The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1121

Cloud shallow moon looks at the wind ember, the brain quickly digests his words.

The two edicts were replaced with blank edicts, and the imperial edict of the old emperor became a piece of empty talk? Her eyes moved, and she remembered that Prince De, Prince Xiao, and Lord Yun had one edict in their hands. The old emperor said that the three edicts should be unified as effective. Now

Is Rongjing changing the imperial edict?

Is this the reason why he was calm after reading the first edict?

She remembered that he had been telling her that it was just a decree

"Stupid woman! Don't tell me that you don't know the last two are blank edicts, so you're so angry that you're like this? " The wind ember looked at the cloud and the moon, and his face suddenly became overcast.

"Do you know what? A decree is also a decree! Why didn't he change them all or destroy them? " Cloud shallow moon hums a, did not because of this and disappear gas.

The wind ember looked at her, the cloud dispersed, and instantly laughed, humming: "I've long been fed up with someone. He can't blink his eyes for such a big thing. He's not a human being. You'd better cheer me up now and let him suffer. If you don't try your best this time, don't let me take care of you in the future. "

Cloud shallow moon looks at the wind ember frown, "our affair concerns you what matter!"

The wind ember originally wanted to take the empty bowl to leave the bedside, smelling speech suddenly turned back, reappeared the cloud on the face, looked at the cloud light moon viciously, "the dead woman, you say again to try!"

Cloud shallow month looks at him, roll white eyes, "say once, how can you?"

"Now I'll throw it into the lake and wash your brain! Do you believe it or not? " The wind ember stares at her, that appearance lets his beautiful face some ferocious, it seems that as long as she dares to say a no word, he will definitely throw her out.

Yunqianyue took a look at the outside. The heavy snow was falling, and the snow covered the ground three feet deep. Before sitting in this room, you could see the lake water not far away. At this time, the outside was silver white. In addition to snow or snow, the lake water was frozen in such weather? If you throw her in the lake She shivered. She shook her head and said with a smile, "where can I not believe it? Who are you, my Fengda childe! No one dares to provoke it. "

Wind ember snorted and turned to the table in front of the bed.

Yunqianyue looks at his back and spits out his tongue, but his mood is better. No way, so many years of habit sequelae, no matter how big things, as long as the wind ashes this Stinky Face in front of her, she is sure to be cured. Even she didn't understand.

Wind ember went to the table, put down the bowl, and suddenly said, "the jade Prince is good!"

Cloud light moon blinks an eye, complacent way: "that is natural, son book has been very good all along!"

The wind ember turned back, looked at the cloud shallow moon, saw her because mentions the jade son book, the eyebrow all curved, frowned asked, "since you have been thinking about him for many years, since you were young, why is it Rongjing, not him?"

The cloud shallow moon is proud to be taken back in an instant, the smile of eyebrows and eyes also disappears.

Wind ember looks at his appearance, eyebrow is frown more.

In a moment, yunqianyue sighed slightly, shook her head and said, "we have missed in our last life, all things are over in the last life. What we are living now is the people and things of this life. In this life, my heart has been filled with scenery. You don't understand, he can only be my relatives, more than relatives. In the future, he is only closer to me than you. Nothing else is possible. "

Wind ember smell speech cold hum a, sat on the chair, way: "I think he is much better than the black heart of Rongjing!"

Cloud shallow moon suddenly smile, "you see where he is better than Rong Jing? Because I don't have a black heart? "

The wind ember does not speak, is the default.

Cloud shallow moon smile deeper, shake head way: "that is because you don't know him, although his heart can't see, it must be blacker than Rongjing, but it's also black! Especially... " She paused and said with a smile, "love money like a life!"

Wind ember picked pick eyebrow, "he loves money like a life?"

Yunqianyue nodded and said with a smile, "spare no effort to seek the welfare of the people of Donghai, and the East China Sea will not leak any money."

The wind ember hears the speech immediately way: "originally is such! That means he is a good prince

Cloud shallow month surprised looking at the wind ember, see his eyebrows between the faint appreciation of the jade book, she doubts: "what method did he use to buy you so quickly?"

In her opinion, Feng Jin is not a good person to buy!

"What is he buying me off? It is the owner of my family who thinks that he can be compared with Rongjing and appreciates him from his heart. Better let him take you to the East China Sea. When we get to his territory, I don't believe that Rongjing can make a big difference. " Wind ember road.

Cloud shallow moon speechless, it is because of the scene. She would like to ask him, Fengda childe, how miserable you are to be bullied by Rongjing to hate him so much!

"Stupid woman! Go to sleep! Don't go out if you don't have a good wound! " Kim, stand up and walk out of the wind.

Cloud shallow moon looks at the door closed, the room has no wind ember figure, she lazily back to her eyes, suddenly feel funny, closed her eyes, curved the corner of her mouth, continue to sleep.This night, cloud shallow moon sleeps very well, did not do a dream.

The next day, the snow still did not stop, outside the window hung a thick layer of frost, really when the cold. This year's winter is late and urgent. It seems that everything is frozen and everything in the world is still by a heavy snow.

Cloud shallow moon sleep enough, push aside the quilt to get up, the furnace in the house is burning very vigorously, it is obvious that someone has just added charcoal. She sat on the bed thinking that Rongjing would look for her when she heard the report from Qingying yesterday? Now that the night is peaceful, he should have missed it. After all, she never told him about the secret place.

But he's not going to look for her in the snow, is he? I should know that she would not be so stupid, always looking for a place to settle down. Besides, Zishu is not in Rong Wang's mansion any more. He should think of him following her. Therefore, he should be rational and will not risk the snow again.

Just as she was thinking about the space, the door of the room was pushed open from outside. Yu Zishu stepped in and saw Yun Xiaoyue sitting on the bed with the quilt in her arms. He looked at her and said in a funny way: "worried about jingshizi looking for you in the snow?"

Cloud shallow moon looked up at the jade book one eye, curled her mouth and said: "when will you look at the face?"

Yu Zishu laughed and said to her, "don't worry! He's so smart that he won't be stupid. "

Cloud shallow moon mumbles: "although he looks smart, in fact, sometimes he will do stupid things that others can't do."

Yu Zishu looked at the cloud and the moon carefully and asked with a smile, "are you so worried about him? Then go back

"No!" Cloud light moon immediately shakes her head. , the fastest update of the webnovel!