The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1124

Who's the best way to do it? Can you teach me

Yu Zishu nodded with a smile

The wind ember looked at the cloud in contempt, and did not speak.

In the third picture, yunqianyue depicts her walking with yuzishu and Fengjin on the way to appreciate plum blossom. When she looks back, it is yuzishu and Fengjun that are blooming with smile. Behind her is the sea of red plum clouds. Her expression is to send out "the man looks too beautiful, is also a disaster." The feeling.

When Yu Zishu saw it, he laughed, "yun'er, if this picture is seen by Jing Shizi, I'm afraid the vinegar jar is not enough."

Wind ember is to hum a, "vinegar jar is not enough, let him make vinegar jar."

Cloud shallow moon blinks an eye, does not think the way: "vinegar jar is not enough, then vinegar sea bar!"

Three words fall, the face is hung with a smile, no longer speak, looking at the three pictures.

In these three pictures, no one left behind to enjoy the plum blossom. They all drew the picture of three people together. The techniques of the three pictures are different, but each one is absolutely superior.

"It's all mine!" Yun Qianyue holds the three paintings together, and is domineering to them.

"I'm afraid you'll die in a few days." The wind blows at her without any politeness.

"I think it's possible." Yuzi's calligraphy.

"Promise not!" Yunqianyue didn't give them a chance to snatch them. They rolled up the three paintings together and put them away in a quick way.

Jade book and wind ember to look at one eye, naturally won't rob with her, then by her.

The next day, the snow was still falling.

Cloud light moon wakes up, looks at the snow on the ground again a foot, she frowns, "this snow does not know how many days to fall?"

"It's snowing until now this winter. I'm afraid the accumulated snow has fallen together." Yuzi's calligraphy.

Cloud shallow moon nod, no longer speak.

On the third day, the snow was still falling. It seems that the world is going to be covered by snow.

Yunqianyue stands in front of the window thinking what Rongjing is doing now? How is the capital? Under such a heavy snow, no one is guarding the spirit of the old emperor? Otherwise, one of them will freeze to death.

On the fourth day, the snow finally stopped.

Early in the morning, the cloud light moon pushed open the door, there was no other thing outside, all covered with snow, a snow white. After the snow, the wind is clear and cold, but the breath is fresh. She stood at the door and looked at it for a moment, then suddenly she raised her voice and yelled, "we're all up. Let's have a snowball fight together!"

She has been drinking medicine these days, and her internal injury has almost recovered. The sound is penetrating in the morning.

"Get up, we have a snowball fight together!" The moon called again.

Three times later, all the closed doors were pushed open, revealing curious faces to her.

Li Ting, a little boy, asked suspiciously, "sister Yun, what is the snow war?"

Cloud shallow month was asked to live all of a sudden, think of the children here do not seem to play snowball fights. She looked at Li Ting and was thinking about how to explain it.

When the door of the next room was pushed open, Yu Zishu came out and explained with a smile to Li Ting: "a snowball fight is that a lot of people divide the snow into two groups and throw it at each other. It's a simple game. "

"Oh, I want to play!" Li Ting immediately agreed.

"We play too!" Suddenly there was a chorus.

There are men and women, old and young.

Looking at the face saving people, yunqianyue was very proud. She walked away from the door and walked back to the mountain. She said happily, "OK! Let's have fun! Let's go to the back hill. It's spacious. "

The crowd followed her in hullabaloo. Wind ember slowly walked out of the room, looking at the crowd surrounded by cloud shallow moon, curling his mouth, looking at the jade book.

"Let's go. Let's play, too." Yuzishu smiles and greets the wind.

Wind ember nods, two people follow behind everybody.

After several days of heavy snow, the snow on the ground has been overstocked very solid, and only a shallow footprints are stuck in the snow. A group of people came to the back of the mountain and began to assign. Naturally, everyone wanted to follow the group of cloud and shallow moon and compete with each other. For a time, only yuzishu and Fengjun didn't speak.

Cloud shallow month smile Yingying ground looks at two people, "how to do? I'm so popular, you two? "

Wind ember hummed, "a group of idiots, we two may not be afraid of you together."

Yuzishu smile at cloud shallow moon around the men and women, old and young, a piece of excited face, he chuckled, "OK!"

"Say it first! Don't use martial arts Cloud shallow moon and two people talk about conditions, compared to the two people opposite, she can be said to be a mob.

"You are no match without martial arts. You are a mob!" Wind ember hummed, said the idea of cloud shallow moon heart.

Cloud shallow moon immediately angry, she thought can, but he can't say. Suddenly caught a handful of snow, the moment to save into a snowball, according to the face of the wind ashes hit in the past.

Wind ember is unprepared, cloud shallow Moon said to fight, can not avoid, snowball wiped a corner of the face, he immediately stare, "stupid woman, this is the start of the fight?"Cloud shallow month pats afraid hand, pick eyebrow to him triumphantly, "who calls your mouth not to accumulate virtue!" Words fall, on the side of humanity: "see? If we win today, I'll cook for you and let you taste my craft, girl. "


The crowd cheered, and then, according to the method of cloud and moon, they rushed to throw the snowball at the opposite wind and jade book.

Two people look at one eye, quickly Dodge, but also grasp the snow, throw to the opposite.

Cloud shallow moon also hastened to join the battlefield.

For a moment, the snowball crackled and dropped, and the scene was extremely warm and lively.

Feng Jin thought that this was a group of mobs, and soon after the snowball battle, he knew that he was wrong. I don't know if this group of people is too excited to cook because of cloud shallow moon, or they have strong combat effectiveness. All in all, a group of people worked hard.

Feng Jin and Yu Zishu are not allowed to use martial arts by Yun Qianyue. They are hard to defeat a hundred people. Even if they hide flexibly, they are still hit with many snowballs, which is a bit of a mess.

Cloud shallow moon looks at two people embarrassed appearance, stands at the front of the crowd to smile happily.

For a time, there was a lot of laughter and laughter, and the lively voice spread all over the back mountain.

About an hour later, a warm voice suddenly rang out in the bustle, which overthrew the voices of all the people. "Cloud shallow moon, I have been looking for you for several days, and finally I will find you. Do you want me to see your unconscionable appearance?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!