The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1111

Cloud shallow moon suddenly closed her eyes and said to him, "I don't want to stay here for a moment. I want to wait for you and let me go. Who wants to stop me? I'm three feet green, a life. Even if I'm seriously injured, I have to walk out a bloody path. You can't stop me

"Good!" Rong Jing agreed happily and let go of her hand.

Cloud light moon opened her eyes and walked forward.

The Royal hidden guard is like a sealed wall, standing in front of the cloud and the moon.

"Ye Tianyi, I'll ask you again. Are you sure you won't let me go?" Cloud shallow moon looks in front of the hidden guard, coldly asks.

"Listen to the edict before you go!" Ye Tianyi said in a deep voice.

"No way!" Cloud shallow moon does not want to cold refuse.

"You don't respect the emperor, don't respect the edict. In this case, go out with blood!" The cold voice of night nature.

Yunqianyue's anger, which had been stopped by Rongjing, burst out again. She raised her hand, but this time she didn't wait for her to do so. In front of her, a crescent white sleeve flashed, and in an instant, she vigorously hit the Royal hidden guard in front of her. At the same time, several screams were heard. Half of the hundreds of hidden guards in front of them were lifted out and fell on the snow a few feet away. Some of them hit the palace wall and slid down from the wall and wrapped themselves in the snow.

"King Shizi, what are you doing?" Night Tianyi calmly looks at the scene, the voice is extremely cold.

Rongjing withdrew his hand, slowly turned around, flicked the snowflakes on his belt, looked at night Tianyi, and said without expression: "seventh prince, do you really want her to wash the palace walls with blood?"

"She is my fiancee. It seems that she can't come to jingshizi to say this!" Ye Tianyi said coldly: "don't respect the imperial edict, don't respect the emperor, I don't know that the dead are big. I don't have the right to control her?"

After hearing the speech, Rong Jing smiles and says, "since the Regent and Yun Xiaoyue have known each other since childhood, have known each other for ten years, have you never known her? She has always belonged to herself, not to anyone. A marriage contract could not have bound her. When the first emperor was alive, she was not happy to be able to destroy the imperial sword in front of the emperor's cold face. Now what is it to listen to the emperor's will? What's more, now it's just a gift of marriage. She didn't promise it, and the cloud palace didn't promise it. She wasn't the Regent's fiancee until she had been employed by three media and six employers. The royal family and the first emperor could not impose on the officials what they did not want to do because they liked and disliked it, which was unfair. The Regent should be in charge of her, not only in emotion but also in reason

"King Shizi has a wonderful mouth. I have been in love with her for ten years. It's fair to say that I haven't got three media and six hires, so I'm not a fiancee. Do you mean that the emperor's edict can't be more than a couple of matchmakers and betrothal gifts? Tian Sheng Yeshi is the king, the cloud palace is the minister, the father is the king, the cloud king is the minister, the king is the king, a word is nine Ding, the minister, for the king is from. This is the oath made by the first emperor when he was granted the four Wangfu when he was founded. The cloud king, the ancestor of the cloud family, also swore in it. " Ye Tianyi looked at Rongjing with a sneer, "King Shizi, you are also a person of the four princes' mansion. Have you forgotten this oath? It doesn't matter if you forget, I remind you. As a member of the cloud palace, yunqianyue naturally wants to respect the imperial edict. The minister is the emperor. The subject is also the monarch and the follower. Now that the imperial edict has been issued, she is my fiancee, whether she wants to or not. What's more, there is a keepsake from the old princess. How can she be fooled? What's more, she dared to destroy the imperial edict before the coffin of her father's corpse. The imperial edict is a national edict. But today she dares to destroy the imperial edict. As the Regent king, she is the fiancee of this article, it is not her own business, but a state affair. King Shizi is now the prime minister's official worship, so she can't be a woman's unruly conduct of state affairs? This is the great crime of King Yun's house to kill the nine clans! "

Night Tianyi words fall, the air seems to have stopped flowing, let alone voice, more than a thousand people as if no one.

"The Regent has a good mouth. When the first emperor established the dynasty, he blessed the people and respected the four palaces of China. At that time, the four kings admired and were willing to respect them, so they made an oath. Now a hundred years have passed, the first emperor has already sunk in history, and the oath of the four princes' mansion has long been eliminated in time. Officials, for the king is from. I can't help it. But also for the monarch to observe the minister, kindness to the minister. The four princes' mansion is not the royal family of Yeshi Dynasty, but the country of millions of people. If you are unkind, you will be disrespectful. The benevolence and righteousness of the monarch, the minister will do everything in his own hands. When the seventh prince was the Regent, did he begin to be the Regent? The former Emperor was also a human being, and he had scruples. If he was a God, what would he do with us? There is nothing wrong with this edict, but it is not proper to give a marriage order. " Rongjing looked at night Tianyi with a quiet voice, not high or low, but extremely penetrating. Everyone in the palace wall could hear, "regent, adding state affairs to a woman is not the work of a gentleman, a king, a wise man or a virtue. Are you sure you want her out of the palace today? "

Ye Tianyi looks at Rongjing and her eyes are frozen.

"Regent, miss Qianyue has been busy with hairpin ceremony these days. Now she has just been overjoyed. Suddenly, such a big event happened. The first emperor died. She couldn't accept it for a while. Now it's also right to be angry with her small temperament. When Wei Chen saw her coming, she felt overworked and looked bad. Now let her go back to the mansion and have a rest! The first emperor liked her all the time before he died. If he didn't keep the spirit for the former Emperor, he would not blame him. " Prince de was in Rongjing's words. He was afraid that night Tianyi would talk to Rongjing again, so he gave a voice of remonstrance."Yes, brother Dewang is right! Although miss Qianyue has just passed the hairpin ceremony, she is still a little daughter and has not grown up. She must have been busy these days. Just after she arrived, the old minister also saw that she looked very bad. Let her go back to the house and have a rest. " Prince Xiao was also shocked, even busy way.

Ye Tianyi said nothing, still looking at the scene coldly.

Rong Jing looks at night Tianyi quietly. The snow falling from the sky between them has become ice beads. Outside the Shengyang hall, people standing or kneeling, or the recluse guards just knocked down by Rongjing, felt the chill through the bones. This year's winter came late, yesterday was the first heavy snow, but now they feel the cold.

"Brother Yun Wang!" Prince de and King Xiaoqin see two people talk, night Tianyi is indifferent, all together look at Xiangyun Lord.

Prince Yun seems to have been scared. He looks at them, and then looks at Ye Tianyi. He shivers: "regent, my little girl has always been naughty. Today, the emperor's bones are not cold enough to see blood. These days, Prince Nanliang, Princess Nanjiang and his son-in-law, Prince xiyanyue and Prince Yu of Donghai state have been harassing her in the pavilion of shallow moon. She is busy dealing with distinguished guests and is busy with hairpins I think she's exhausted. Now she doesn't like the imperial decree. It's excusable, you see... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!