The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1095

"I haven't seen you for a few months. Yuning seems to be having a good time!" Night day tilts to bite a tooth to spit out a word, the blood in the mouth is more.

"Thanks to the second prince, I'm doing well." Qin Yu Ning said coldly.

Night sky inclined to smile, because the back of the dagger inserted very deep, drawing all his strength, he covered his abdomen with his hand, went to Qin Yuning, "Yuning, you tell me, where are you these days?"

"If the second prince and the fourth Prince conspire against each other, it should be a death penalty. Since you are going to die, I advise you not to know." Qin Yuning's cold tunnel.

"At seven brothers?" Night sky tilt seems not to hear Qin Yuning's words, continue to move forward.

"The second prince had better stop! If I shake my hand, your good brother will die. " Qin Yu Ning sees that night sky inclines toward her, warning way.

"Ah That's right. We'll go to the netherworld together. Anyway, I can't live, and I have a companion. " Night sky inclines "ah" ground to smile, Qi and blood gush up, vomit a big mouthful of blood, but still come to Qin Yuning.

"Second brother, those who know the current affairs are the heroes! If you kneel down to plead with your father now, the younger sister may be able to find you a great doctor to see and protect your life. " At this time, the sixth princess came forward and drew a sword from her waist and put it on the neck of night sky tilt. She warned, "otherwise, don't blame the impoliteness of your sister!"

Night sky inclined to stop, raised his eyebrows, seemed to be serious. He looked at the six princesses carefully and said with a smile: "six sisters are really promising now! You can pull out your sword

"People always want to grow up, just like the second brother who dare to borrow the courage from the sky to plan against it. Where can't my sister grow up?" The sixth Princess pointed to the night sky with a sword, and said to the old emperor lying on the bed: "father and emperor, daughter and Yu Ning are late. You have suffered. How do you deal with them?"

"You're here The old emperor stretched out his hand and patted the bed board. It seemed that he also came to the spirit and said, "kill them now! I don't want to see these two evils again. "

"Second brother, since my father doesn't want to see you again, I'm sorry!" Six princesses smell speech wrist to force suddenly, the sword that holds in hand does not hesitate to delimit to night sky incline neck.

Yun Qianyue's fingers shrank and her eyes were fixed on the sword of the sixth princess.

Rong Jing gently grasps the hand that holds cloud shallow moon, she slants head to look at him, his eye light is quiet, half silk wants to help look also have no. She closed her eyes, nodded to him, and continued to look down.

"Hold on!" Just then, a familiar voice came from the door.

The sword in the hands of the six princesses stopped in an instant and turned back slowly. Only night Tianyi walked in slowly. She looked at Ye Tianyi and called out, "seven brothers!"

This sound seven elder brothers sounds ordinary, but if listen carefully, inside called a respectful.

"The seventh prince!" Qin Yu Ning's sword on the neck of night Tianyu is not loose, and he also shouts, which is similar to the voice of six princesses.

The cloud is shallow and the moon is leaning towards Rongjing.

Rong Jing's mouth slightly raised, overflow a smile, some cool, some scattered, some can not see is mockery, or other. In short, he seldom has such a smile.

Cloud shallow moon to take back line of sight, continue to look down.

"You are here at last! I thought you didn't care about my father and emperor, so these two evil sons killed me The old emperor looked at the way of night nature.

"The late arrival of my son's minister surprised my father!" Ye Tianyi walked in slowly and stood three feet away from the night sky tilt and night sky Yu. After a look at them, he said to the old emperor.

The old emperor snorted, "these two evil sons, also let me not stand to be frightened."

"The father and the emperor are the nine and five saints of heaven, and there are very few things that can frighten him. It seems that the children's ministers were worried too much. When they got the news, they entrusted the Empress Dowager to Uncle Yun Wang to take care of her, and came in a hurry. " Ye Tianyi looks at the old emperor.

"How is your mother? You can't stand the rush, can't you? " Asked the old emperor.

"No, everything is very good after my mother, but she loves Fushou mountain very much and doesn't want to come back." The way of night nature.

"If you don't want to come back, you have to come back. Fushou mountain is Fushou mountain, not her home. The palace is her home." The old emperor said.

"The queen mother said it was enough to live in the palace!" Night nature is also the way.

The old emperor snorted, "if you have enough, you have to live. She was born to be a member of the royal family, and her death is the ghost of the royal family. Don't think you can do whatever you want when time is running out. She can't help it. "

"It's a pity that my father is ill and can't get up. I think the empress of mother is just angry with him. As long as the father coaxes her, it will be OK. After all, you and your mother are husband and wife for life. " The way of night nature.

"If I'm not sick and can't get up, can I have these two evil sons rolling in front of me? She didn't come to see me because she had legs and feet. She didn't see me when I went many times. Where is such a queen? " The old emperor's anger went up again. He mentioned yetianqing and yetianyu, which had been chatting with Ye Tianyi. Now he thinks of them and says angrily to Ye Tianyi: "why do you stop? Don't let six son kill this evil son? "

"According to the children's minister, the second and fourth brothers are just joking with the father." Night Tianyi slowly road.

"You're kidding! Asshole! Are you kidding because the knives are all around my neck The old emperor raised his eyebrows and raised his eyes."The son minister didn't see the knife rest on your neck, but on the neck of Princess Ming's wife. Now, the sword is held against the neck by the sixth sister and the two daughters of Miss Qin of the prime minister's house. They are just two weak women. How can we easily control the second and fourth brothers? Isn't this a great way to smooth the world? According to the children's minister, this is just a joke between the second brother and the fourth brother Night Tianyi slowly tunnel.

"That's because Miss Qin has martial arts! And better than these two people, don't tell me you don't know! " The old emperor glared at Ye Tianyi.

"Does Miss Qin have any martial arts?" Night Tianyi seems to be a little surprised, turned his head, looked up and down Qin Yuning, shook his head, "the son minister really does not know."

The old emperor snorted, "what do you know?"

"I know that you are the father and emperor of the children's ministers. They are brothers with the same blood as the children's ministers." The way of night nature.

"Brother? You didn't hear what they just said! You treat them as brothers, but these two villains don't think you are brothers The old emperor seemed to be infuriated, and his forehead was green. No longer wanting to say anything, he knocked hard on the bed board and ordered Ye Tianyi: "now kill them two for me! I will never see them again. "

"Father, please don't be angry. The second brother and the fourth brother are joking, but they can't die!" Night Tianyi looked at night sky tilt and night day Yu, shaking his head to the old emperor.

"Son of a bitch, you are against me, can't you?" The old emperor seemed very angry.

"I dare not!" Ye Tianyi shakes her head and shouts to the outside in a clear voice: "come and invite Prince De, Prince Xiao Xiao Xiao, Prince Yun, Prime Minister Qin, Lord ranxiao, Prince Rongfeng and Prince Leng to come to Shengyang hall." , the fastest update of the webnovel!