The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1098

"It doesn't seem easy for me to end up like this!" Ye Tianyi is not angry or angry, and looks calm. He says to Princess Liu: "Liu Mei, you go out and have a look. Has Brunei invited people here?"

The sixth Princess answered and went out in a hurry.

"I said kill him! Kill this villain! He is not worthy of the name night The old emperor still roared.

Ye Tianyi no longer talks, nor looks at the old emperor.

"Father, I think it's ridiculous for you to cry like this! You don't understand it now. This palace, or even the whole emperor, has the final say. The man who has the final say is seven brothers. Even two women can listen to him. How many people in this palace don't listen to him? Including your Brunei. " Night sky Yu laughingly looked at the old emperor lying on the bed shouting.

The old emperor glared at the night sky Yu, his eyes were red, and for a moment, he glared at night Tianyi, and suddenly opened his mouth, and a mouthful of blood gushed out. Want to get up, but fell back on the bed, fainted.

"Miss Qin, please go and ask the grand physician to see his father!" Ye Tianyi orders Qin Yuning.

"Yes, the seventh prince!" Qin Yuning went down in response.

"Brother seven, here comes the man!" The sixth princess came out from the outside, followed by a group of people.

Ye Tianyi looks at the door and sees Prince De, Prince Xiao, Prince Yun and Prime Minister Qin come in. He doesn't see yeqingran, Rongfeng and lengshaozhuo. He asked calmly, "three uncles and prime ministers are here. Where are dye prince, Leng Xiaowang and fengshizi?"

After they came in, they seemed to be startled by the lying corpses in the Shengyang hall. In particular, yetianyu was sitting on the ground with yetianqing in his arms. Yetianqing was covered with blood and had no sound. They all stopped for a moment, looking at the situation in front of them and didn't listen to ye Tianyi's words.

"Three uncles and prime ministers are here. Where are dye, Leng and fengshizi?" Ye Tianyi asked again.

"Back to the seventh prince, the three of them are drunk! I can't come. Now I've just been sent back to my house. I'm guilty of mud. In particular, night light ran that son of a bitch, sin is even more unconscious, also do not know how many jars of wine they three poured Prince de should first return to God, even busy way.

Ye Tianyi nodded, "although they can't come, it's the same for the three Wang Shus and prime ministers." Words fall, looked at four people one eye way: "second elder brother and fourth elder brother and father emperor have a joke, father emperor wants to kill them, I originally called you to come to beg for love, now it seems unnecessary, father emperor disease relapsed, now fainted, you see how to deal with the fourth elder brother."

After hearing this, the four men looked at the Dragon bed. As expected, they saw that the old emperor had passed out. He vomited a pool of blood on the bed. His face was a little terrible. Under the bed, a woman who had passed out in the same way could not recognize her appearance, but she could still be identified by her clothes.

Four people pass by the imperial concubine and look at the dead night sky tilt and embrace his night sky Yu again. There was no answer for a moment.

"Uncle De Wang, what do you want to do with it?" Ye Tianyi asked Prince De.

"This..." Prince de looked at the other three and said cautiously, "now the emperor is in a daze. He has been the son of the seventh prince. You can deal with this matter!"

"The other two Uncle Wang and prime minister also have the same idea as Uncle De Wang?" Ye Tianyi looks at the other three.

"Brother Dewang is right! The emperor is in a coma. He has always been the seventh Prince's son in charge of the country. You can deal with this matter! " Prince Xiao and Prince Yun nodded together.

The Prime Minister of Qin also quickly agreed, "yes, this matter should be dealt with by the seventh prince! I will obey the orders of the seven princes. "

Ye Tianyi nodded and said in a leisurely way: "although I supervise the country, Jing Shizi should also listen to his opinions when assisting in politics."

"This..." Prince de frowned, "King Shizi reaches the crown today, miss Qianyue and Ji, and the seventh Prince knows that they have left the guests, and there is no news now..."

"Ye Tianyi, what nonsense! Kill if you want, cut if you want! You go and call han'er, and we will die for you. " Ye Tianyu interrupts Prince De's words and hates Ye Tianyi.

"As I said just now, the second and fourth brothers are just joking with their father. They are not capital crimes. The second elder brother committed suicide. I didn't stop me. Now that I don't let my father kill you, I won't kill you, nor will I call your side concubine to commit suicide together. Don't think about it. " Ye Tianyi glanced at Ye Tianyu and said to the king, "Uncle De Wang, first put the fourth brother into the prison of the Ministry of punishment! When the father wakes up and the king comes back, he will make a decision again! "

"Yes Prince de answered quickly.

"Fourth brother, you'd better not want to die. I can say it and do it! If you want to kill yourself, you can't imagine the fate of your side concubine. " Ye Tianyi's light warning.

Ye Tianyu glared at Ye Tianyi angrily. After a moment, his anger retreated and he suddenly laughed, "my good seven brothers, don't worry. From now on, if you let me die, I will not die. I still have two elder brothers to entrust me to tell my sister Yue at last. How can I die? And I'm going to have to watch how you failed as well as we did. I want to watch the noble chair of the holy emperor for a few days"The fourth brother can think of it best! Don't worry about me again Night Tianyi words fall, no longer look at night day Yu, look to the prince De.

Prince de called out, "come on

A few people poured in from outside.

"Take the fourth prince to the prison of the Ministry of punishment, and guard it strictly!" The prince of Germany ordered several people.

"Yes The men answered immediately.

"You don't have to bet. I'll go by myself." Night day Yu let go of the night sky tilt, got up and stood up, and walked outward.

The men immediately pulled out their swords, pointed them at his back, and followed him out of the temple. Prince de looked out of the people, he is in charge of the Ministry of punishment, seems not at ease, also followed out.

Prince Xiao, Lord Yun and Prime Minister Qin all look at Ye Tianyi.

"Uncle Leng Wang, you take people to surround the fourth Prince's house. Take good care of Zhao Kehan and tell her that the fourth brother is not dead and has been put into the prison of the Ministry of punishment. If she wants the fourth brother to live, she will stay in the fourth Prince's house. " Ye Tianyi gives orders to Prince Xiao.

"Yes, I will go now." Prince Xiao accepted his orders and went to the palace in a hurry.

"Prime Minister of Qin!" Ye Tianyi looks at Prime Minister Qin.

"Seven princes, please tell me!" The Prime Minister of Qin immediately bowed his head respectfully.

"Take your men to clean the palace and the capital! Tomorrow morning, I don't want to see a drop of blood and a corpse. " Night Tianyi ordered.

"Yes, I will go now." The Prime Minister of Qin was ordered to retreat.

"Uncle Yun Wang!" Ye Tianyi looks at Wang Ye.

"The old minister is here!" The cloud Lord quickly stepped forward, and his attitude was extremely venerable and respectful. , the fastest update of the webnovel!