The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1147

Six Princess complexion a white, angry way: "you little spit out blood!"

"Since I'm so bloody, I think you're more right than I am if you refute my words." Yun Qianyue's eyes passed over the six princesses and looked at Qin Yuning, one of the women's wives. Seeing her standing with her lips pursed, she drew back her eyes and looked at the six princesses with a sneer: "is it possible for anyone in the royal family to direct the imperial guards to move?"? Or can the daughter of any minister command it? Yeah? Six princesses? Miss Qin? Since such a thing has happened today, if you don't want me to be bloody, do you need to explain it to me? "

The sixth princess was infuriated by the cloud light moon, but she was still depressed and looked at night Tianyi. "Seven elder brother, what else do you like her to do? Look at her. She really has no humanity. But you told us all not to hurt her. Now that she suspects you first, are you worth it? "

Night Tianyi is still silent, and the snow blue robe seems to have a layer of frost.

Six Princess words fall, for a time no one speak, a few miles around, suddenly between the cold.

The Empress Dowager took a look at Ye Tianyi, and then looked at Yun Qianyue. She opened her mouth again. Her voice was majestic. "On that day, the second prince and the fourth Prince's rebellion against the palace were broken by the sixth Princess and Miss Qin. The mourning family also wanted to know who gave you the right of the hidden guard that you two took on that day?"

The sixth princess looked at the Empress Dowager and did not speak.

Qin Yuning hung her head and did not speak.

"What? Do you dare not to answer the words of AI Jia? Do you not pay attention to AI Jia The Empress Dowager raised her eyebrows.

"It's me!" At this time, night Tianyi finally opened his mouth. His voice was cold, like a sword sold, with a sense of cold restraint. "It was I who got the news that my father was under duress, and ordered the sixth sister and Miss Qin who were talking in the palace to go to the Shengyang hall."

"It turns out to be the Regent, no wonder!" The Empress Dowager seemed to have expected it for a long time, and solemnly said, "the Royal hidden guards and the hidden people of the imperial mausoleum obey the Regent's instructions. Today, such a thing happened, and the niece of the mourning family was almost killed. What's the Regent's explanation? Yue'er is right. The hidden guards of the royal family and the secret men of the imperial mausoleum obey your orders, don't they? "

Ye Tianyi looks at the Empress Dowager. The Empress Dowager looks awe inspiring. It is necessary for ye Tianyi to give an explanation.

"Empress dowager, this can not be done by the Regent! Regent Wang Xinxi, Miss shallow moon is not a day or two. " Prince de said again, "who will harm Miss shallow moon, he will not."

"Prince De is so sure?" The Empress Dowager snorted coldly, "it may not be obvious that yue'er and Jing Shizi love each other, and the Regent can't ask for it. Because of love, they will hate each other. They would rather be broken jade than be ruined. It's not impossible to kill yue'er and let her bury her bones here! "

"How can this happen? The Empress Dowager... " The prince of Germany retorted again.

"Prince De, don't say it!" Ye Tianyi intercepted Prince De's words, looked at the moon, and said coldly, "yunqianyue, I'm still that sentence. Who I want to kill, I won't kill you. I want your people, not your body. You remember. You remember. Today is none of my business. "

"Who is it to do with it?" Cloud shallow moon carelessly spit out a word.

"If you come, drag down all the guards of the imperial mausoleum and put them to death immediately. None of them will stay." Night Tianyi does not answer the words of cloud shallow moon, coldly orders.

"Yes The officers and soldiers at the back swarmed forward.

"Regent, spare your life!" All the watchmen cried out in panic.

"Regent, these people are not necessarily guilty. If they are all executed..." The prince of Germany spoke again.

"Uncle De Wang, now that the bell has been destroyed, what are they going to do if they don't want to be buried with the emperor?" Ye Tianyi stopped Prince De's words.

On hearing this, Prince de stopped immediately.

There was no one to ask for mercy for these people. The rope of the sleeping bell was broken and fell, and now it has turned into iron. This is the guardian God bell of the imperial mausoleum. It is a great thing that such a thing happened. Today, the coffin was thrown three times and cracked. Now the bell burst, which is a sign of great evil.

Five hundred people guarding the tomb were dragged down.

Yun Qianyue looks at the people who have been dragged away. If she should have stopped them, it would have been 500 lives. But now she doesn't want to stop them. Even if she does, ye Tianyi will not let them go. When the old emperor moved into the imperial mausoleum, he needed the blood of these people to be buried with him. Moreover, these people, even if she saved them, were still the dark people cultivated by the Ye family, and they were subject to the orders of the night royal family. From the day when they became the night people, they were doomed to be born as the Yeshi people and the dead to die.

If 500 people are dragged back, there are already 500 dead bodies, but it is only a short time.

The cold wind, the sky again floating snow, covering the blood of 500 bodies.

In such a Yeshi River and mountain, such a royal mausoleum, such blood killing, such people and things, everyone's face has been magnified. You can see the fine lines on the face. It is a expression of indifference and numbness that seems to be taken for granted. Five hundred people who were alive in the early days have now become five hundred corpses. They all take it for granted!

Cloud shallow moon is disgusted to such thing all of a sudden, she reaches out to hold Rong Jing, say to him: "let's go!"Rong Jing doesn't object, and follows the cloud and the moon.

"King son, cloud shallow moon, the first emperor did not live in the imperial mausoleum, you leave now?" Prince de was surprised and looked at them.

"I'm scared and nearly killed. Do you dare to stay here? After a while, do I go in with the emperor like these 500 people? " Yunqianyue gave Prince de a cold look and said in a deep voice, "if you don't give me an account of today's affairs, don't think I will do anything for the royal family in the future! It is a small matter to destroy the edict! "

Prince de immediately silenced and looked at night Tianyi.

Ye Tianyi didn't say a word, the gloomy on his face faded away, and there was no expression.

"Auntie, I'll go back to my house first!" Cloud light moon on Queen's road.

"You are shocked today! Jingshizi, take you back to your hometown The queen mother waved her hand.

The Empress Dowager spoke on behalf of the son of heaven in her womb and had certain rights higher than the Regent. Although there is no real power, but the identity is put here, ye Tianyi does not speak up, no one dares to speak against it.

Cloud shallow moon and Rong Jing cross the crowd, the original way back. Snow hit two people, no matter how bloody this place, but anyone looking at them, still feel picturesque.

Within a moment, they were out of sight.

Ye Tianyi never said a word from the beginning to the end.

In front of the mausoleum, everyone is quiet, including the indignant six princesses and the prince de who shakes his head and sighs.

For a long time, Taoist priest Zhang gently reminded Ye Tianyi: "Prince De, if the coffin of the first emperor does not live in the imperial mausoleum, the auspicious time will pass."

Night Tianyi put away the rolling mood in his eyes, waved and ordered, and his voice was cold and heavy, "the coffin of the first emperor goes into the tomb!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!