The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1100

Cloud shallow moon slightly raised a face to look at him, "how do you know I want to go to a place?"

With another hand that didn't hold her waist, Rongjing pointed her heart position, and said to her, "because you are in my heart, what you think in your heart, I naturally know."

Cloud light moon heart under a warm, the dark surface of some, angry at him, did not speak.

Rongjing no longer talks, carrying the cloud to the gate of the city, all the way through the streets, there are soldiers cleaning traces. On the main street, which was covered with blood, the prince of filial piety did not dare to carry half silk with him. He took people to stare at the cleaning.

Out of the gate of the city, Rongjing takes yunqianyue for a walk, stops and floats down. With a flick of jade's finger, a white smoke floats into the sky and explodes.

The cloud light moon follows Rong Jing's finger to the sky and sees a white lotus flower blooming in the sky.

"Son of a bitch!" The green shadow appeared and called respectfully to Rongjing.

"When you go to Lingtai temple and inform abbot Ciyun, you will tell me that miss Qianyue and I can borrow the Dharma Hall of Lingtai temple!" Rong Jing gives orders to Qingying.

In response, the green shadow left the spot and went to Lingtai temple.

Let's see the green shadow leave, but he said to the cloud and the moon: "let's walk on foot."

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon nods.

Rong Jing takes the cloud and the moon to walk forward slowly. They are not walking fast. Their steps are light and slow. They are consistent. Neither of them speaks. On the ground came the sound of two people's shoes rubbing.

After a while, snowflakes were falling from the sky.

The cloud moon stopped and looked at the sky. The blue sky and white clouds just now turned into a vast gray. She looked at the sky and said to Rongjing, "this year's snow has finally fallen!"

"Maybe it's out of control at once!" Rongjing also looks at the sky, the voice is shallow and light.

Cloud light moon no longer speak, staring at the sky, snowflakes from the sky fall from the sky, hit her face, eyebrows, ice cool, in her eyelashes, instantly into a drop of pure water, crystal clear cover in her eyes. She did not move, not even blinking.

Rongjing takes back her sight from the sky and covers her eyes with her hands on the face of the cloud and the moon.

Cloud light moon blink eyes, that a drop of snow on the palm of the hand, wet and moist.

Two people so stay for a moment, let the scene put down their hands, warm voice to her: "go!"

Cloud shallow moon nods, follow Rong Jing to continue to move forward.

Half an hour later, they came to the gate of Lingtai temple. Master Ciyun and several elders in the temple have been waiting here. When they see them coming, they quickly join hands and greet each other. "Amitabha, jingshizi and miss Qianyue are very polite!"

"The abbot and some elders are polite!" Rong Jing nodded and his voice was warm.

"Jingshizi and miss Qianyue, please!" Abbot Ciyun and several elders let go of the mountain gate.

Rong Jing slowly walks in with the cloud and the moon.

At this time, the bell of Lingtai Temple rings. Every time Lingtai temple does things, it will ring like this. Heavy as it is, it is ethereal.

Cloud shallow moon heard such a bell, finally gently vomited a turbid gas.

Rong Jing glanced at Yun Qianyue and did not speak. He took her to the Dharma hall. The abbot and several elders followed them.

When we come to Dharma hall, the Buddha statues of the eighteen Arhats take their respective positions. Rong Jing and Yun Qianyue took a look, and they all stepped forward to the threshold. They stood in the center of the Buddha Hall and looked at the biggest statue of Buddha in the center.

"Jingshizi, do you want to do it?" Abbot Ciyun came forward and asked Rongjing in a low voice.

"Yes!" Yung King Road.

The abbot nodded and waved to the elders. Several elders were obviously prepared and waved in unison. Many monks poured in outside and sat in rows. Not long after, the Dharma hall sounded the voice of chanting sutras.

Obviously, although Lingtai temple is a holy land of Buddhism, it is also a matter of blood washing that happened in Tiansheng capital. Because this ceremony is in accordance with the prince's ceremony.

Yunqianyue closed her eyes and listened to the chanting quietly. She could not help but think of the first time she saw yetianqing when she was a child. Shortly after her mother died, her aunt took her into the palace, and yetianqing went to the ronghua palace to greet her aunt. She sat beside the queen and looked at the prince. Perhaps it should be said that she looked at the people she would marry in the future. He was just a child of a few years old. His unique conditions and his born Prince status made him look like a little golden mountain. When she looked at him, he also looked at her. The two children looked at each other for a half time, and his aunt coughed slightly. He seemed unable to hang his face, so he quickly withdrew his sight and said goodbye with a red face. The aunt naturally agreed and asked her, "how is the prince?" "If he is rich in the future, it would be nice to marry him," she said honestly My aunt laughed and scolded her, "I'm not ashamed", and the matter was taken over.

Not long after night Tianyi left, Lanfei came to greet him with yetianyi. She found that yetianyi and Xiaoqi looked too similar and thought that he was Xiao Qi. In the shocked eyes of her aunt and Lanfei, Lanfei took yetianyi out of ronghua palace. Later, although she knew that he could not recite the Communist Manifesto and was not Xiao Qi, she still placed her feelings on him. Therefore, when she entered the palace, she deliberately avoided the night sky inclination and spent most of her time with Ye Tianyi. Later, on the 45th Birthday of the old emperor, she met Rong Jing, ye qingran, Rong Feng, Leng Shao Zhuo and others one after another. On that day, in order to find out the old emperor's mind, she stealthily changed the lottery. Later, she smeared the tears of her nose on yetian, which caused yetian, who was originally fond of her, to hate her. In order to get rid of being married to the royal family, she followed the ancestral precepts Run after him in disguise. In such a flash, it's ten years.To sum up, although she was after him in those ten years, she did not remember much because she was behind him, and she never really paid attention to the prince. As a stumbling block to her freedom, I would like to kick him away.

If she didn't start the Phoenix robbery, would she continue to play in front of the night sky? He still hates her so much?

Is there something that doesn't have to happen? For example, his dying sentence, he loves her!

Everything is no longer if!

Cloud shallow moon stopped thinking, closed eyes and silently read: "night sky tilt, you go!"

At this time, Qingying came to Rongjing, took a look at Yun Qianyue, and whispered to him, "son of the world, the news just came from the palace, and the emperor died!"

Rong Jing Wen Yan picked his eyebrows, and the moon suddenly opened his eyes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!