The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1099

"You are responsible for sending the second elder brother's body back to the second prince's house to settle down and find the emperor Tianjian to bury him at a certain date! This is also a matter of the Ministry of rites! " Ye Tianyi told the cloud Lord.

"Yes! The old minister will send back the body of the second prince King Yun quickly responded and called out to the outside. His personal entourage and guards came in. He pointed to the dead body of yetianqing. They immediately realized it. Two people came up and raised yetianqing and went out. He immediately followed him out. When he came to the door, he suddenly turned around and asked, "seven prince, how should we bury him? Is it the prince's gift? Or... "

"The prince's ceremony, a thick burial!" The way of night nature.

"Yes Yun Wang Ye nodded to show that he understood and quickly withdrew from Shengyang temple.

In addition to the old emperor and comatose Ming Fei and the body of palace women eunuchs, only six princesses and night Tianyi are left.

Six princesses looked at night Tianyi, then went to Mingfei, reached out to help her up, and cried: "mother Princess, wake up!"

Princess Ming did not move.

"Seven brothers!" The sixth Princess called a few more, but the princess was still motionless. She looked at the night Tianyi.

Ye Tianyi fixed his eyes on the princess Ming, took a look at it, and said to the six princesses: "don't worry about the six sisters. The empress of Ming Fei is just suffering from blood and blood loss. She faints in the past. You can send her back to the palace! Later, let the imperial doctor write a prescription for the empress of Ming Fei. It will be OK to raise more for a few days. "

The sixth princess seemed to be relieved, nodded, and called out, "come on!"

Two people come in outside.

"Take my mother and Princess and go back to the palace with me." The sixth Princess let go of Princess Mingfei, stood up and told the two men.

The two men immediately came over, raised the princess and followed the sixth Princess out of the temple of the holy sun.

"Brunei!" Ye Tianyi called out.

"The seventh prince, the servant is here!" Brunei came in at once.

"I've ordered that this place be cleaned up!" Night Tianyi orders.

Brunei quickly responded and withdrew to call people. In a moment, more than a dozen bodyguards came in, and the two of them carried away the bodies of those palace ladies and eunuchs and cleaned up the bloodstains. After a while, Shengyang temple was cleaned up. Except for the strong smell of blood in the hall, it was not obvious that there had been some killing and lost a prince here.

After cleaning the inner hall with people, Brunei quietly retired.

In addition to the comatose old emperor, only Ye Tianyi was left in the hall. Looking at the roof of the house, he quietly called out: "King son, moon, you come down!"

He yelled, and there was no sound on the roof.

"I know you are!" Night nature is also the way.

There was still no sound on the roof.

"Yueer, did you hear what the second brother said before he died? You must be far away, did not hear, do not need fourth elder brother to tell you, I come to tell you, he says he loves you Night nature is also the way.

There was still no sound on the roof.

Night Tianyi looked at the roof of the house, frowned, took back the sight, the voice was very low, several desire not to smell, "they really did not come?"

"The seventh prince!" Qin Yuning's voice rings from the outside.

Ye Tianyi converged, turned and looked at the door, "come in!"

Qin Yuning opens the curtain and comes in, followed by the doctor of Tai hospital. She respectfully says to Ye Tianyi: "all the doctors in the hospital are here."

"Several people went to the palace of the Empress Dowager to see her. Several people went to the palace of the empress. Today, the Empress Dowager was also shocked. The rest of them stay here to see the emperor. " Night Tianyi orders.

"Yes All the doctors answered in unison.

"You are tired today. Go back to the prime minister's office and have a rest." Night sky inclines to Qin Yu Ning road.

Qin Yuning nodded and retreated.

Not long after that, all the imperial doctors in the hospital were assigned three waves, one to the Queen's bedroom, one to the imperial concubine's bedroom, and the other to stay in the Shengyang palace.

The imperial doctors who stayed in Shengyang hall to see the old emperor were trembling. They already knew what happened today. Now the seventh Prince knew how to treat the emperor, but let them see the emperor. What does that mean? Everyone did not dare to guess at random, but was very careful, as if walking on thin ice, to the old emperor step by step. It is found that the emperor's pulse is extremely weak and his Qi and blood are seriously injured. Obviously, he has been nursed by the seventh Prince for two days, but now his recuperation is not only in vain a few days ago, but is even more serious. He has even reached the point where he has only one breath left. He is powerless to recover! They looked at each other, and no one dared to prescribe a prescription.

Ye Tianyi assigned everyone's respective tasks, so he ignored them. He turned and opened the window of Shengyang hall. The cold wind blew in, which diffused a strong smell of blood. He stood in front of the window and looked out for a moment. Then he slowly turned back, sat on the chair and began to read the memorial. It's like this capital, this palace, never had that blood baptism.

For a long time, the doctors had no prescription. They all looked at Ye Tianyi. Seeing that ye Tianyi was reading the secret letter, they didn't seem to want to take care of this matter. However, they did not dare to use medicine casually. An old doctor called out tentatively, "seven prince?""Well!" Night Tianyi lightly should a, head also does not lift.

"The sick Emperor This sick body I'm afraid I can't hold on. My medical skills are low. You can see... " The old doctor looked at Ye Tianyi, afraid that if he said something wrong, he would lose his life.

"My father's time is coming, and there is no medicine for the medicine. You can use it as medicine as you like Night Tianyi throws out a word.

Seeing that ye Tianyi was not angry, the old doctor breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the seventh Prince knew more about the emperor's illness than they did. He had a look at the emperor's illness with several imperial doctors and studied the prescription in a low voice.

In the Shengyang hall, the brush sound of Ye Tianyi's imperial pen falling on the memorial is combined with the whispering voice of the doctors.

On the roof of Shengyang hall, the cloud is shallow and the moon is looking back at Rongjing.

At this time, Rongjing also drew back her sight, reached for her waist, took her quietly left the roof of Shengyang hall, and instantly entered the tunnel according to the route when she came. After entering the tunnel, he dressed like the wind, without a pause, took her out of the tunnel without a moment.

The exit of the tunnel, of course, is outside the palace wall.

Outside the palace, the air is cold and clear, blue sky and white clouds, and the palace is full of blood and is shrouded in a gloomy atmosphere.

Cloud light moon looked at the sky, gently vomited a mouthful of turbid gas, his face a little gloomy.

Rong Jing takes a look at Yun Qianyue and holds her waist. Her lightness skill reaches the peak. It is as light as a cloud, floating over the buildings and drifting out of the city.

But, where do you want to go back to wangyuntou

"Where you want to go now is where I'm going to take you." Rong Jing lowers his head, looks at the cloud shallow moon, warm voice way. , the fastest update of the webnovel!