The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1112

Prince de and King Xiaoqin were awed by the words. Qi thought that King Shizi had stopped Yun Qianyue from destroying the edict. But if the Regent didn't step back and let her leave, then according to King Shizi's attack on the hidden guards, he first seriously injured the hermit, and now half of the Royal hidden guards were seriously injured. The Regent and the Regent had already confronted each other, Then it is really necessary to blood the Imperial Palace and the imperial city. The consequences are unimaginable. What's more, behind the moon are Nanliang, Nanjiang, Xiyan and Donghai. Although the few people left the capital yesterday, the jade Prince of Donghai Kingdom still stayed in the palace of Prince Rong. According to his and Yun Qianyue's affection, how could he not help? Although the old fox, Lord Yun, is pleading with Yun Xiaoyue, he is actually warning the Regent not to lose too much because of small things.

"Regent, since Miss moon is tired, let her go back to her house and have a rest." Prince de and Prince Xiao went through the tunnel again.

Ye qingran has just been shocked that yunqianyue's martial arts can actually hurt the joint efforts of him and ye Tianyi. He originally intended to prevent her from burning down the imperial edict, but only when he did so found out that he could not stop it if he didn't do his best. At this time, he was also like burning his inner abdomen, presumably night Tianyi was not much better. At this time, she returns to her mind and finds that the remaining hidden guards, who are opened by Rongjing, have no command from ye Tianyi, and are still in front of yunqianyue. Yunqianyue stands with her back on her back, her waist is straight, and she is waiting quietly. It seems that as long as ye Tianyi says no, she will walk out of her way.

He looked away from his eyes and looked at Rongjing. Rong Jingyu was quiet. In the snow, there was a layer of clear frost, which was not obvious, but made him stand in the snow. The white robe and the flying snow blended together. Even though the ice and snow were diffuse and his body was thin, he was still high in the clouds, elegant and elegant. This is the place where the Lord Rong's mansion has been hated by the men of Yeshi for a hundred years. No matter when, no matter where, no matter what time, it is leisurely, just like watching the moon in idle court. His heart suddenly rose a trace of decadence, the little girl fell in love with Rongjing, in addition to the fact that can not be changed, or inevitable. Some people are born with this noble body and soul, and no one can match it.

"Regent, since the little girl is tired, let her go back to her house and have a rest." Night light dye a moment later, from Rong Jing body to take back the line of sight, the voice of night Tianyi is a little dull.

"Good! Regent, the imperial edict is mainly to pass on the new emperor and confer the Regent. Yue'er is just a woman. She has nothing to do with state affairs. " Rong Feng also opened his mouth at this time and said in a slow voice: "you have known Yue er for several years, when you should know her temperament best. If she speaks of the palace today, let her out of the palace! "

"The emperor's bones are not cold, so it is not suitable to see blood." Leng Shao Zhuo also spits out a word.

"Regent!" When Prince de saw so many people talking, ye Tianyi was still unmoved. He lifted his clothes and knelt on the ground with the imperial edict. The old voice said: "it's snowy and cold. It's important to open two edicts. The Regent should think twice about it!"

"Regent, think twice!" Prince Xiao and all the people knelt down on their knees. In the heavy snow, the voice was shaking.

"Regent, yue'er is just like this. No one can force her to do something she doesn't like. She can't promise even if she is soft, let alone hard. When you met for the first time, we remember that they were only a few years old. Now more than a decade has passed, you are all adults, each has its own ideas. This is a good thing. Who doesn't grow up? But for some things, it's not necessarily a good thing to ask for it! " The empress, who had never opened her mouth, spoke majestically at this time, "the first emperor cherished you, knew that you liked her, and married her to you. However, regardless of her feelings, she should have expected the consequences of her attempt to destroy the edict. She was famous for being a dandy. When the emperor was alive, she did such things. The first emperor could tolerate her, and so could the Regent who had known her since childhood. According to my palace, Yueer is really tired. Let's just do it today. "

Ye Tianyi still doesn't speak and doesn't move.

"Regent, do you want this palace to kneel down for you with the emperor in your stomach?" The Queen's voice was more severe.

All kneeling on the ground were shocked.

Ye Tianyi slowly takes back her sight from Rong Jing's face, takes a look at the crowd and the queen. The queen looked at him calmly. Without saying a word, he looked away and looked at the cloud and the hidden guard in front of her. After a moment, the ice in her eyes gradually faded. With a wave of her hand, he ordered the Royal hidden guard: "let her out of the palace!"

Hearing this, the hidden guard immediately retreated.

Yunqianyue doesn't want to stay for a moment. After the hermit guard retreats, she even feels slow to walk. Her feet are light and her body is pulled up. The skirt dragged by Ruan Yanluo is like a purple cloud, and it floats out of the palace.

Rong Jing saw that yunxiaoyue was seriously injured and left with lightness skill. Her eyes were tight and she called out, "green shadow!"

"Son of a bitch!" The green shadow floats and falls in an instant.

"Follow her, no accident!" Rongjing ordered.

"Yes The green shadow echoed, the figure like a cloud of fog, followed by the clouds and the moon, disappeared instantly.

All of them are surprised to see Yun Qianyue leave. What is more amazing is the martial arts of Qingying. Many people here know that Rong Jing has a secret guard with excellent martial arts, but this is the first time he has been exposed to others. This kind of martial arts, landing silent, leaving also silent. There are few such people in the world.Ignoring the astonishment of the people, Rongjing slowly turned back and gave a faint smile to the night Tianyi, such as the breeze and the moon. "Regent, are there two edicts that have not been opened? Kaifeng now! See if it's the same as the edict in the hands of Prince De. If not, there is no limit to this edict. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!