The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1086

"That's the best! Even if you run away, I'll hold you tight Rong Jing said with a smile.

Cloud shallow moon shakes head, the tone is solemn, "I said that I will not escape, your ear is not good, did not hear clearly? What I'm saying is that I won't run away without you holding on to it. "

Rongjing smile sprawled open, the eyes of the moment like broken spring water like gentle, warm tone like spring breeze, "then I'll rest assured!"

Cloud shallow month no longer speak, don't know why, this moment suddenly want to hold him like this, let her realize own intention. No matter how tarnished the country will be, how the world war, she will always accompany him, accompany him to death.

"Everyone is looking at us! Are you sure you want to hold me like this all the time Rong Jing asked with a smile.

Cloud shallow moon buries in his bosom not to come out, insolent way: "so what?"

"In any case, the young lady of the cloud mansion is a dandy. No one praises her. She has done a lot of extraordinary things. She doesn't care about this kind of action which is not allowed to be secular in public. However, I am still a good subject with good conduct. My son cherishes his reputation very much, which seems inappropriate." Rong Jing said with a smile.

Cloud shallow month hears speech to turn a white eye, raise a face to look at him, "Rong childe, how much do you cherish your own reputation?"

Rong Jing stretched out his hand to help his forehead. He seemed to think about it for a while and said with a smile, "I love you very much."

"How much care?" Cloud shallow moon asked, "how about loving me?"

"Of course not as good as you Rong Jing said with a smile.

"Come on, don't let me hold you for a while." Cloud light moon buried in his arms again.

Rong Jing seemed helpless to sigh, chuckle, no longer speak, naturally do not push her. The warm smile of the eyes and the crescent radian of the corner of the mouth revealed his excellent mood at this time.

Cloud shallow moon buried in the face of Jing Huai also smile.

On the mountain and down the mountain, thousands of people's eyes were fixed on the two people. Originally, they also praised the two people. One was as matchless as jade, the other was beautiful and refined, and the color of jade face. Qi Qi Qi was praising their match. All of a sudden, he saw the moon in Rongjing's arms and hugged him tightly. All of a sudden, they could not help but exclaimed, and took a breath of cold breath from the bottom of my heart.

Although the reputation of love and love has been widely known all over the world, this is the first time that such a move to cross the distance in public is the first, which makes everyone open their eyes and makes them spend flowers.

But I have to admit that the crescent moon white robe and purple Ruan Yan Luo, two people embrace together, men and women are unparalleled style, this scenery is called the world's most beautiful. No one can have the splendor of their moment.

"If we don't go up again, the people on the mountain should wait!" After a moment, Rongjing murmured.

Cloud light moon let go of the scene, leave his arms, then feel countless eyes fixed on her body, her face slightly red.

"If you exercise like this a few times in the future, your face will not be red!" Rong Jing smiles at the face of the moon, as red as haze, delicate and extraordinary, his mind slightly swings.

Cloud shallow moon face is more red, embarrassed stare at him one eye, indignant way: "you this is scold me thick skinned!"

Rong Jing laughs and holds the hand of Yun Xiaoyue and goes up.

Cloud shallow moon saw him speechless, also no longer speech, followed his steps forward.

Today, there is no peach tree in Fushou mountain, and no trace of the previous dynasty can be seen. How many people can remember the love between the emperor and the empress a hundred years ago? Nowadays, the common people in the world are deceived by the love rendered by the ancestor emperor. After the turbulent times, only the eulogy of Yeshi, the first emperor, was left behind. How many people know that the Empress Dowager's deep affection, the prince's strange disappearance, and the love that Prince ronghua and empress Zhenjing couldn't love?

Yeshi, this surname, she has always hated, now, even more so.

On Fushou mountain, people have already gathered on the mountain. All of them are powerful and important figures in the imperial court. The old prince Rong, who has never been out of the palace, is sitting at the same place. In addition, Prince De, Prince Xiao, and Qin Cheng are also there. Among them, Prince yuzishu of Donghai, Prince nanlingrui of Nanliang, Prince xiyanyue of Xiyan, Princess yeqian and his son-in-law of Southern Xinjiang, and envoys of small countries They are all sitting high on the pavilion.

On the high platform, not only everyone is well-dressed, but also the rooftop is decorated very fresh.

As far as I can see, all of them are related to the rites of crowns and hairpins, and none of them is the best.

Yunqianyue glances at the crowd, but she doesn't see ye Tianyi, yeqingran, yetianqing, yetianyu, and even some of the royal princes. The younger generation only has Leng Shao Zhuo and Rong Feng sitting together. She holds her eyes and smiles in her heart.

At this time, the cloud Lord with cloud, seven princess and others from another road up the mountain.

"Cloud light moon, you are too much like nobody else? If I remember correctly, Jing Shizi is not in your family now. In public, thousands of people look at you and you hug him. Are you ashamed? " Ye Qian should speak first.

"Sooner or later it belongs to my family. What am I ashamed of?" Cloud light moon is natural.

Ye Qian was angry with her, "I don't know you, a woman who doesn't know what shyness is!"

"You know what shyness is?" Cloud shallow month glared at Ye Qian one eye, to cloud evening cold way: "elder brother, control your woman! She would have wanted to hold you for a long time, but she didn't dare. Now she is jealous of meCloud evening cold face a red, light cough. Ye Qian's face is also red, just about to speak, is stopped by the cloud evening cold hand, he smiles slightly, looks at Rong Jing and cloud shallow moon two humanity: "auspicious time is about to start! Don't delay the hour. The ceremony of adulthood is a great thing, and it can't be careless. "

Ye Qian snorted and stopped talking.

Cloud light moon smile spread open, cancan a smile, "brother said right, naturally can't be careless!" After that, she said to a minister in ceremonial dress: "get ready to start!"

"Yes, Miss moon!" The ceremonial officer quickly nodded and respectfully said to Rongjing and yunqianyue: "worship the heaven first, then the hair binding ceremony, and then the hairpin ceremony. Jingshizi, miss Qianyue, you are the first son of the family, and you are the second. Is this a proper arrangement? "

"In order!" Cloud shallow moon nods.

Rong Jing nodded with a smile.

"The seventh Prince has just sent someone to say that the empress also wants to come to see Miss Qianyue's hairpin ceremony. I will give you the hairpin personally. Now it is on the road. Because of the Queen's health, the car shop can't be too fast. So it's going to be a little bit late. But it should be able to catch up with your hairpin ceremony. " The etiquette officer said again.

Cloud shallow month one Zheng, "Auntie also wants to come?"

The ceremonial officer nodded, "the seventh prince sent someone to deliver a message, which is what he said! He took care of the queen and came along the road together

Cloud shallow month look to cloud Lord Ye and cloud from, "father king and elder brother know aunt to come?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!