The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1093

Out of Fushou mountain, Rongjing and yunqianyue have excellent lightness skills. They can easily avoid the dark crowd and go to the gate of the city.

When I came to the north gate, I saw that the gate was closed, and there were soldiers guarding the city on the wall. Everyone was solemn and solemn, with long Tassels and big swords, and the breath was cold. No one would have thought that there had been a bloody battle not long ago if it had not been for the cold smell and the wet blood left on the wall.

The cloud is shallow and the moon is slanting to see the scenery.

Rongjing also glanced at Yun Qianyue, holding her hand in one hand and her slender waist in the other. Her body suddenly doubled, like a cloud of smoke, floating over the city wall and the soldiers on the wall, and entered the city soundlessly.

The streets of the capital are covered with blood. On the ground lay the corpses of soldiers whose blood had not dried.

"What do ye Tianqing and ye Tianyu want? Do you want the emperor to abdicate and summon him? " The cloud is shallow and the moon is whispering to Rongjing. Although she didn't want to see the blood dyed on the day of Rongjing and Guan and her hairpin, she thought that they could not miss it.

"That's the only way they can do it!" Rongjing said in a leisurely way: "if you want troops, they are not as light as night. They want financial resources. They are not as good as night Tianyi in Northern Xinjiang. They need political support. They are not as good as the old emperor's support for ye Tianyi. They can only have such a way. He forced the emperor to abdicate

"If you can force it, you will not be a crafty old emperor!" Yun Qianyue said: "today night Tianyi came out with her aunt, probably because she didn't want them to make use of the prince in her aunt's stomach, but yeqingran did nothing to drink. Rongfeng Leng Shao Zhuo also drank in Fushou mountain. Prince De, Prince Xiao and Prime Minister Qin were loyal to the old emperor in Fushou mountain. Most of the people in the imperial city rushed to Fushou mountain. In addition to some old and weak women and children who could not go there, the old emperor was a decisive figure in the whole capital city, including the imperial palace. "

"Let's go and have a look. Maybe the palace is busy now!" Yung King Road.

"Good!" Cloud shallow moon nods.

They reached an agreement, from Rongjing to the palace with cloud and moon.

As light as a swallow, they floated through the layers of buildings, and they came to the outside of the palace wall.

The palace gate was also closed, and there was a river of blood in front of it, and the armor and clothing of the soldiers standing in front of the door were stained with blood. The air is filled with a strong smell of blood, which seems to be shrouded in this magnificent palace, covered with blood. In addition to the soldiers standing at the gate of the palace, there were thousands of soldiers with black clothes and dark guards. Each of them had the waist tag of the second prince or the fourth prince, keeping the whole palace firmly.

Yun Qianyue looked at Rongjing and said in a low voice: "even though we are excellent in lightness skills, it's not easy for so many hidden guards to pass over their heads without being detected. If we're found out, we're in trouble. "

"Take that dark road!" Yung King Road.

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon nods.

Rongjing takes yunqianyue and turns in a direction. He uses his lightness skill to go to the courtyard behind the wall at the end of the palace.

After a while, I came to the entrance of the dark passage, covered by trees and without any trace of people. Rong Jing floats and falls, opens the secret door, pulls the cloud shallow moon to walk into the dark path.

This secret road is exactly the one that yunqianyue and ye Tianyi discovered five years ago that the old emperor and Lanfei traded together. It not only leads to the imperial study, Shengyang hall, Jinluan hall, but also leads to the outside of the palace. It is the escape tunnel for the royal family.

It was the winter solstice. It was cold outside and dark and damp cold inside.

Rong Jing holds both hands of Yun Qianyue and warms her cold palm with the temperature of his palm. She asked softly, "is it cold?"

"Good! I'm not cold with you. " Cloud shallow moon shakes head, slant head to Rong Jing a smile.

Rongjing mouth slightly raised, also overflow a touch of soft warm smile, pull cloud shallow moon forward.

There are mechanisms and concealed weapons in the dark channel, but naturally it is difficult to resist Rongjing and yunqianyue. When they are not many, they come to the bottom of Shengyang hall. Yunqianyue withdraws her hand from Rongjing's hand and pulls the perspective mirror on the wall.

Rongjing first reached out to stop her and whispered to her, "what's the meaning of watching here? Let's go out and see! "

Cloud light moon blinks, withdraws hand, nods, "good!"

Rongjing reached for a smooth place on the wall and saw that there was nothing. However, when he dropped his finger, a door opened quietly on their left side.

Cloud shallow moon Leng for a while, unexpectedly don't know which place still has mechanism? She looked at Rongjing suspiciously. She is proficient in the art of mechanism. She thinks that she thinks she is the first and nobody dares to recognize the second. However, she doesn't see that it is actually a mechanism? So when he was in the underground Buddhist Hall of Lingtai temple, this man was deliberately hiding and not leaking out.

Seeing that yunqianyue looked at him, he stretched out his hand and pulled him to the secret door. He explained with a smile, "I'm not more proficient in mechanism than you are, but I'm more familiar with this palace than you are. This palace is the former site of the former dynasty."

Cloud shallow month smell speech pick eyebrow, "if I am not wrong, unlock this secret door is your fingerprint?"

Rong Jing nodded with a smile and doted on the cloud and said, "you are really smart. You can't hide anything from you. It's really my fingerprint. " After that, he said in a quiet voice: "when I was seven years old, I came to the Imperial Palace and cracked this secret passage for the first time with the method of printing. After that, I changed my fingerprints. That is to say, no one in the world can open this secret door unless I have my fingerprint. Without my fingerprints, there is no secret door in this place. ""The method of printing?" Cloud shallow moon looks at Rong Jing's hand.

"Well!" Rong Jing should a, pull the cloud shallow moon into the dark door, with them into, the dark door closed, in a moment, eyes dark, hands can not see five fingers.

Yunqianyue stepped on something and staggered. Rongjing reached out to hold her waist. She was about to speak. She felt that his body turned and her clothes rolled up. Her head was dizzy for a moment. In an instant, her eyes were bright. Rongjing has taken her out of the dark way, floating in the shadow of the eaves of Shengyang hall.

The strong smell of blood came again. Outside the Shengyang hall, countless people were lying in the pool of blood.

Rong Jing glanced at the man lying in the pool of blood and gently took away a piece of tile under his body.

Yun Qianyue looks at the imperial palace. The number of dead people may be counted, but the family behind these people can't be counted. A bloodstain, thousands of people. This is the baptism of the first blood of the replacement of the old and new regimes! The imperial power, the Imperial Palace, the supreme throne, seems to have never been without blood and bone accumulation.

The two tiles were gently taken away, revealing the situation in the Shengyang hall. Rongjing gently grasped the finger holding the cloud and the moon with his finger. Yunqianyue takes back her sight and looks at him. He gives her a downward sign. She thinks that she will look down with him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!