The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1125

The lively and joyful voice stopped suddenly.

Cloud light moon suddenly turned to follow the voice to see, I do not know when Rongjing came here, is standing behind her not far away. A crescent white robe, a little thin, cold wind blowing, his green silk clothes fluttering, a few days, it seems that a lot of thin, quiet eyes looking at her, like that standing in the cold wind, clearly still consistent elegant, but it makes people read a sense of being abandoned. The snowball in her hand fell to the ground with a sound of "Bata", and she was about to run away. However, as soon as she took a step, she thought of his hateful, and immediately stopped, suppressed the miss in her heart and frowned at him, "how did you come?"

Rongjing originally saw the cloud and the moon running, and her eyes flashed a little bright. Seeing her stop, she suddenly lost her brilliance. She said in a soft voice: "cloud light moon, you haven't seen me for several days. Would you like to ask this in the first sentence?"

Cloud shallow month in the heart suddenly a pull, want to send the exasperation how also can't send out.

"It turns out to be Jing Shizi. Who should I be? So many geniuses have found here! " The wind ember dropped the snowball in his hand, patted the snow on his body, and walked over and looked at Rongjing with ridicule.

All the people threw snowballs together. All along, people here only heard the name of Rongjing, but did not see him. Now a pair of eyes without blinking at him, thinking that this is Jing Shizi.

"It must have taken a lot of hard work for King Shizi to find the mountain after the snow." Yu Zishu played the snow on the bullet and said with a smile.

"Well, how long has it been? I thought you had a lot of skills, but that's all. " The wind is cold.

"After such a long snowball fight, everyone is tired. Go back and have a cup of hot tea!" Yu Zishu patted Feng Jin's shoulder and took a look at them.

Hearing this, Qi Qi withdrew his sight from Rongjing, looked at each other, listened to yuzishu's words, and left the place one after another.

"Don't forget you promised to cook!" Wind ember looked back at the jade book, threw a word to the cloud shallow moon, and walked with the crowd to the house in front.

Yu Zishu laughed and came to the moon and said in a low voice, "cloud son, it's almost OK! He must have eaten or slept well these days. Don't torture him any more. "

Cloud shallow moon turns head to look at jade son book.

Yu Zishu winked at her, followed by the wind, and left with the crowd.

After a while, this originally lively scene was scattered, leaving only cloud shallow moon and Rongjing two people.

Rongjing's eyes have always been on the cloud and the moon. It seems that he didn't even hear what Feng Jin and Yu Zishu had just said. He just looked at her faintly. It seemed that he didn't annoy her, but she did something wrong to abandon him.

Cloud shallow month looks at Rong Jing, in his such vision under defeat to come, not good gas way: "I still angry!"

Rong Jing suddenly waved to the cloud light moon, "come here!"

"Why don't you come here?" The moon stood still.

"I can go there too!" Let's walk towards the cloud and the moon.

Cloud shallow month looks at him step by step, the wind blows clothes, robe sleeve some spacious, thin so obviously, let her look at him in the heart is uncomfortable, angry way: "you several days did not eat?"

"I can't eat, I can't sleep well." Rong Jing stood in front of the cloud and the moon, accusing faintly: "cloud shallow moon, you don't seem to miss me at all."

"Who said that! I... " Cloud shallow moon originally wanted to refute, half of the words, and then stopped, angry way: "you make my lungs explode, what else do I want you to do? I wish I could stay away from you

Rongjing did not speak, and looked at her with a quiet look.

Cloud shallow moon rolled a white eye, some can't bear to turn around to walk. As soon as I moved my foot, I was caught by Rongjing's wrist and called out in a low voice, "cloud shallow moon, you don't want me, I miss you."

Cloud shallow moon's step, in the heart has what "bang" to explode, her mouth corner can't help but hook hook, just want to say what, suddenly feel Rongjing grasp her wrist hand burning hot, she was surprised, turned back to ask: "how are you so hot?"

Rong Jing opened his mouth and was about to say something when he suddenly fell to the ground.

"Rongjing!" Cloud shallow moon startled, immediately hands to support him.

Rong Jing's body shakes and stops reluctantly against the cloud.

"You What's the matter with you? " Cloud shallow month anxiously looks at him, backhand holds his pulse, when discovers that his pulse is extremely weak, the complexion changes, "you dye cold heat?"

Rong Jing "um" a, it seems that there is no strength, the body against the cloud shallow moon's body, a low voice: "it's just a fever, not a big thing, you don't worry."

"You're so hot! It's no big deal? " Cloud shallow moon can't help but roar out and stare at him angrily.

Rong Jing did not speak, and looked at her with her eyes.

Cloud shallow moon has angry nowhere to vent, some indignant ground called out, "green shadow!"

No one came out.

Cloud shallow moon just about to shout again, Rong Jing shakes his head to her, weak way: "you don't shout, I didn't let him follow."On such a cold day, she was dressed in thick clothes and covered with a layer of ferret cloak. All of them could feel the heat from him. He even came here. Her anger is not, anger is not, gas is not, hate is not, half ring, shouting to the front, "son book, come back!"

Yuzishu and Fengjun have gone far away, but the cloud and the moon have internal force, and the voice is very penetrating. Yuzishu's ears and eyes are clear, and when he hears the words, he turns back and looks at them.

"He's cold and hot. Come back soon!" Yunqianyue explained yuzishu.

Jade Book smell speech quickly walked back, wind ember also followed over.

Yunxiaoyue releases Rongjing and reaches out to untie her cloak. Rongjing reaches out to stop her hand and shakes her head. "You just perspire, and then you take off. If you also catch cold and heat, it will be bad."

"What's wrong? Just with you. " Cloud shallow moon angry way.

Rong Jing's mouth showed a trace of smile, the faint eyes turned into warm, soft voice, "cloud shallow moon, you don't angry with me, are you?"

"Born! I'm so pissed off. " Cloud moon glanced at him and opened his hand.

Rong Jing held her hand tightly, and her voice was low with a trace of soft coax: "don't get angry, OK? I don't have the strength to coax you now. How about beating and scolding when I have strength? "

Cloud shallow month gas anger suddenly dispersed the majority, looked at him with a straight face, "how did you toss yourself into this look? Don't tell me that you really want to find me, and come to me in the snow. I can't help choking you. "

Rong Jing shook his head with a smile. Just about to speak, he coughed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!