The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1123

Yu Zishu seldom smiles when he hears the speech.

Wind ember looked at the cloud that walks in front of the moon one eye, seem to be able to imagine her depressed expression at this time, also smile.

Both of them were originally beautiful people. One was made of jade and the other was evil and charming. In the snow flying all over the sky, the two smiling faces could reflect with the sea of red plum clouds on the mountain.

Cloud shallow moon looked back at two people one eye, and turned back, secretly thought, if the man is too good, is also a disaster!

All the way to the hillside, close to Meilin, you can clearly see the red plum blossom in full bloom, the branches are steep, each bunch of plum branches are covered with a layer of snow, but the snow still can not stop the plum blossom slowly blooming.

"The snow is white, but the snow is less fragrant than the plum." Cloud shallow moon looks at the scene in front of her, tut way: "the most beautiful scenery in the world is natural scenery."

"Well, here it is!" Yu Zishu nodded with a smile, "I have no intention of fighting for spring bitterly. Plum has pride, snow, and plum blossom. This sea of plum blossoms can be seen all over the world. "

The wind ember did not speak, but was obviously infected by the scenery, watching quietly.

A moment later, yunqianyue said to yuzishu: "Zishu, let the snow fall, let the beautiful scenery all show! When we enjoy the plum, we always have to see the mountains full of flowers and the sea of red plum clouds. "

"Good!" Yu Zishu nodded with a smile and waved her hand. A light wind was blowing, and Merlin rushed to it.

The wind, snow, plum blossom show delicate beauty. Warm wind wrinkled the branches of the backlog of snow, a layer of such as was lifted cloud snow quilt, revealing thousands of red plum petals delicate muscle bone, red plum clouds bloom, this moment of fragrance can not be described.

Cloud light moon eyes a blink, to see the light wind will snow layer after layer set off, the beautiful scenery than she imagined tens of millions of times.

A moment later, yuzishu withdrew.

Almost all the branches of plum trees on this hillside are covered with no snow any more, and the rich fragrance of cold plum trees permeates the mountains.

All three stopped talking and watched quietly.

Cloud shallow moon thoughts empty, think when she can and Rong Jing have such a leisurely mood, see snow appreciate plum? As soon as the idea came out of her head, she reached out and rubbed her forehead, feeling that she was hopeless. Almost every moment, everything, she would think of him. Shouldn't she be angry? Anger shouldn't be like this

"Go, go back!" Wind ember to cloud shallow moon urge.

"A little longer! I just came. " Cloud light moon eyes at the plum blossom in front of her eyes.

"These are not going to disappear. You see, it's the same one day. Go back!" Wind ashes do not understand the amorous feelings of the tunnel.

"You are..." Cloud shallow moon turned back and glared at the wind ember, looking at the jade book.

Yuzishu smiles and says to her warmly, "the owner of the wind house is right. Let's go back."

"Paint me when you go back." Cloud shallow moon proposed conditions.

"Good!" The jade letter nodded.

The moon turned back, and saw the wind ember's toes pulled up. She was stunned, turned her head, and saw that his figure had fallen on the plum tree in the blink of an eye. She asked suspiciously, "wind ember, don't you go back? What do you do? "

Feng Jin didn't answer, but he quickly folded two plum blossoms. In a moment, he left the plum tree, floated and fell on the side of yunqianyue. He handed her the two plum blossoms in his hand and said with a straight face: "don't you see enough of them? Take it back

Yunqianyue did not reach out and frowned at him: "how can it be the same? The broken plum blossoms are separated from the branches and trees. They do not talk about the lack of character and spoil things

"How to spoil it? Didn't you always say that there are flowers that can be folded straight, and don't wait for a broken branch without flowers? " Wind ember stares at cloud shallow moon, "I gave you to break branch now, how did you this woman spit out other words again?"

It's true that she often says that, but The implication is different. What she said is not to fold real flowers, OK?

Yuzishu chuckled at the way yunqianyue ate GA, and said in a warm voice, "the wind master is kind. Anyway, you love plum. You can enjoy plum in your room. Take it!"

Cloud shallow moon silently reached for plum blossom.

"Stupid woman! It's complicated. " Wind ember disgusted to throw away his hand.

Cloud shallow month glared at him, want to refute a sentence, but smell the plum blossom strong cold plum fragrance in the hand to stop. Awkward and lovely wind ember, cold to her face and everything is based on her wind Ember. She opened her mouth and gave a silent smile.

Yu Zishu took a look at her and laughed.

When the three returned to their rooms and finished their breakfast, yunqianyue happily spread Xuan paper, called on yuzishu and Fengjin, and said to the two people, "let's make a picture together, each of us can draw a plum blossom that we see in the eyes of the three of us. How about it?"

Yuzishu has no objection.

"No painting!" Feng Jin refused without interest.

"If you don't draw, go back to the wind house. You are the owner of the wind family. What are you always doing here?" The moon glares at the wind.

The wind gave a snort.

"Draw or not?" Yunqianyue looks at him.

The wind ember rolled his eyelids lazily and made no noise."When you acquiesce!" Cloud shallow month begins to grind ink, after half ring, she puts down a hand, to those two people excited way: "come quickly."

Yuzishu walked to the table with a smile. The wind ember raised his buttocks lazily and followed him to the table.

Cloud shallow moon gives two people a pen, oneself also took a pen.

The room was quiet, and the three did not speak. They drew each other.

After two pillars of incense, wind ember first put down his pen, cloud shallow moon looked up at him, "deal with it?"

"No!" Wind ember dropped a word, swung his sleeve and looked at them.

Yunqianyue doesn't care about him any more and goes on with his painting.

After another round of incense, she put down her pen, gave a light sigh of relief, looked up, and saw yuzishu put down her pen at the same time. She asked him with a smile, "finished painting?"

"Well, it's finished!" Yu Zishu nodded with a smile.

Yunqianyue threw his painting away, and then reached for yuzishu and Fengjin's words. Three paintings were placed in the middle of the desk. Three pairs of eyes look at three paintings together.

In the first picture, Feng Jin painted a picture of Yun Qianyue holding two plum blossoms with a silent smile. Beside her, she stood looking at her warm and smiling yuzishu. In front of her, there was a figure of himself.

Looking at the painting, yunqianyue asked in surprise, "aren't you walking ahead? You got back eyes? "

"Stupid woman, you don't have to know that you will laugh so silly!" The wind gave a roar.

The cloud is shallow and the moon is silent.

In the second picture, Yuzi's painting and calligraphy is that he gently waved his sleeve to wrinkle the spring breeze, and the thousands of plum blossoms were lifted like snow clouds in an instant. Beside the cloud shallow moon praises the joyful eyebrow eye, the wind ember eye in the faint rolling look. The plum blossom's delicate appearance with ice flesh and jade bone is in full bloom. The facial expressions of three people's eyes and eyebrows are lifelike. , the fastest update of the webnovel!