The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1122

"If you worry about him and don't go back, what will you do?" Yuzishu looks at the cloud shallow moon, seems to have some helpless.

Yun Qianyue reached out and rubbed her forehead. It seemed that she was helpless. She said in a stuffy way: "I was so angry that he was so calm that the sky collapsed without blinking his eyes. But now I am worried. You say, am I becoming more and more frustrated? It's not that the wind scorns me. "

Yuzishu came over and touched his head with a smile: "it's normal. It proves that you really care about him and love him."

Cloud shallow month reaches out to cover the chest, still some stuffy, indignant way: "Rong Jing this bastard, eat me to death!"

"Don't worry! A man like him won't worry you! " Yu Zishu laughed warmly, "he knows that you are angry and angry. He doesn't want to go back. I'll follow you and you will be safe and sound. So, in order not to let you worry in turn, he should not come to you in the snow. "

"That's true!" The moon nods. For a person like Rongjing, everything is in his hands. How can he guess her mind?

"So, it's wonderful here. Since you don't want to go back, you can take good care of yourself here! I was going to leave after you and Ji Ji. Now it's snowing heavily. I can't leave. I'm here to stay with you for a few more days. " Yu Zishu said with a smile.

"Yes, you've been here for more than a month. It's time to go back." Cloud shallow moon originally broad heart, smell speech and some stuffy, she is reluctant to leave jade book.

"Although Tiansheng and Donghai are far apart, they are not the ends of the earth." Seeing her gloomy face, Yu Zishu laughed, "get up! I see a plum grove in the back valley. Do you want to go out and enjoy the plum

"Yes Yunqianyue immediately pushed aside the quilt and jumped out of bed.

Yu Zishu sat on the bed and watched her busy cleaning her face, washing and combing her hair. She soon put herself in order. Her movements were extremely rapid. It seemed that he was back in the training time before. One person could finish several things in one minute. His mouth was filled with nostalgic smile.

After the cloud shallow month cleaned up, she turned back and waved to him, "gone, gone, I haven't seen plum blossom in a year!"

"If you put on your cloak, you are seriously injured, and your internal power can't protect you. If you get cold, you will be in trouble if you get worse." Yuzishu came with the ferret cloak on the hanger, put it on the cloud and the moon, and said, "hold another stove, so that you can resist the cold."

"Prince Yu, you are a real mother The cloud is shallow and the moon is long and the sound is cheerful.

Yu Zishu glanced at her and said in a slow voice: "I'll accompany you out. If you don't take care of you, it's a small matter for someone to trouble me after you go out. If you want me to live for nothing in the Rong Wang mansion, it's a big thing. So... "

"So, for your love of people and money, I have to take good care of myself. Is that all right? " The cloud is shallow and the moon is rolling. This man, I didn't find that he loved money so much before!

"Well, you are right, so you can appreciate my difficulties! It's not in vain that we get to know each other. " Yuzishu smiles.

Cloud shallow moon eyelid once more turned over, holding the stove out of the door, the tone of a vicious voice: "I don't know you."

Yu Zishu watched her step out quickly, covered her lips behind her and laughed, and went out with her.

"Where are you going?" Feng Jin comes out from the next room and sees yuzishu and yunqianyue go out. Before waiting for their reply, they look bad and say: "back to Beijing? Go to the bastard Rongjing? "

Cloud shallow moon glared at the wind ember one eye, not good gas tunnel: "I so have no backbone?"? No

The wind ember hears the speech, the facial expression is warm, pick eyebrow to ask, "then what are you doing? Don't you know you're seriously injured? If you don't stay in your room on such a snowy day, what are you running about about? "

Cloud shallow month looks at the wind ember, elongates the sound, "the wind big childe, in the room will be stuffy long hair!"

"Long hair also has to bear, have ability you don't hurt!" Wind ember smelly face way: "hurry back to the room!"

"Fengjun, when did you become a housekeeper? I'm not that coquettish Cloud shallow month glared at him one eye, "we go to appreciate plum, do you go?"

"What can Mei do for you! What poor scholars like. " The wind roared.

"You don't understand Fengyue, you don't understand amorous feelings, and you don't know how to appreciate it! See which woman will marry you in the future Cloud shallow month speechless look at the sky, hate to spit out a word, "you don't go, we go, son book, go!"

"You are not allowed to go either!" The wind stopped them.

"Feng family master, she studies the Phoenix Scripture, which belongs to fire and is not afraid of snow. Now although she has serious injuries in her body, Fenghuang Zhenjing can repair the internal injuries by herself with her actions. In addition, she has taken medicine to stabilize the foundation, so she can stay outside for a short time Yu Zishu said with a smile to the wind EMBER: "I see that the plum blossoms in the valley are very good. The master of the wind family will go with me."

Wind ember frowned and did not speak.

"Hurry up, what are you doing? Gone Cloud light moon pushed a wind Ember.

"Go and stay for a moment and come back." Wind ember staggers the body, is tacit.Cloud light moon "um" a sound, stepping on the snow to go forward. Yu Zishu and Feng Jin follow her.

Out of the courtyard, the hillside of the back mountain looks like a sea of red clouds from a distance. The sky is snowing heavily, and the valley is quiet in the snow. That sea of clouds quietly open, seems to be connected with the sky, red and white, beautiful and dazzling.

Cloud shallow month tut tut ground praise a voice, turn back to jade son Book way: "son book, you go back to paint for me in a moment, will this painting roll down."

Yu Zishu nodded with a smile

The moon turned around and ran up the mountain with the stove in her arms.

"Cloud shallow moon, you are injured and dare to run, and then run back to the room!" The wind yelled at the back.

Yunqianyue stopped, looked back at the wind ashes, and looked at her with disapproval eyes. She took back her eyes, turned back, slowed down her pace, muttered: "how can I still miss you? It's not cute at all

Yuzishu was funny and said to the wind EMBER: "she was very angry yesterday. She thought of you first."

The wind picked her eyebrows.

Yu Zishu said with a smile: "she said that no matter what happened before, someone beat her, yelled at her, put a bad face on her, and then let out a burst of anger, her big things will be OK. That person is you. Master of the wind family, wind Ember. "

The wind ember was stunned. For a moment, the corner of his mouth bent slightly. After a moment, he closed his smile and said, "this woman! I was going to die. She pulled me out of the dead and suffered in the world. So, she deserves it

Yunqianyue was listening to the two people in front of her. She could hear them clearly, with a black line on her face. She had already regretted it a hundred times! , the fastest update of the webnovel!