The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1148

"The coffin of the former Emperor goes to the tomb!" Wang ye called out.

"Long live my emperor! hooray! Long live The crowd fell to their knees.

The palace guards carried the old emperor's coffin into the tomb, and the 500 dead bodies were also carried in.

Yunqianyue and Rongjing didn't look back. They went back according to the original road, and arrived at the end of Yulong mountain within a moment.

The moon stopped and asked Rongjing, "where is the tomb of the royal family of the former dynasty?"

Rongjing also stopped and reached out to the hillside of the last tail of the dragon, and said in a warm voice, "there

"How can it be flattened?" Cloud light moon looks to that place. It is said that the sons of the Murong family are all talented and benevolent. They have good weather and love the people during their administration. Later, if it had not been for the disappearance of the last emperor, which led to the empress's illness and depression and the final emperor's abandonment of his business, it would have been the Murong family's business.

"The Murong family has not left any descendants. After a hundred years, heaven is prosperous, and the Yeshi imperial mausoleum is built in the dragon head. How can the Murong family's Mausoleum still exist? Nature has been turned into a century old sea Rong Jing light way, the voice does not hear what mood.

Yunqianyue looked at him, his side face in the snow like a poem painting, long body jade stand, such as Zhilan Yushu, elegant and elegant. She took back her sight, looked at the hillside and said in a soft voice, "did the prince of Murong really not find it again?"

Rong Jing's eyes moved and did not speak.

"If the descendants of Murong are still there, why have they not been restored?" Cloud shallow moon road.

Rong Jing suddenly laughed, extremely shallow, as if light mockery, "you also know that Murong's people are benevolent and love the people like children! If you live, what's strange about not returning to the country? They may be all Bodhisattvas, who can not see the war and the suffering of the people. "

"A hundred years ago, the ancestor of the emperor established the dynasty. After years of chaos in the Tiansheng war, he was able to recuperate. If the prince of Murong gave up and didn't want to fight again, it's fair to say that Tiansheng has been prosperous for a hundred years, and the people live and work in peace and contentment. However, it is different now. The Tiansheng is smoky, natural disasters and man-made disasters continue, and the people are in dire straits The door stinks of wine and meat, and the road is frozen to death. If the Murong clan had any descendants, it would be time to restore the state? " The cloud is shallow and the moon is soft.

Rong Jing was silent.

Cloud shallow month slants a head to look at him again, see his jade Yan shrouded in the snow, even more transparent than the snow.

"Let's go!" Rongjing reaches out to hold the cloud and the moon and walks away.

Cloud shallow moon looked at that half slope, snow covered, seems to be scattered Qinghui, she took back her line of sight, followed Rongjing to leave.

After walking for a while, the moon suddenly said, "today's snow falls on me and doesn't melt!"

Rong Jing glanced at her and said with a smile, "is it better not to change it? I can't get you an umbrella now

The cloud is shallow and the moon is white. Let's take a look. "Why don't you congratulate me on my breakthrough in martial arts? Can mobilize the internal breathing to control the whole body, will not make the snow melt

Rong Jing chuckled, "you are still early from the great success of Fenghuang Zhenjing, which makes you proud?"

Cloud shallow moon tiny hum a sound, suddenly step forward, stand in front of Rong Jing, hands hook his neck, "you hold me to walk."

Rong Jing picked her eyebrows, "are you sure?"

"Sure!" Cloud shallow moon nods.

Rong Jing seemed to smile and bend slightly, holding up the cloud and the moon.

Cloud shallow moon buries the face in the Rong Jing bosom, listens to his heartbeat, in the heart has some kind of emotion tends to be peaceful.

The sound of two people's feet changed into one's light footstep. The surrounding mountains and fields were quiet, and the snow rustled and fell, but none of them fell on Rongjing and yunxiaoyue. They all avoided them three feet around them.

After a long time, cloud shallow moon suddenly way: "after the old emperor died, still want to kill me, good move foreshadowing!"

"He should have killed you. Ye Tianyi can't see through it. He has been in charge of Tiansheng River and mountain for so many years. Naturally, he can see through it. If you don't belong to Yeshi, he won't keep you." The gentle voice of the scene is cool.

"I'm afraid Ye Tianyi didn't expect his father to bury such a foreshadowing in the imperial mausoleum after his father died?" Cloud light moon road.

"He thinks his threat works and believes too much in himself. If you think that the former Emperor left an imperial edict to marry him, he recognized you. " Rong Jing suddenly laughed and said coldly, "the first emperor has taught him a lesson this time. The emperors of Yeshi will teach a lesson to their descendants after their death."

"Ye Shi should be punished!" Cloud shallow moon spits out four words.

Rong Jing walked slowly and declined to comment.

Cloud shallow moon buried head raised, into the eye, is a picturesque jade Yan, upward is the snow picturesque sky. She gazed at the sky for a moment, and then suddenly said, "I wronged Ye Tianyi on purpose today, so that she can see my determination and cold-blooded. If he doesn't know how to return, if he doesn't know how to return, if he doesn't realize it, you'll be against Yeshi River and mountain!"

Cloud light moon's voice is very light, seems to speak at will, but also seems to be calm after experiencing precipitation and carving.

Rongjing suddenly stops, looks down at the cloud shallow moon, the vision is quiet.

Cloud shallow month also looks at him, pulled pull the corner of the mouth, ask: "how?"Rong Jing laughed and pulled the brocade silk in her arms to cover her eyes. Her voice was gentle and calm, "not so good."

"Not so much?" Cloud shallow moon in front of a black, across the brocade silk pick eyebrows.

"Well, not so much." Rong Jing shakes his head and looks at the sky. The snow is light and falling. The place where the distant mountains meet is like a rolled scroll. Although there are no green mountains like Dai, but the snow is plain and the scenery is picturesque. He whispered, "the mountains and rivers are too heavy. I can't afford it. What I can afford is just one you."

Cloud light moon's heart was touched instantly, she pulled off the brocade silk covered in her face, and looked straight at Rongjing.

Rong Jing took back her sight and lifted the corner of her mouth and whispered, "you have not been thin these days, but you have gained some weight. You are all heavy in your arms."

Yunqianyue can't describe the impact of his words on her. She only knew that she was held in his arms at this moment, which made her realize the unprecedented treasure and deep love of him. She opened her mouth and did not make a sound. She opened it again and reluctantly said, "Rongjing, you..." Want to say what, suddenly voice a turn, "I don't think I'm fat?"

Rongjing looked at Yun Qianyue and chuckled. After a moment, he bent down his head, dropped his lips, and imprinted a kiss on her lips. In a low voice, he said, "where can I be careful? I said you are fat when you are fat. "

Is he telling her that he measures her body every day? Cloud shallow moon speechless, "Rong childe, you this is praising me?"

"Well!" Rongjing nodded.

"To say I am fat is to praise me?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

"Well!" Rong Jing was very serious, word by word: "you are fatter, which proves that you have grown open." , the fastest update of the webnovel!