to the cloud palace. Soon back to the cloud palace, floating body fell in the shallow moon Pavilion, stepping on the snow tengtengteng ran to the house.

"Miss, why are you back at this time?" Ling Lian and Yi Xueqi rushed out of the house and looked at her in surprise.

"Well, think of one thing and have to do it!" Cloud shallow moon pushed open the door, straight to the cabinet.

Two people want to ask what matter, they see jade book fall in the courtyard, turn head, Qiqi respectfully salute, "jade prince!"

Yu Zishu nodded and walked into the room with a smile.

Yun Qianyue has already stood in front of the cabinet, opened the cabinet cover, rummaged through the cabinet and took things out. First, a piece of cloth, gorgeous black brocade, and then scissors and needles of the same color. She didn't look like a drunk in the least.

Yu Zishu looked at her, came over with a smile, took the things she took out, and said in a warm voice, "it's not urgent. You can give it to me later..."

"No way!" Cloud shallow moon shakes head, very firm, "I want to let you wear to return to the East China Sea tomorrow." Words down, took the things in his hand, said to him: "you sit with me, I can finish tomorrow morning."

"Miss, it's midnight now. How can you finish a robe in the middle of the night? It took you a day to make half of the robe. " Ling Lian and Yi Xue understand, Qi Qi Dao.

"It can be done. It was the first time that I made his robe, and this was the second time Cloud shallow moon spread out cloth, actually did not use meter ruler, measured and drawn by hand, then began to cut scissors. The technique is crisp and neat without hesitation.

In a short time, she cut it out, and she began to sew.Ling Lian and Yi Xue looked at her fingers and needles shaking back and forth, where was it like a green hand? Qi Zi Niang has been doing this all her life.

Yu Zishu looked at the cloud and the moon, and her eyes were a little fluttering. She said in a low voice, "all the clothes I wore before I was 15 years old were bought by yun'er, and the clothes I wore after 15 years old were all made by her own hands. In a flash, yesterday is like today, and today is like yesterday. " After that, he put his hand on his forehead and suddenly laughed, "it's something I dare not think about since I came here. God loves Zishu so much that he dare not ask for more , the fastest update of the webnovel!