The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1113

Rongjing words down, night Tianyi suddenly turned to look at him again.

The people kneeling on the ground remembered that there were still two edicts that had not been opened, and they all raised their heads.

The atmosphere condenses again, and the flying snow becomes ice beads again because of some kind of breath.

"King Shizi said it well. Don't you have two edicts? Regent, let's have a look The queen opened her mouth with dignity, breaking the silence.

"Yes, Regent, open the other two edicts together! It's all open, and today's business can be settled. " Leng Shao Zhuo, who doesn't speak much, caters to the Queen's words.

"Good! According to the edict of the former Emperor, the three decrees shall prevail. " Rongjing looks at night Tianyi, also slowly opens his mouth.

After three people's words fell, no one answered again, and they all looked at night Tianyi.

Ye Tianyi's cold sense in her eyes faded away. She looked away from Rongjing and looked at the kneeling Prince Xiao and Lord Yun. She ordered in a low voice, "Uncle Leng Wang, uncle Yun Wang, open up the edict!"

"Yes They answered in a hurry.

"Wait a minute. First check whether the decree is in good condition." Prince de stopped them.

The two of them took a look at each other and raised the edict respectfully over their heads.

"Uncle De Wang said yes, Brunei, you come to check!" Ye Tianyi orders Brunei.

"Yes Brunei carefully stepped forward, first took the imperial edict in the hands of Prince Xiao, and then showed it to Ye Tianyi. Ye Tianyi nodded, and he handed the imperial edict back to Prince Xiao. He also took the imperial edict from Lord Yun to check it. He also got it in front of Ye Tianyi. Ye Tianyi looked at it and nodded again. He returned the imperial edict to the Lord Yun and returned to Ye Tianyi.

"The edict is in good condition, and there is no sign that it has been opened. Two uncles Wang, open it Ye Tianyi orders them.

"Yes They took the Edict and opened it in accordance with the way Prince de opened.

"Cold Uncle Wang read first!" The way of night nature.

The king of filial piety answered and opened the bright yellow scroll. When his eyes were fixed on the imperial edict page, his face changed greatly. His old eyes were surprised and couldn't believe it. In a moment, the edict slipped out of his hand and fell to the ground.

All the people looked at him strangely. When they followed his eyes and saw the edict falling on the ground, Qi Qi was shocked.

There was nothing on the edict.

Ye Tianyi's face moved and her eyes were slightly narrowed, staring at the blank edict tightly.

"How could that happen?" Night light dye is also surprised, step forward, pick up the blank edict on the ground, ask to filial piety prince.

Prince Xiao was shocked and inexplicable. He shook his head in a hurry. His face was pale, "old minister I don't know what's going on

"You don't know what's going on? How could this edict be blank? " Night light dye obviously does not believe.

"Dye little prince, the imperial edict is sealed when the emperor gives it to the old minister. When the old minister sleeps, he wants to hold it and never leaves. Just Just now you have seen that the edict is in good condition. Moreover, with this kind of flour glue specially sealed by the royal family, if I have ever opened it There will also be traces... " The king of filial piety pleaded with trembling voice.

Night light dye frown, take the imperial edict left and right, this is a blank edict, nothing. He looked at night.

Ye Tianyi's face is slightly heavy. He reaches out to take a look at the edict in his hand and doesn't find anything. He says to King Yun, "Uncle Yun, open the edict in your hand."

"Yes The king of cloud seemed to be shocked. Hearing this, he quickly opened the edict, but his hands trembled. After a long fight, he could not open it. Instead, he dropped the edict on the ground.

Night light dye can't see past, step forward, pick up the imperial edict on the ground, the action is quick to open, when saw the edict, eyebrows are also wrinkled, silent handed to night Tianyi.

Night Tianyi took over the imperial edict and looked at it. The color in her eyes sank and did not speak.

At this time, the people also saw that the imperial edict in the hands of King Yun was the same as a blank, and they were more surprised and inexplicable.

"This How could this happen? " King Yun even said, "after I got the emperor's edict, I was warned by the emperor. Like brother Leng Wang, I didn't dare to relax when I was sleeping. I was also sleeping with the imperial edict..."

"Yes, how could it be so?" The prince of Germany looked at the two blank edicts with disbelief.

There was a big question mark in everyone's mind.

Ye Tianyi suddenly turned his head and looked at Rongjing. His eyes were black and heavy, "King Shizi, can you tell me how this is?"

Rong Jing glanced at Ye Tianyi and said in a warm voice, "it's really strange that the seventh prince asked this question. The emperor has not given the imperial edict to Jing. How can Jing know what's going on?"

"King Shizi is a genius, and the former Emperor has been boasting about it. Now these two decrees are blank. It is impossible for the father to seal two blank decrees and hand them over to Prince Xiao and King Yun. Now they are two blank decrees. Does King Shizi have no idea about such a thing?" Ye Tianyi stares at Rongjing tightly.

Rong Jing's face was clear and light, his voice was not high or low, and he was always gentle and gentle. "There are several ideas. I don't know if the Regent is willing to listen to it.""It's natural for jingshizi to have an idea, but it's OK to say so! Not only me, but also all the ministers. " The way of night nature.

"Tell me about that scene!" Rongjing said: "first, the imperial edict is intact. This dough glue is specially made by the royal family. Once it is blocked, it will leave traces. Now there is no mark of opening. It is also thought that the two edicts handed over by the former Emperor to the two princes are originally blank edicts."

"No way! The Emperor just mentioned it in the edict of Uncle De Wang, in triplicate. " Ye Tianyi rejected it immediately.

Rong Jing didn't know, and went on: "second, someone opened the edict, erased the contents with special methods, and then sealed the edict."

"No way! Let alone open and close the dough after sealing. What kind of skill is needed to do this? I can't do it. Can you do it Ye Tianyi vetoed it again, and then she raised her eyebrows and looked at Rongjing.

"It's impossible to do it!" Rong Jing shook his head and continued: "third, the two princes did not take good care of the imperial edict, and the imperial edict was lost. Two volumes of blank edict were used to replace the real one. "

Ye Tianyi frowns, this time no refutation.

People also think that this is the most likely, for a while no one speaks.

Rongjing took a look at the people and continued: "but the imperial edicts were always kept in a special place for keeping the imperial edicts while the former Emperor was still alive, and was under the care of a special dark man. Every next edict will be sent to get it, and it will be recorded. After the emperor was ill, the Regent, who was the son of the seven princes, supervised the Kingdom, and the edict was handed over to the Regent. The Regent took over and sent someone to take care of the edict. Can it be said that someone has stolen the edict from the Regent's hand? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!