The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1137

Cut off the robe?

Cloud light moon suddenly raise eyes to see night light dye.

"Little girl, we cut off our robes and break our righteousness!" Night light dye stares at cloud shallow moon's eye, repeated again.

Yunqianyue looks at the night light dye, the eye light falls on his a pair of eyes, which used to be full of smile when facing her, but now the eyes surge too many things, such as a bucket of water, which put a variety of pigments. It is said that people's eyes can best reflect the heart, so his heart at this time is also largely like this, is it covered with various pigments? She looked at him in silence.

Night light dye also looks at her, waiting for his answer.

Inside and outside of the house, there are open Huansha lattice windows in the middle. The cold wind seems to be stagnant.

"Little girl, you don't want to talk to me again?" Night light dye bitterly looking at the cloud shallow moon, "am I really very move you annoyed? You don't want to see you? We have said different, there are some things I can't help but because of my identity to you, but some things I can still guard you, but you have no longer trust me, to me to guard against. When have we reached this point? Little girl, tell me, can I go any other way besides cutting off my robes and breaking my righteousness? "

"When did I guard against you?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows, grasp the key point.

Night light dye looks at cloud shallow moon, any corner of the mouth bitter meaning spreads, "did not guard against? So why the military aircraft camp... "

"Night light dye!" Yunqianyue coldly interrupted him, "this time I left, I made such a big noise that people from all sides came to me. Although Rongjing first found me, it was hard to guarantee that others would find the place. I sealed the entrance and completely cut off from the outside world. What's wrong? This is to guard against you, don't believe you? If I didn't believe you, I should have sealed the entrance when I came out from that place with wind ember a few months ago, instead of waiting until today to give you a chance to stand in front of me and question me now

Night light dye a Zheng, "you are not to me..."

"What if I trust or distrust you? Night light dye, who are you? You say that we cut off our robes, but where are our robes? What can I do for you? Some are just like-minded people who have always recognized their own position and responsibility. " Wang Yueh, looking at me everywhere, is my understanding of you? Why should I understand you? Surname night is your business, what you do is your business. You have repeatedly broken my hand. Why do you still question me and make me believe you? How can I believe you? Did you do something that made me believe you 100 percent? No Now you come to me and ask, isn't it ridiculous that you want to cut off your robes and cut off your righteousness? "

Night light dye face a white, body involuntarily back a step.

Yun Xiaoyue waved to open his hand and stopped her to close the window. "Bang" will close the window tightly. The voice of cold and angry comes from the room, "you and I have no justice, how can I break it? If you think there is, break it yourself! Don't bother me here

Night light dye on the white face, instantly blood color.

"Seeing off the guests!" Cloud shallow moon turns to leave the bed before, calm face ordered a.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue had already retreated to one side. At this time, Wen Yan Qi stepped forward and gave up the usual politeness to the night light dye, and said in a cold voice: "dye little prince, please! The temple of the shallow moon Pavilion is small, so I can't afford you this big Buddha! "

Night light dye stands still in place, eyes staring at the closed window.

"Dye prince, please!" Ling Lian and Yi Xue called out again.

Night light dye if do not smell, the cold wind blowing, his clothes green silk is rolled up by the cold wind, the whole person is like the withered tree in the winter snow. There is no life in the branches and leaves.

"Dye Little Wang Ye, if you don't leave, you're welcome." Ling Lian Yi Xue takes a look and gives a warning again.

Night light dye still does not move, standing quietly, like a sculpture.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue exchange a look at each other, all of a sudden Qi pulls out the sword between waist, stab to night light dye. Both of them were very quick. With the cold wind, their swords suddenly pierced the night light dyed brocade robes, but he was still half unconscious and did not even turn his eyes.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue can't really hurt night light dye. They live together and look at the room.

Yunxiaoyue in the room has already sat on the soft couch. Although she doesn't look outside, she listens and argues. She knows that Ling Lian and Yi Xue pull out their swords. She doesn't feel night light dye moving her body or fighting back. She can also guess something. She closed her eyes and said in a cold voice, "go back to your room and have a rest! If he wants to blow the cold wind here, just blow it! "

Ling Lian and Yi Xue smell speech received sword into pin, Qi Qi walked back to the room.

The light moon Pavilion is quiet and the sky is dark. There is no star or moonlight in such a night. Through the dim lights in the room, you can only see a shadow in front of the window. At night, the air is extremely cold, and the cold wind is cold. It penetrates into the skin like a knife and penetrates into the skin.

Night light dye does not seem to feel cold in general, body motionless, standing quietly in the courtyard.

Half an hour later, the figure in the courtyard was still motionless. Yunqianyue opened her eyes, went to the big bed, came to the bed, took off her shoes and socks, got on the bed, covered the quilt, waved out the lights.As soon as the lights went out in the house, the night in the courtyard was a little dark.

Yunqianyue closed her eyes again. Today, she made a day's clothes. Although she had done half of them, she also took great pains. Originally, she planned to finish them all night, but now she has no mood. Shield your mind from irritating thoughts and thoughts and sleep face to the wall.

I do not know how long, the west wall came a trace of clothing wind, not much time, a person fell in the courtyard.

"Who?" Ling Lian and Yi Xue Qi drank softly and rushed out of the house.

"It's me!" The deep voice of night Tianyi rings.

"Regent?" Ling Lian and Yi Xue only see a black shadow, can not see the face, but look at its outline, listen to its voice, know it is night Tianyi, can not help but look into the house.

"Well!" Ye Tianyi answered.

"So late at night, I wonder what the Regent has to tell my lady? My lady is sleeping! " Ling Lian calms down and looks at Ye Tianyi.

Ye Tianyi glanced at Ling Lian lightly, did not answer and went to night light dye.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue take a look at each other, withdraw the sword, get out of the way, and do not stop.

"Night light dye, return home!" Ye Tianyi comes to night qingran and pats him on the shoulder.

Night light dye does not move, it seems that night nature comes.

"Night light dye!" Ye Tianyi's voice worsened, and he called out in a deep voice. At the same time, his hand clapped heavily on his shoulder.

Night light dye shoulder low, the body moved, slowly turned. , the fastest update of the webnovel!