The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1101

On the winter solstice in the 117th year of Tiansheng, the fifth emperor of Tiansheng Dynasty died and enjoyed the throne for 30 years.

During the reign of this generation of emperors, it was the most unstable period in the history of emperor Tiansheng. Small countries such as Nanliang and other courtiers became big and stopped paying tribute one after another. They secretly saved their troops. They were no longer under the control of Tiansheng. Even countries would have military turmoil because of border interests. For example, the battle of Phoenix pass in Tiansheng in 2002. Tiansheng attacked Fenghuang pass in Nanliang, and the national teacher of Nanliang retreated from Tiansheng's 150000 soldiers. For example, because of the small Beiqi state's Secret involvement in the chaos in Northern Xinjiang ten years ago, King Rong and Marquis Wenbo went to pacify the chaos, and Marquis Wenbo died for the country. King Rong was poisoned by poison gas and died. On the way back to Beijing, Tiansheng lost two princes.

Ten years ago, the house of marquis Wenbo was destroyed overnight. There were more than 300 people in the house. Only one son, Rong Feng, survived.

Five years ago, LAN's family was sentenced to nine clans because of his concubine LAN. They were uprooted, leaving only one grandson named Ye Tianyi.

There are a lot of big things and little things. The heavenly saints are not peaceful every year.

This year, the second prince and the fourth Prince conspired against the imperial palace. The death of the second prince, the fourth Prince's imprisonment, and the death of the emperor marked the end of the emperor's life.

No matter what the later history thinks of the emperor, he can no longer open his eyes to see the foundation of his life.

Rongjing and yunqianyue are standing in the Buddhist Hall of Lingtai temple. When they hear the news from Qingying, they are silent.

The old emperor could have had more than a month's life, but now he suddenly died. Nature and yetianqing and yetianyu were forced to pass on the throne. But what is more inseparable is that he found that he had been unable to do anything, and then sat in that chair to take charge of other people's life and death. All living beings knelt down at his feet, but now no one even said a word. He was angry to death. When the emperor ascends the throne, it will be late. Of course, the old emperor could not escape this fate.

Rong Jing was silent for a moment and waved to the green shadow, "I know, get back!"

The green shadow retreated quietly.

Yunqianyue thinks silently that the old emperor is finally dead, but his death may not necessarily be better than her life when he is alive. When he is dead, there will be a person who will become the most powerful successor of the Heavenly Emperor. So the past ten years of entanglement, her future life, I'm afraid, will not be easy.

Silence for a moment, yunqianyue looked at Rongjing and asked in a voice, "shall we go back now, or wait and then go back?"

"It's getting late. We won't go back today, so we'll stay in the back mountain courtyard here." Rong Jing Wen Sheng Dao.

Yunqianyue nodded. He didn't want to go to the palace to mourn the old emperor. Naturally, she didn't mind. She turned her head and looked at the Buddha in front of her again. She pulled her mouth and said in a low voice: "night sky tilt, I think you don't want to see such a father again on the huangquan road even if you are dead? In this case, you should go faster, drink Mengpo soup and get into the six samsara. Don't be born in the house of the son of heaven. Wealth has always been like clouds of smoke, but the real thing is ordinary happiness. "

Rong Jing looks at the cloud shallow moon, the quiet eye light suddenly gently across a ripple.

"Let's go! I didn't eat for a day. I'm hungry. You and I will go to Houshan to roast fish! " Cloud shallow moon turns back, stretch out a hand to hold Rong Jing, tone relaxed tunnel to him.

"Grilled fish?" Rong Jing raises her eyebrows.

"Well, I want to eat grilled fish!" Cloud light moon road.

Rong Jing laughed and nodded slowly, "OK!"

When they reached an agreement, they all turned around and came to abbot Ciyun. Rongjing said to him, "let's borrow from the other courtyard in the back mountain today! The monks in Laofan Temple practiced here for one night today. Tomorrow I'll send someone to deliver the balm money. "

"You are welcome! This is what Bi temple should do. Since jingshizi and miss Qianyue are staying in the Bi temple, they can do whatever they like! " Abbot Ciyun quickly stood up and said respectfully.

Let the scenic spot nod, no longer speak, pull the cloud shallow moon out of the Dharma hall.

Outside the Dharma hall, for a moment, a thick layer of snow has fallen, and the sky and earth are white. The whole Lingtai temple in Qingquan mountain is shrouded in a layer of white snow. Feet on the ground, stepping on the snow, falling deep marks, issued a creaking sound.

Inside is the sound of chanting sutras all over the mountains and fields. Outside is the world wrapped in a layer of silver, everything is quiet, only a large snowflake falling, pure white.

As soon as they walked out, a large snowflake fell on their heads and bodies.

The moon blinked, and the snow fell down her long eyelashes, coagulating with the accumulated blood on the ground. She suddenly reached out and hugged Rongjing's waist and looked at him playfully and laughed.

Rong Jing slightly side, leaning head to see the cloud shallow moon, funny looking at her childish look, smile asked, "now still want to eat grilled fish?"

"Yes Cloud shallow moon nods.

"Then we'll eat it!" Rong Jing touched her head with a smile, and then took away her warm palm. The palm was covered with water. He said with a laugh: "do you want to let Qingying take an umbrella? If we don't wait for the fragrant spring water, we should get wet. ""Mr. Rong, have you ever come out of the snow?" Cloud shallow moon slants head to look at Rong Jing.

Rong Jing seemed to think for a moment and shook his head, "no!"

"No wonder!" Cloud shallow moon murmured, thinking that he had been tortured by cold poison for ten years. Such a snowy day would add to the frost to his body with cold poison. She looked at his face and joked, "don't you know that? He's learned a lot! I think it's time to give up your glory. Rain is wet, but snow is not

Rong Jing chuckled, "is that right?"

"Nature!" The moon looked at him with a smile.

"But your clothes will soon be wet. Are you sure you don't need an umbrella?" Rong Jing laughingly looks at the cloud and asks.

Yunqianyue was stunned. She took back her sight and looked at herself. Only then did she find that her clothes were really wet. However, she got up this morning and had a formal dress. She was quite thick, so she didn't feel it. She was surprised and asked, "how can it be wet? It's snowing! It's not rain. You see, the ground is thick and snow doesn't melt. How can it melt on me

Rong Jing looked at her with a smile, and Ruyu's hand touched her forehead and said, "because what you study is the Phoenix Sutra, which belongs to the fire nature. The advantage of this skill is that after you get through the eight meridians, it will be integrated with your daily exercises. Now your martial arts have just passed the ninth spring storm and are entering the final stage of the Phoenix Sutra. Think about it. Both of these two powers can catalyze things. If you don't restrain your true Qi and snow falls on you, how can you keep your clothes from getting wet , the fastest update of the webnovel!