The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1136

Qingshang covered her mouth and laughed, "on this day, the silk brocade cloth can only be used to make clothes for the son of heaven. If you want such a large piece of cloth, you can't make a veil for the son of heaven. Moreover, you don't let the servant tell the son of heaven that it's natural to make clothes for the son of heaven."

Cloud shallow moon has not opened a mouth, jade green clear smile way: "little girl is very clever!"

"Can he have a fool around him?" Cloud shallow moon refuted jade Qingqing a sentence, waved to green dress, warning way: "do not tell him this matter."

"If you don't tell me, I hope you will put on your clothes tomorrow." With a smile, Qingchang left a word, put down her clothes and turned away.

Yunqianyue took a look at the dress. In fact, she didn't have to look at it. For such a long time, the style and size of Rongjing's clothes had already been familiar to her in her heart. But she didn't want to make the same style as his clothes now, so she took her pen and ink to draw several patterns on rice paper before the table, and then she took several patterns to see.

Yu Qingqing saw Yun Qianyue writing and painting at the table, threw down her clothes, and came to see her curiously. After that, she praised: "my daughter is really smart. Maybe you are right. You can do better than your mother did when she first made clothes."

"Of course Cloud shallow moon triumphantly raised eyebrows, chose a style that she thought was the best, and began to take scissors to cut cloth. Yu Qingqing stood by and looked at the cloud. She did it for the first time. Her posture and technique were so accurate that she felt incredible. She mumbled: "it seems that my mother is really old."

"Old?" Cloud shallow month angry her a, "you go to look at the mirror, if I say you are my sister, no one does not believe."

Hearing this, Yu Qingqing immediately laughed, angry at Yun Qianyue, and sighed, "you are an adult. If you marry faster, your mother can hold your grandson. The face is not old, so is the inside. "

Yunqianyue doesn't speak, thinking that if she is old, she can hold her grandson.

At noon, Yu Zishu went to the shallow moon pavilion from the courtyard of old prince Yun. He saw the robe in Yun's hand, examined it carefully, and said with a smile, "yun'er is going to be a good wife and good mother."

Cloud light moon face a red, think before so many years, every small seven clothes are her to buy, now how many years, he every time wear clothes will think of her to buy clothes for him? It must be remembered! Now she sews clothes for others, but what about him? What about his sewing man? She was sad and said to him, "if you stay in Tiansheng for a few more days, I will make you two clothes. However, Prince Yu can't let me do it for nothing. I want to collect money. "

"Good!" Yu Zishu suddenly laughed and nodded slowly.

Yu Zishu left the cloud palace and went to the Rong palace. After her figure came out of the shallow moon Pavilion, Yu Qingqing knocked on Yun's head and scolded, "dead girl!"

Cloud shallow month opens her hand, hindrance her mother, can't fight return, just stare at her.

On this day, yuqingqing and yunqianyue are locked in the room to make clothes. From time to time, time flies.

In the evening, yunqianyue's robe is half done. It's not as miserable as Yu Qingqing imagined. Although she's a little more skilled, she's also better than ordinary embroiderers. If you don't look at it carefully, you can hardly see it. What's more brilliant is her cutting style, which is the only one for Tiansheng. Such a dress adds a bit of glamour to the silk.

At 10:00 in the evening, Lord Yun came back from the palace and came to the pavilion of light moon. He saw the robe in Yun's hands, praised it and sighed, "my daughter's surname is not the same." After that, he put on the robe that Yu Qingqing sewed for him, which was fat, thin, long and short.

Yunqianyue rolled his eyes several times.

After dinner, it was dark, and the two left. Naturally, Yu Qingqing couldn't stare at her face and swagger across the market. Instead, she became a long-term follower of the king Yun and followed him.

Cloud light moon to that leave two people is abdomen to linger for a while, see the sky is still early, continue to sew clothes.

There is a trace of strange wind blowing off outside, Ling Lian and Yi Xue, as well as the dark Wei Qi of the shallow moon Pavilion, appear and stop the visitors.

Cloud shallow moon looked out of the window, saw night light dye standing in the middle of the encirclement, the past people did not arrive, the voice first heard, this time people stood there, for a long time did not speak. She frowned, put away her robe, walked up to the bed, and opened the window.

The window opened and a cold wind blew in, and the temperature in the house suddenly dropped.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue and Yin Wei Qi looked at her, she waved her hand, and everyone retreated.

"Little girl!" Night light dye looking at the window of the cloud shallow moon, a mouth, voice extremely hoarse.

Yunqianyue looks at him. Although the night is dark, his whole body breath is darker than the night. People are also a little haggard. His clothes are slow with deep folds. It can be seen that he is afraid that he can not rest these days. She looked at him and said nothing.

"Little girl, in your heart, what can I rank?" Night light dye stares at the face of cloud shallow moon, ask again.

Cloud shallow moon eye light micro motion, still looked at him not to speak.

"I'm afraid I can't even rank third, fourth and fifth? Can you make it to tenth? Or the twentieth? " Night light dye looks at cloud shallow moon, see her tiny purses lip, he droops eyelash, tone extremely bitter way: "or I overestimate oneself, insignificant."The cloud shallow month hears speech finally to speak, the voice is light, "night light dye, you come to me, just to say this? I don't think it's necessary for us to discuss this. "

"I overestimate myself, and I overestimate you." Night light dye does not seem to hear the words of the cloud shallow moon, but from low whisper. As he said, yunqianyue suddenly reached out to close the window. He noticed the movement of yunqianyue. He took a step to stop her. He raised his head and looked at her. There was something flowing in her eyes. It seemed that he had made a certain determination. Word by word, she said, "little girl, let's cut our robes and break our righteousness!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!