The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1094

I saw the old emperor lying on the Dragon bed, glaring at one direction. A woman in a pink Palace Dress knelt in front of the bed with her head slightly lowered. Her face seemed to be inflamed and inflamed. She could not see her face. However, it was not difficult to recognize her as Ming Fei by her clothes. There was a sword on her neck. The sword was close to her neck and there was a long bloodstain. The blood dripped down the body of the sword and dyed the bluestone on the ground red. Up the handle, I saw a hand holding the sword. The joints were clear. Looking forward, it was a black brocade sleeve with dragon pattern. After that, the night sky inclines a cold and stern face.

Night Tianqing is clean and clean. Except for the sword in his hand, there is no trace of blood. Standing beside him was yetianyu, who was also clean, holding a volume of bright yellow edict in his hand, which had already been written, among which the words "imperial edict of succession" were very striking.

In addition to a few people, there were also 20 or 30 people lying on the floor of the inner hall. Everyone was silent, apparently dead.

This situation, of course, is forced to pass the throne.

Yunqianyue glanced at the people lying on the ground in the inner hall. Without seeing Brunei's figure, she looked down quietly.

"Father, have you considered it? As long as you take out the jade seal and cover the imperial edict, my second brother and I will release this woman and let you live in the future. " The night day Yu shakes the imperial edict, to the old emperor way: "she is your favorite woman? Did you watch her die

"Evil son!" The old emperor gave a big scolding.

"You are right. We are evil children. If it is not a villain, it is impossible to do such a wicked thing. " Night day Yu suddenly a joy, the vision is Sen Leng not half silk smile, "this is you force two elder brother and son minister! How can we not live up to your wishes if you force us to turn against us and not give us a way to live? "

"Bastard, when did I force you?" The old emperor was furious.

"You killed the second brother's child with Arnebia, and sent someone to kill my child with the forbidden skill of Southern Xinjiang. You don't care if they are your grandchildren. Where is the kinship? In your heart there is only imperial power. " Night day Yu cold face way.

"Bastard, how could I kill my grandson?" The blue veins on the old emperor's forehead jumped.

"We know whether we have killed you or not." Ye Tianyu said coldly: "now just for you, do you want to hand over the jade seal and complete us, or let us kill our father after killing this woman. Since we have come to this stage, we don't care about the great crime of killing father. Since ancient times, it is not without patricide! "

"Son of a bitch! Your father is mine The old emperor's eyes were red. He seemed to think of it. However, he lay on the bed and could not move. He only glared at the night sky Yu.

"We know that you are our father, and if you are not our father, we will not be so. Now the whole imperial city is under the control of me and my second brother. As long as you take out the imperial edict, you will be the supreme emperor in the future. We are determined not to touch you. You like the seventh brother, but do you think he can really sit on the throne? Not to mention that he is persistent to the moon sister, that is, Rong Jing, he can do nothing. If you let him inherit the throne, maybe one day the court will fall into his hands. " Night sky Yu Road.

The old emperor was calm and angry and said, "you are really my good son!"

"Father emperor, we don't have so much time to wait for you to decide. Now I'll wait for you. Will you hand in the jade seal? If we don't hand it over, we'll kill the woman and then our father! " The night sky inclines to open a mouth, the voice also is Sen cold.

"I have just said that the jade seal is no longer in my hands. In these days, the jade seal is in his hands. " The old emperor said.

"Father emperor, you don't want to tiger us. How could your imperial seal be given to him so early? As your son for 20 years, we still know this point about you. How could you hand over the imperial seal that you regard as your life if you did not close your eyes? The jade seal in his hand is just a common one. The imperial seal is naturally in your hands. " Night sky inclines again.

"No! I said I gave it to him. Do you believe it or not? " The old emperor seemed very angry.

"Second brother, kill this woman!" Night day Yu seems to be too lazy to talk nonsense with the old emperor, turn his head to night sky incline way.

Yetian nodded and pushed his sword.

Mingfei was motionless and had no resistance.

Yunqianyue looks at Mingfei suspiciously, thinking that she should have martial arts, but it looks like she is being slaughtered. Isn't there really any martial arts? She glanced at Rongjing. She saw that Rongjing's eyes were quiet, and she looked down carelessly. Even if she peeped in the dark here, he was still like a noble young man. His clothes were gorgeous and elegant. She looked back and watched quietly.

The sword stabbed deeply into the inside, and the Mingfei's neck was filled with blood.

The old emperor suddenly closed his eyes and didn't look at the princess. He said to the two people: "you kill it! Kill her, kill me. I'll see how long you two villains can live? "

"My father is so cruel, so my son will not be polite." Night sky inclines suddenly a bite teeth, wrist force, will result in the life of Ming Fei.

At this critical moment, a dagger suddenly flew in from the door and inserted into the heart of the night sky.The sword that night sky inclines to stab suddenly stops, the sword in hand falls off, "bang" a sound, fall on the ground.

Night day Yu suddenly turned back, did not see the person clearly, neck was put on a sword. A gentle female voice sounded, "fourth prince, you'd better not move. The sword has no eyes."

Although she has not heard such a familiar voice for months, she can still hear it clearly. It is Qin Yuning.

Such an instant change makes the cloud on the roof of the moon a Zheng, looking at the sudden appearance of Qin Yuning. Qin Yuning seems to be much thinner than a few months ago, but she is thin and tasteful. Her eyebrows and eyes are much more mature. Her black dress, like a black poppy, is not only gentle but also charming. Her voice fell, and the sword was on night Tianyu's neck. At this time, another woman, dressed in palace clothes, was as gentle as Qin Yuning. Without her charm, she had a different kind of magnificence. It was the sixth princess.

See two people appear, cloud shallow moon slant head looks toward Rong Jing.

It seems that it is not unexpected to see the scene leisurely and lightly. Feel cloud shallow moon's vision, slant head to her a smile, did not speak, motioned her to continue to look.

Cloud shallow moon eyebrow tip picked pick, take back line of sight, continue to look down.

The night day Yu hand holds the imperial edict to live, does not dare to move.

Yetian turns away from the dagger in his back and looks at Qin Yuning in disbelief. In a moment, he suddenly opens his mouth and smiles. There is blood in his mouth. He looks at Qin Yuning and says, "Yuning, you are all right!"

Qin Yuning looked at the night sky, her face was gentle, but her eyes were cold, "the second prince is so brave, how dare you plan against it!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!