The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1146

"It's OK. I'm here!" Rong Jing patted the back of the cloud and the moon, and the warm voice combined with a chill.

Cloud shallow moon in such a voice and embrace suddenly settled mind, yes, everything has him, what fear?

After a moment, the sound of the bell stopped and the cry stopped.

The empress was protected by King Yun without any injury. The sleeve of King Yun was torn by a piece of iron. Prince De, Prince Xiao, yeqingran and Rongfeng were not injured. Leng Shao Zhuo was even torn by a piece of iron, and his face was dyed red with blood. However, he seemed to be ignorant, and looked nervously at the cloud moon protected by Rongjing in his arms. The others, six princesses, seven princesses, Yunli and others, were more or less injured on their faces and heads.

"Who can tell me what's going on here?" Ye Tianyi looks gloomy and frightening, and looks at the watchman.

The watchman knelt on the ground and shook his head.

"No one knows? How could the bell fall suddenly Ye Tianyi looks at the top of the hanging iron bell, where a fist thick iron rope seems to be broken by something, hanging there.

Everyone followed his eyes and sighed.

"Say it! What the hell is going on here? If no one says anything, all the people here will die today! " Ye Tianyi is furious.

"Regent, spare your life!" All the watchmen knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

"Regent, don't forget there's another one there." Cloud light moon comes out from Rong Jing's arms, and her eyes fall on the person she beat out. I saw that person was hit by her more than ten feet, lying on the ground, not knowing whether to die or not.

"Come on, bring that man over!" Ye Tianyi also looked at the cloud and the moon, and told his descendants.

Brunei immediately took people to carry people.

After a while, Brunei carried the man with him, and saw a large amount of blood on his chest, which was dead.

"If it wasn't for him, I think I could have escaped. He's in my way. " Yun Qianyue looked at the dead man. He was wearing the same clothes as the rest of the guardians, but his waist tag was different. She obviously was the leader of the watchman. She glanced at him coldly and raised her head to Ye Tianyi and said, "Ye Tianyi, is he the Lord of the Royal watchman? It has always been the royal family. Now the iron rope above is obviously deliberately broken. And you forced me to ring the iron bell. Now that this happens, can I say that you want to kill me

"You think of me like that?" he said

Cloud shallow moon looks at him coldly, "I can't help but think like this! If not for Rongjing, I would have been smashed under the clock today. Where can I stand here? I'm afraid it's already turned into a pool of mud. The hidden Lord and the hidden Lord of the royal family have always been subject to the orders of the royal family. Now, the imperial power of the Ye clan is in your hands, and the Royal hidden guards and hidden people are at your command. You said that you didn't ask him to break the iron rope, and you wanted to fall down and kill me after I rang the iron bell. Who would believe that? "

Night sky Yi eyes gathered on the storm, forehead blue tendons jump, "cloud shallow moon, I want to let who die, also won't want you to die."

"I don't know! I have repeatedly offended you, destroyed the imperial edict, did not respect you and my engagement, let you lose face. You hate me in your heart, and blame me for my dependence on Rongjing. Now you want me to die, it's very possible. " Cloud shallow moon cold way: "this bell I didn't want to knock, you forced me to knock, now I escape from death, let you down?"

Night Tianyi suddenly clenched his fist and looked at the cloud shallow moon, "cloud shallow moon, you say it again."

"It's the same thing a hundred times! Ye Tianyi, now I have escaped from death and let you down? " The cloud is shallow and the moon is cold.

"You You are very well! " Night Tianyi seems to be very angry. His voice squeezes out from his teeth and freezes the air flow within ten meters around him. Everyone felt the chill of anger emanating from him.

"Regent, did you do this?" The Empress Dowager spoke sternly.

Night Tianyi seems to be on the verge of breaking out, and the whole body is cold and does not answer.

"I asked you, didn't you?" The Empress Dowager gave a deep, angry drink.

"Empress dowager, Miss shallow moon, how can such a thing be done by the Regent? Don't you see the Regent's urgency when she is about to be hit by the iron bell? If Jing Shizi had not broken the iron bell, he would have been the one who had hit it. " Prince de said at this time.

"It's just a show. Who can't?" Cloud light moon cold hum.

Night Tianyi stares at the cloud light moon, does not say a word, looks extremely gloomy and terrible.

"You can't say that, Miss shallow moon, the Regent's heart is no worse than King Shizi." The prince of Germany couldn't bear to hear the words, and once again did not agree with the way: "although the royal family's hidden guards and dark people listen to the royal family's orders, it's hard to guarantee that no one wants to harm you, so they've done something here."

"Prince de told me, who wants to harm me! You? " Yunqianyue looked at Prince de and raised her eyebrows. "By the way, I forgot that you are also a member of the royal family. The imperial family's power is so high that the hidden guards and dark people who can move the royal family will naturally stop talking."

Prince De's face changed, "Miss shallow moon, I dare not do anything to you! Besides, how can the old minister have the reason to do something to you? When the old minister saw that Miss shallow moon questioned the Regent like this and felt unfair, he came out to speak for the Regent. You can't throw such things on the old minister. ""You have no reason? Not necessarily! " Yun Xiaoyue sneered: "the royal family and the German prince's house have always been like one family. I do not respect the imperial edict. I want to destroy the imperial edict and threaten the imperial power. It is not surprising that the German prince's house wants to replace the former Emperor to punish me for assassinating."

"Miss moon, you are so..." Prince De's old face turned white, and he seemed unable to argue in front of the cloud and the moon.

"Father, what do you say to her? She was so cold-blooded and heartless that she had no feelings. All of us are enemies in the center of her eyes, and she should treat her as a donkey Night light dye at this time mouth, voice cold.

Cloud shallow moon looks to night light dye, eyes light squint, did not speak.

"Cloud shallow moon, do you have a conscience? Seven elder brother to you how blind you can not see, all of us see, he returned from the northern Xinjiang, repeatedly in front of the emperor in front of you, now the emperor died, you want to destroy the imperial edict, do not respect kneeling, he has repeatedly connived you, you do not appreciate it, now you suspect that he is going to kill you? " The sixth princess suddenly opened her mouth in a loud voice and cursed, "you are inhuman and cold-blooded."

"Six princesses, tell me that it is not he who wants to harm me today, but who wants to harm me? Are you? " Yunqianyue looked at the sixth Princess coldly and suddenly said, "yes, I forgot that the second prince and the fourth Prince forced the palace to rebel against each other, but you and Miss Qin broke into the Shengyang hall with the royal guards. The Royal hidden guards listen to you and Miss Qin. I can guess that the secret men of the imperial mausoleum also listen to you. Are you doing this today? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!