The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1120

"No!" Wind ember threw out a word, turned back to the room.

Cloud shallow month rolled a white eye, continued to walk to his room, "wind ember, wind house master, the prince of the East China Sea is coming, this is a distinguished guest, is that how you treat guests?"

"All the people who come here are equal. There is no prince! Love comes in when it comes in, and falls if it doesn't Wind ember seems to be in a bad mood, not good gas tunnel.

Cloud shallow month hears speech slant over head, to jade son bookstall to spread out a hand way: "see? This is the guy who can smile at me when I'm happy, and give me a face when I'm not happy

Yu Zishu chuckled and said to the moon, "it's rare that you can have such a person around you!"

"It's not what I thought. He was dying in the dead before. I picked him out with cheap hands. After he was cured, he had to take care of him. At the same time, he was also infected with a demeaning problem. If he didn't listen to his sarcasm, he would feel uncomfortable all over Cloud shallow moon helpless tunnel.

Yu Zishu smiles and shakes his head.

Two people talk into the room of wind Ember. The crowd gathered around and followed the door of the room. After a look, they all quietly went back to their room. This time, the movement is still neat and consistent, and half of the sound has not been made.

Yu Zishu looked back at it and knew that these people were afraid of the wind.

The room of wind ember is very clean, and a stove is placed in the middle of the ground. The charcoal fire was burning in the stove, and the house was warm.

Cloud light moon came in, went straight to the stove, and mumbled: "it's still warm here. I'm frozen to death."

"You're seriously injured. You don't have internal power to protect your body. You're naturally cold." Yu Zishu followed in with a smile. Seeing that she didn't pay attention to the ferret cloak behind her, she leaned towards the stove. She was so eager to get into the stove. He quickly stopped her and reminded her, "is this the cloak that Jing Shizi managed to make with ferrets? If you're burned, you'll be a disaster. "

Cloud shallow moon retreated a little, curled his mouth, and said: "dust sealed for many years of junk, give me out, burn him this, have the ability to do another for me!"

"Ferrets are precious. If you want to make this new one, how many more do you want to kill? Yuner, where is your love?" Yu Zishu said with a smile.

"Feed the dog!" Cloud light moon chided.

Yu Zishu looked at her helplessly with a smile and turned to the wind ember, "master of the wind house, good to meet you!"

"The jade Prince is really good at making someone think about it for many years. He has been reading it since he was a child, and now he has finally read it." The wind ember glanced at the jade book and hummed.

Yu Zishu was stunned.

Ember, you are surprised at the light cloud

"Naturally, you used to talk in your sleep. I don't know how many times you said it. I don't think it's hard to know." Feng Jin sits on the soft couch with his legs up and a sword is placed beside him. He is wiping the sword with a cloth in his hand. It seems that he is just wiping the sword. When he hears the cloud moon and yuzishu coming, he wipes out half of it. Now he continues to wipe it.

Cloud shallow moon blinks an eye, "I say his name is jade son book?"

The wind ember snorted, "no! But I know it must be him. "

Jade book picks eyebrows.

Cloud shallow moon looks at him, waiting for him to solve puzzles.

Feng Jin threw the cloth in his hand, put the sword into the pin, raised his head, and said to Yun Qianyue word by word: "I know that there is a person who has a very heavy position in your heart, and no one can match it. Not even the scenery. I thought it was yetianyi before, but later I found out that it was not until I heard that the prince of Donghai came to Tiansheng. I knew it was him at that moment. Apart from him, no one else let you, a cold-blooded heartless woman, miss so long

Cloud shallow month rolled a white eye, admit not taboo, "yes, it is him."

"I wish it were him! I'm waiting for him Wind ember suddenly stood up and said to Yuzi: "go, let's go to fight. I'd like to fight with you for a long time."

Yu Zishu looked at the wind Ember with a smile and reminded him, "the owner of the wind, the prince has come here. It seems that you haven't even drunk a mouthful of water."

"Come back and drink! If you fight, you can go out with me. If you don't, you can go out now. " As the wind goes out, she goes through a tough tunnel.

Yu Zishu looks at the moon and clouds.

Yun Xiaoyue turned around and sat back on the bed where Feng Jin had just Sat. seeing Yu Zishu, he waved his hand to him with no sense of righteousness. "Although he knows that it's hard for you to come with me, there's no way. This guy is a king of hell. He knows that I'm seriously injured now. Instead of hitting me, we'll have to go out if you don't respond to him. You'd better go! "

Jade Book smell speech, turn to follow the wind ember to go out.

Cloud light moon took off her cloak, and then took off her coat, pulled the quilt, covered her body, and closed her eyes.

It's snowy and cold outside. Even at the bottom of the cliff and valley, we can't see the grass and trees like spring. It's snowing all over the sky. But because there was a stove in the room, the warmth was thick, and after a long time of tossing and tossing, the moon was already exhausted. She was relieved and soon fell asleep.

When did yuzishu and Fengjin come back? She didn't know. She didn't know until she was pushed to drink medicine. Then he opened his eyes and took a look at the Fengjin holding the pill. He looked at the room again. He didn't see yuzishu and asked, "where is Zishu?""He went up the mountain and collected some medicine for you. I told him to go to the next room to have a rest." Wind ember road.

Cloud light moon found that the wind ashes face overcast, nodded, took his hand to drink the medicine, and then lay down, continue to sleep.

Just closed his eyes, only listen to the wind ember said: "the two edicts changed into blank edicts, the old emperor's edict became a piece of empty talk, the scene of good skills!" Words fall, he saw cloud shallow moon suddenly open eyes, hum a, disdain way: "but again have ability to manage what? Haven't you found it yet? Those who can't see their own women are idiots , the fastest update of the webnovel!