The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1145

The snow covered the whole Yulong mountain, but a road from the gate to the head of Yulong Mountain had been cleared. The procession passing by the dragon's tail, Yun Qianyue's eyes can only see a snow slope at the tail of the dragon, and can't tell where is the Royal Mausoleum of the former dynasty. She turned her head to see Rongjing. She saw that Rongjing walked quietly without even sweeping her eyes.

Night Tianyi's eyes at this time but to the cloud shallow moon, cloud shallow moon no mood to withdraw sight.

"Bury the tomb for a hundred meters, kneel and kowtow three times!" There was a cry.

The crowd knelt and kowtowed.

Yun Qianyue looks at the dragon head and sees the Royal Mausoleum of Yeshi standing majestically on the hillside. This is a mountain, surrounded by mountains and rivers, so she can't see it every time she goes to Xishan military aircraft camp. She almost forgets that this is the Royal Mausoleum of Yeshi. A palace building is surrounded by heavy soldiers. In such a cold winter, the grass and trees are very steep. From a distance, the bluestone bricks of the mausoleum Palace are all emitting cold light. Even on the hillside, the sun is shining, and it is a bit cold.

"Ninety meters to the mausoleum, kneel and kowtow three times!" Another one yelled.

They knelt again and kowtowed.

"The mausoleum is 80 meters long. Kneel and kowtow three times!" Another one yelled.

They knelt again and kowtowed.

"Seventy meters to the mausoleum, kneel and kowtow three times!"

"Sixty meters to the mausoleum, kneel and kowtow three times!"

"Fifty meters to the mausoleum, kneel and kowtow three times!"


Ten meters away from the mausoleum, the people knelt down and stood still.

"Good time! Open the mausoleum, ring the bell! Heaven and earth, king and minister, watch The cloud Lord yelled.

The guards immediately opened the mausoleum, and a big bell appeared in front of them.

Cloud shallow moon looks at that big bell, full have two people embrace so big. She thought of the words of the empress dowager, the daughter of the cloud palace is most qualified to ring the bell. But she didn't move. She stood still.

"Light moon, go and ring the bedtime!" Cloud King Ye shouts down, to cloud shallow moon way.

How many emperors were buried in the night's imperial mausoleum? How many daughters of the cloud palace have ever rung this clock? What will happen to them after that? Is it a deep lock palace wall? In the past dynasties, only the legitimate daughter of the cloud palace was qualified to ring the bell, and in each generation only the legitimate daughter of the cloud palace was qualified to enter the Imperial Palace, and each generation had only one legitimate daughter. "Moon, go and ring the bedtime bell!" Night Tianyi see cloud shallow moon does not move, deep voice mouth.

Cloud shallow moon ignore cloud Lord Ye and ye Tianyi, look at empress dowager, "Auntie, have you ever rung this bedtime?"

The Empress Dowager nodded, "this is the special honor of the legitimate women of the previous dynasties of the cloud palace! I used to knock naturally. When the former emperor died and entered the mausoleum. It's me

"I will not enter the palace! Don't worry about it! " Cloud shallow moon shakes head, suddenly way.

"No way!" Ye Tianyi's gloomy face was as heavy as the bottom of the pot.

"Why not?" Yunqianyue looks at her.

"There is no reason to change the ancient rules!" The way of night nature.

"The ancestral precepts can be abolished. Why is there no reason for the ancient regulations to be changed?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows, looking at night Tianyi.

"Yunqianyue, you represent the cloud palace, not yourself. Are you sure you don't ring the bell today? " Ye Tianyi's face was gloomy and terrible. He looked at the king and said, "Uncle Yun, are you still allowed to make a fool of her now?"

Cloud Lord looked at cloud shallow moon one eye, seems to have hesitated for a while, way: "shallow moon, this bedtime clock calendar is the daughter of cloud palace to knock."

Cloud shallow moon is not moved, "the ancient rules can be changed! Change someone else! "

"Who do you think the bell is? If you don't ring the bell today, you will not be able to enter the imperial tomb. All of us are here with you. It's cold now. Others can suffer from cold and hunger, but the mother's body has a son of God. Are you sure she can Ye Tianyi looked at the cloud and shallow moon coldly, "it's just that you don't respect the imperial edict. You don't cry or kneel all the way to send the spirit. It's related to the national destiny and can't be stopped by you!"

Cloud shallow moon is silent, looking at the empress dowager, thinking that ye Tianyi actually threatens her with the child in her aunt's belly.

"Moon, ring the bell! You are the daughter of the cloud palace. There are not only the emperor of Yeshi, but also your aunts. They are willing to let the daughter of the cloud palace ring the bell when they open the tomb The Empress Dowager spoke gently.

"Miss moon, please ring the bedtime! Good time Taoist priest Zhang also urged.

"Yes, Miss moon, this is not a capricious thing." Prince De also urged.

Cloud light moon loosens the Queen's hand, raises the step to go to the bedtime bell, and some people originally want to persuade words to swallow back immediately.

This sleeping bell, weighing about 1000 kg, is made of pure iron and suspended above the tomb.

Yun Qianyue came to the bedtime, and immediately someone guarding the tomb brought a hammer. She reached out and took it. The hammer was dozens of Jin. It was hard to imagine how a delicate woman like his aunt who did not learn martial arts could use it to sound the alarm bell.

"Good time! Ring the bell! A drum Wang ye called out.

Yunqianyue raised a hammer, gently waved his hand, and rang the sleeping bell, "Dang" to an ancient bell, the sound spread throughout the jade dragon mountain."Ring the bell! Two drums The cloud Lord yelled again.

Cloud light moon wave again, the same "Dang" sound, Yulongshan mountain range and the imperial mausoleum seem to shake gently.

"Ring the bell! Three drums The cloud Lord yelled again.

The moon waved again, and the hammer hit the sleeping bell. The ground trembled because the bell was too loud.

"Libby!" The cloud Lord yelled.

Yunqianyue withdraws the hammer and turns back. As soon as she turned around, the high bed clock suddenly fell down and hit her with a roar. She was shocked and felt wrong. She dodged immediately. I don't know when the man who handed her the hammer stood behind her. The man didn't move and blocked her way out. She felt cold in her heart, and the man's body flew straight out. She withdrew her hand Left again, feel a dark head, the clock has reached her head.

"Moon!" Night Tianyi startled to shout, to the cloud shallow moon.

Several others called out together and drowned in the sound of the bell.

A man flew up faster than night Tianyi, and immediately came to yunqianyue's side. His white sleeves swept past him, and with an overwhelming air, he patted the sleeping bell with a loud bang and moved away the top of yunqianyue. He reached for yunqianyue and took her back several feet.

The clock broke with a bang, and the pieces of iron splashed around.

A lot of people were hit by the iron pieces, and they cried out bitterly.

After the sound of the bell and the voice of the tragic intertwined together, suddenly a chaos.

Cloud shallow moon heart "bang bang" jump, reached out to embrace Rongjing, only she knew, just at the critical moment, she felt more thrilling and death than anyone else. For the first time, she really felt death. If not for Rongjing, she could be 100% sure that she would be hit by the clock, especially a heavy iron bell. After she slapped the person who was blocking her from leaving, she obviously felt that the man had countered with his martial arts, and she had no time to use her martial arts to escape. , the fastest update of the webnovel!