The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1087

Seeing that Yun Qianyue looked at him, he nodded with a smile: "your aunt will come naturally! I'm afraid you won't let her come, and I won't let you know. Your aunt has been treating you like her all these years. I don't want to miss your bar mitzvah

Cloud from also nodded, "aunt told me several times, let me not tell you."

Cloud light moon looks to Rongjing.

Rong Jing nodded to her with a smile and said in a warm voice: "with the seventh prince in, my aunt will not have an accident. She doesn't want to miss your hairpin ceremony, so she has nothing to do. Otherwise, she may feel sorry. "

Cloud shallow moon slightly nervous heart relaxed some, nodded, "Auntie can come, natural best. I'm just afraid she'll run up the mountain, and she won't be able to stand it. "

"Your aunt is not so delicate yet!" Wang Ye shook his head, "don't worry!"

Cloud shallow moon "Er" a, no longer speak. Thinking that it was Ye Tianyi who came with her aunt in person. What is the plan? But she doesn't care that much. One thing for sure is that ye Tianyi won't hurt her aunt. Whether she and he have broken up, cold heart, ruthless love, but this point, or can be sure.

The ceremonial officer looked at the hourglass, the auspicious time had arrived, and he called out, "worship God!"

All the people on the mountain got up. Rongjing and yunqianyue took a bunch of high incense in their hands to light them. Standing at the top end of the rooftop, I salute to the sky. After them, the distinguished guests who went up the mountain also took turns to pay homage.

Later, Rong Jingxing was given a coronation ceremony, which was generally presided over by the father in ancient times. But king Rong died early. Fortunately, the old prince was there, so he spoke and crowned Rongjing himself. And because the crown ceremony is usually three times, the Lord Rong can designate the guests present as the second crown after adding the crown to Rongjing.

Before the old prince Rong had appointed him, nanlingrui stood up and said with an extremely romantic smile: "the crown prince should add it to Jing Shizi! I have a good relationship with King Shizi. I have no disgrace to him. Do you have any opinion? "

People all look at nanlingrui and think that the prince of nanliangrui is a very different person. People all over the world have always regarded him as a romantic prince, and he has always boasted of being a romantic prince. However, two months ago, when the tianshuiya sluice of Fenghuang pass collapsed, people in the world really saw the skill of Prince Rui of Nanliang. Originally, because of the blue family's decision to break into the tiger's den, the people of Nanliang have won the hearts of the people of Nanliang. Nowadays, the affairs of Fenghuang pass are not able to sleep day and night. The Rui prince, who eats and sleeps with the soldiers and the common people, is more impressive. He always acts only according to his preference, and the rumor that Prince Rui is uncertain is also widely spread among the people. At some time, he often makes some unexpected moves, just like the lady in the cloud palace. Therefore, today, without waiting to be appointed by the old prince, he came forward to give King Shizi a crown. Although the etiquette was not correct, he was not surprised to think of his casual personality.

"The pleasure of the scenery! Thank you very much Rong Jing nodded with a smile.

Nanlingrui happily took over the crown, serious, one-sided, seriously to Rongjing added two crowns.

Cloud shallow month looks at two people, one stands erect and stands quietly, one is happy to add crown for it. She knows in her heart that Nanling Rui gives Rongjing a crown, which is to recognize the relationship between Rongjing and her. He was a brother, and he said that Rongjing was very black hearted, but he still liked him in his heart.

"Two crowns are finished!" The ceremonial officer called out.

Nanlingrui put down his hand, tilted his head and looked at Rongjing with a satisfied smile. He turned and walked back to his seat.

"These three crowns..." Rong Laowang looks at Rongjing.

"I'll come for the triple crown ceremony!" Cloud shallow moon looks at the scene, clear voice way.

Rong Laowang was stunned, "little girl, you still need someone else to do it for you. It's not polite! "

"Where are so many courtesies?" Yunqianyue looked at Rongjing, fixed his eyes on him and asked, "Rongjing, do you want me to add a crown to you?"

"Good!" Rong Jing smiles gently and nods slowly. Her eyes are like the gentle broken spring rain.

Rong Laowang knew that he couldn't stop it, so he shook his head and laughed.

Yunqianyue stepped forward to crown him for the third time. It seems that she has slowed down her eyes and kept away from the light. At this moment, I realized that they had shared so many memories that they could not count them.

"Little girl, how do you crown the weak beauty?" The voice of night light dye suddenly came from the mountain behind him.

Yunqianyue straightens the crown and smoothes it carefully for Rongjing. After two scattered pieces of green silk, she puts her hands down. Learning from nanlingrui's appearance, she looks at Rongjing with a slanted head and a satisfied smile. Then she slowly turns back. She sees yetianyi holding the queen, and yeqingran follows them, followed by the empress's honor guard, such as the eunuch of ronghua palace After a look, I saw that today's aunt was dressed in Queen's dress, and her complexion was covered with powder. She was not as haggard as she had seen in those two days. Her face was slightly better. She laughed and called out, "Auntie!""I will see the empress!" They all stood up to see the ceremony.

"No gifts!" The queen waved her hand, looked at Rongjing with a smile, and asked with a smile, "little prince, you are right. How could you even crown king Shizi today

"When he reaches the crown, I will add a crown to him. Only later can you give me your heart and soul. " Cloud shallow moon walks past, from the night natural Yi hand to take over the queen, supports her way.

Ye Tianyi deeply looked at the cloud and the moon, and her eyes were filled with a trace of what was fleeting.

"Think carefully! King Shizi is not allowed to make a fool of yourself. " The queen said with a smile, "is king Shizi already the third champion?"

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon nods.

"It seems that our palace is still a little late! However, the fortune of the son of heaven is as high as that of the heaven, and this blessing is no less than this one. " The queen laughed and asked the ceremonial officer, "is it the next month?"

"Back to the queen, it's time for you to miss the moon!" The ceremonial officer answered immediately.

"Well, let's get started." The queen let go of Yun Xiaoyue's hand, and let the old prince, Prince De, Prince Xiao and others hastily invite her to the throne. She sat down slowly and nodded with yuzishu, xiyanyue, yeqian, yunmuhan and others one by one, and they all returned the ceremony together.

"Miss moon and the hairpin ceremony begin!" The ceremonial officer called out.

Everyone was quiet.

"Let's leave the ceremony of hairpin to the empress!" King Yun said to the queen.

The queen shook her head. "Come on, brother! I just came to watch the ceremony today. The grace of the father is precious to heaven, so it is natural to perform this crown ceremony. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!