The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1114

"There are several purposes in the edict, one more or one less. The watchman will report it in time." Ye Tianyi said: "I have not heard of such a report so far."

"But is it true? The totem and dragon patterns of the Heavenly Emperor are engraved on the back. This is the family seal of Yeshi. Only the royal family can do it. It is not spread out. " Rong Jing looked at Ye Tianyi and said slowly, "this needs a good investigation by the Regent. See what's going on? Outsiders want to forge such edicts, but they can't

Ye Tianyi looks gloomy and looks at Rongjing without saying a word.

Rongjing no longer spoke, lightly flicked his words, and then fell the snowflakes all over his body. The snowflakes fell under his jade fingers. His movements are casual, light and elegant. He is isolated and independent, like a picturesque landscape, outside the Shengyang hall or among those standing or kneeling.

"It's true that outsiders can't forge if they want to forge, but such things don't include Jing Shizi, a gifted genius?" Ye Tianyi is silent for a moment and stares at Rongjing and makes a deep voice.

They all took a breath and looked at Rongjing. As long as he wants to do something, no one doubts that he can't do it. If you forge the edict, steal the beam and change the post, and do it under the eyes of the Regent, and it is quiet, and no one else would dare to think about it, but if it was replaced by him, it would be said otherwise.

At this moment, Rongjing was not only worshipped by the people all over the world, but all the people present found that in their hearts, he had been independent of Prince Rong's residence, becoming a height that no one in the world could reach. He can do what others can't do. Even if it's incredible.

"Ah..." Rong Jing chuckles, looks at night light dye, carelessly way: "Regent flatters me too much!"

"If you're flattered, you know it in your heart!" Ye Tianyi looks at the scene calmly.

"If Rongjing had such skills, how could he be secretly harmed by others, attracted by passion, suppressed by cold poison pills, and then was secretly attacked by someone after recovering a life. His body was unbearable, and then suffered from a stubborn disease of cold and poison for ten years?" Rong Jing looked at Ye Tianyi with a light face and said slowly: "the scenery is a man, not a God. The Regent must have made a mistake. Even a genius can't cure his own pain. There are also things that can't be done. "

"That's not necessarily true. Yueer just said it. There is nothing you dare not do in the world, only whether you want to do it or not. She knows you so well. Who else would believe that? " Night Tianyi cold tunnel.

"She had just been so angry that she said such a thing. Besides, she was the one who said such a thing. I don't think it's strange. There are so many men in the world, but in her heart, I'm the best. She praised me only because she was overjoyed and adored. Should the Regent be a man of reason, and not judge by the words of a woman who loves me? " Rong Jing seems to have a warm smile on his picturesque eyebrows and eyes when he mentions the cloud and the moon.

In the eyes of night Tianyi, anger surged up, like a storm, which swept his eyes in an instant.

"If the Regent Wang said it was a scene, check it out! If no evidence can be found out, the Regent will question a loyal courtier who is loyal to the heavenly saints. If he is seriously injured, he must give an account. Otherwise, the bones of the emperor will not be cold, and the heart of the ministers will be cold first! " Rongjing ignores the storm in night Tianyi's eyes, calm tunnel.

Ye Tianyi looks at Rongjing, and the storm revolves in his eyes.

"Regent, King Shizi is right. We should investigate this matter carefully, and we can't easily doubt who did it. Although Jing Shizi is talented, he always pays attention to evidence. " The prince of Germany looked at the storm in the eyes of night Tianyi, and his heart was chilly. The seventh prince was more deterrent than the former Emperor. For fear that he would be angry again, and the blood would be stained outside the temple of Shengyang, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Prince Xiao didn't answer this time. After all, there was a blank edict in his hand. Now the cause of the matter is still unknown. He dare not follow it at will. Lest ye Tianyi be angry and suffer. But fortunately, there is a cloud king.

King Yun didn't speak. He hung his head and looked shocked. He looked like he didn't have any opinions even if he was kneaded and kneaded. He just howled twice.

If the two princes do not speak, such a matter is a matter of great importance. Other civil and military officials dare not say more, for fear that one careless will offend the seventh prince or one of Jing Shizi, and both of them will be in great danger, and their lives will be hard to protect.

"My father is right, Regent. We must investigate this matter carefully." Night light dye words fall, looked at Rong Jing one eye, deep voice way: "cannot because weak beauty has talent, then suspect him."

"There are many wise and capable people in the world, especially those who don't remember their names and surnames. It's not just Jing alone. Jing is just a nominal name." Rong Jing light way.

"King Shizi doesn't have to be too modest!" Ye Tianyi throws out a sentence heavily, no longer looking at Rongjing, and shouts: "Brunei!"

"Regent, there's the slave!" Brunei responded quickly.

"Go and call all the guards of the imperial edict house to this king!" Night Tianyi ordered.

"Yes Brunei responded and ran to the imperial edict house.

People watched Brunei leave, and no one spoke again.The imperial edict room is not far away from Shengyang hall. Shortly afterwards, Brunei ran back and reached out to follow two men in black. One tall and one short, one fat and one thin. They were dressed in black and covered. I can't see my looks, but from my figure and feet, I can see that they are two old people.

The two old men came near and saluted Ye Tianyi, then stood still and said nothing.

"You are responsible for guarding the imperial edict house. Can anything happen? For example, we lost the edict. " Ye Tianyi looks at them.

They shook their heads at the sound.

Then they knew that the two men who were guarding the Royal edict house were dumb.

"What's wrong all the time?" Ye Tianyi asked again.

They thought for a moment and shook their heads again.

"You go down!" Ye Tianyi is not angry, and waves to let them step down.

The two men saluted again and turned away.

"Regent, just ask me a few questions and you're done with it?" The king of filial piety couldn't help asking.

"These two people are ghosts and ghosts. They were called the world together with the four old men of xuanhuang, the heaven and earth, a hundred years ago. There is no doubt about their ability. They say nothing is nothing. " The way of night nature.

When the king of filial piety heard the words, he was silent immediately. All the people knew that the martial arts of the two guards of the imperial edict room had reached a fantasy. However, they never thought that they were the two ghosts who were famous in the world 100 years ago. If they were to guard the imperial edict house, the possibility that others would steal the imperial edict and not be found by them would be very small indeed.

"But since the edict has not been stolen, this What's the matter? Is it true that the edict given to us by the late emperor was blank? " Cloud Wang Ye seems to have just recovered from his fright and asked suspiciously. , the fastest update of the webnovel!