The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1138

Ye Tianyi looks at the night light dye, blowing in the cold wind for too long, his face is gray as if covered with a layer of frost and snow. I can't see his look clearly, but I just feel that his breath has been integrated with the night of the shallow moon Pavilion. He looked at him carefully and said in a deep voice, "go back to the house now!"

Ye qingran looks at Ye Tianyi. It seems that after a while, he can see that he is in general. His lips move, and his voice is very low, "Ye Tianyi, do you feel so bad that you want to die?" Night Tianyi squints her eyes and doesn't speak.

"Do you have it, too?" Night light dye voice few want to smell, "I have now!"

"Died in the shallow moon pavilion?" Ye Tianyi suddenly sneered, "night light dye, you see clearly, she is not the previous cloud shallow moon. It's not my moon, and it's not your little girl. "

Night light dye's body trembled.

"Even if you freeze to death here, she won't come out! You cut off your robe and cut off your righteousness, but she has already excluded you from righteousness. When you helped her, loved her, and defended her, she didn't remember at all. All she remembered was that you were not good to her Ye Tianyi said coldly, "do you think you are worth it?"

Night light dye shakes her head, "I don't care, she is just me all the time..."

"She's just that you haven't been able to see! She is misty, heavy and heavy. She has been with me for ten years. I can't understand her three points. You can understand her? " Ye Tianyi interrupts night light dye's words, deep voice cries: "you return to the mansion now!"

Night light dye stands still.

"Come on, let's send the dye Lord back to his house!" Ye Tianyi called out.

A black shadow drifted out of the west wall and stood in front of night light dye in an instant, and reached out to carry night light dye.

Ye qingran wants to escape by mistake. After standing for too long, he is frozen. As soon as he moves, his body falls to the ground. The man immediately supports him, takes his toes lightly, and displays his lightness skills. He floats away from the shallow moon Pavilion, in the direction of Deqin palace.

Ye Tianyi looks at the night light dye to leave, then slowly turns around, looks at the room to the cloud shallow moon.

There was no sound in the room.

"Moon, when did your heart become so cruel?" Night Tianyi's low voice sounded again, "with the scene, you will break with all of us?"

No one in the room spoke.

"From small to large, I want the throne, my mind has been clearly placed there, did not hide half of you, you should know clearly. My feelings for you, from your father's 45th Birthday secretly changed the lot, and later you pretended to pester the prince and brother to let him change his residence with me, I had planted it for you. Don't tell me that you are so clever that you don't know how I feel about you Night sky Yi cold voice.

There is still no one to speak in the room.

"Who is lighter and who is heavier, Jiangshan and you must be clearly and clearly distinguished? You've always been better than me in front of me. You don't let me worry about anything. You can tell me that I want to protect you because you are so. I'm good at calculation step by step. I'll grow bigger one day, so that my father can't stare at you day and night, and no one dares to hurt you from my hand? " Ye Tianyi's voice was cold, "but you hide my things, you take it for granted, and you feel sad when I conceal your things? I did make a deal with Ye Qian. I am indeed the grandson of the blue family. I accept the help of the blue family. But what can these do? Don't you hide as much from me

There seems to be no one in the room, and only the voice of a man in the courtyard.

"I always thought that you knew me, whether I was the most important person in your heart. But at least these years, I haven't thought of you as someone else. Only because you are too strong, everything does not rely on me, but I always rely on you to hold on, my heart will not care about those details, only after looking at the spring tower do not worry about your injury, just want to consolidate the northern Xinjiang, if the northern Xinjiang is chaotic, I left the northern Xinjiang at that time, do you think my father will forgive me? If that's the case, five years of hard work with you will be in vain. He can't see my merits, only my faults. Then why should I talk about becoming stronger? How to protect you in your wings? I've always wanted that position, yes, but I've always had you in that position. Including my mother's concubine used her and the blue Manchu for my position Ye Tianyi said here, his voice seemed bitter and angry, "but what about you? What did you give me? Five years ago, you gave me a promise, but when I came back to Beijing with joy and stayed at Yunwu Mountain in the middle of the night, what happened was that you avoided me in the carriage of Rongjing? When you start the Phoenix robbery, you forget me, you and Rongjing are waiting for you, but you are cold-blooded and merciless to me

The house was still quiet, and the night seemed colder and colder.

"Cloud shallow moon, do you think that some things are fair to me?" Ye Tianyi almost roared out.

"Ye Tianyi, what's the use of saying this now?" Yun's voice finally came out of the room, and the tone seemed to have no emotion. "No matter whether it's me or you, it's always wrong that leads to today's situation. Maybe you're right about some things, and I'm right. It's just the wrong person and the wrong heart. ""What is wrong in life and wrong in heart?" Ye Tianyi asked coldly.

"You are not the person I want in my heart, or you are doing everything wrong!" Cloud light moon road.

Ye Tianyi suddenly sneered, "twelve years ago, you first saw me and pulled me out of the ronghua palace. Without my consent, you stubbornly broke into my life. Five years ago, I asked you how you like me, and you said yes. Now, you still cut off our relationship without my consent. Cloud shallow moon, have you ever asked my opinion? Asked me if I would like to? What am I to you? A replacement? Is there a dispensable person in life? Or nothing? I'm just your toy. I play when I like it, and throw it away when I don't like it. After throwing it away, you don't even look at it? "

"You are not a substitute!" Cloud light moon silence for a moment, light way.

"Isn't it? Don't tell me yuzishu is not the most important person in your heart Ye Tianyi sneered and said: "because of him, you have been implicated in me for so many years. If it wasn't for him, you would like to hide from the night one by one in the sky and underground, separated by thousands of miles in the sky, and no one wants to come back and forth?"

"What about him, even the most important person to me? I always knew you were not him! At first, maybe because of him, I take special care of you, but you are not a bit like him, later things, just because you are you. I've made it clear from the beginning to the end Cloud light moon voice also cold down, "night Tianyi, now that we come to this field, I can't treat you like before, and you can't be angry or angry without resentment. What's the point of saying that? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!