The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1085

Rongjing does not speak any more, pulling the cloud shallow moon slowly upward.

While thinking about the shape of the diamond, yunqianyue touches Rongjing's finger carefully and measures the size of his finger circle. In that life, she did not have the chance to get love and wear a diamond ring. In this life, she would like to polish a pair of diamond rings by herself, and wear them on the hands of this man who is as matchless as jade.

No matter who he is, the son of Rongwang mansion, or his identity changes one day in the future, he is Rongjing. She is willing to believe in a man who loves and stays with him for a lifetime.

The way up and down the mountain of Fushou mountain looks like the two arms of the Giant Buddha. They walk on one arm of the mountain, like the Buddha opens his arms and accepts them.

When the wind blows, the wind is not cold, and the mountain is frost white but not cold.

There are thousands of people on the mountain and under the mountain, thousands of eyes, but it seems that the world is silent, only two of them.

Cloud shallow moon's heart at this moment incomparably peaceful and clear.

"Cloud light moon, your hand is so warm!" Rongjing suddenly opened his mouth, his voice was very light, like a cloud in the frost white, quiet, warm and moist.

"Your hands are warm, too." Yunqianyue looks at Rongjing, and every time she looks at the man around her, she will be bewitched by him every time she hears his voice.

"The diamond ring you said was on your hand?" Rong Jing asked with a smile.

Cloud shallow moon blinks an eye, pick eyebrow to look at him, he does not know? Do you know?

Rongjing also winked at her, took her hand and handed it to her with a smile: "you have been measuring my fingers. In the past, can you measure accurately now?"

Cloud shallow moon face a red, indignant way: "you so clever do what?"

"Well, you're not so smart. What if I'm not smart?" Let Jing put down his hand and sighed gently.

Cloud shallow moon rolled a white eye, but the heart is warm down. This is Rongjing, so smart, so How can she not love? Falling in love with him is never an accident.

"A hundred years ago, the empress of the former dynasty liked Fushou mountain most and the peach blossom on Fushou mountain more. Unfortunately, although Fushou mountain has excellent scenery, peach blossom can't flourish. The emperor was very fond of the queen, so he ordered people to study the soil of Fushou mountain. It took about three years to blend the soil of Fushou mountain into an environment suitable for peach tree life. Two years later, Fushou mountain was full of peach blossom. At that time, the queen was pregnant, and the emperor was afraid that she would be suffocated in the palace, so he built a palace for her in Fushou mountain. The queen lived in Fushou mountain palace for ten months and gave birth to a lin'er. The emperor is very happy to be the crown prince. " Rongjing walked slowly.

Cloud shallow moon thought move, looking at the Rong Jing.

Rongjing looked at the mountain, his eyes were clear and secluded. He did not look at the clouds and the moon. He reached out to the chest of the Buddha on the mountainside and said in a warm voice, "that palace was built there."

Cloud light moon along the direction of Rongjing finger, see there is empty, sky and mountain junction, endless boundless.

Rongjing put down his finger and said, "after the founding of Tiansheng emperor, although the emperor retained the roof of Fushou mountain, he ordered people to demolish the palace. So now you can't see. "

Cloud shallow moon nods, for the former dynasty secret, she knows very little. After the founding of the dynasty, the first emperor ordered people to destroy the relics and books of the previous dynasty. Now there are only a few of them in the world. She is not a person who studies history excessively, so she does not know. However, he heard that the emperor and Empress of the former dynasty were extremely affectionate. The emperor loved the latter alone and gave birth to a son. Later, his son lost when he was three years old and failed to find it for a year. Later, he became seriously ill and died of depression. The emperor missed him day after day. As a result, he became ill after a long time of thinking and became ill. The official business was abandoned, which led to the disintegration of the court situation. Later, he was ready to move, Later, the emperor died early, and then he left. Because the Empress Dowager had only one son and the other son was lost, the empress had no successor, which led to chaos in the world. All over the country rise suddenly, the world is in chaos, fighting for each other, and the people are in dire straits. Twenty years later, the first emperor led all the heroes to calm down the chaos, the vassal states were small, and Qi and Qi belonged to each other. That's all she can know about the chaotic history of the former dynasty.

"Compared with the false love of the first emperor and empress Zhenjing, the emperor and Empress of the last generation of the former dynasty were the real people with one heart." Rongjing looked at the empty place, her eyes were still, but her mouth slightly mocked and said: "it's a pity that heaven didn't contact them. It took years to get a son. I don't think that son is not their blessing, but a curse. If the son does not lose, he does not die of depression, and the emperor is not the heart and spleen of the burning thought, and then he has no heart to live and no heart to build a foundation. Then, with the talent of the emperor, how can there be a great disorder in the world, and the ancestor will be the leader? How can this heavenly Saint last a hundred years

"The emperor and the empress of the former dynasty died early, and the prince disappeared. Later, he did not find any trace. They all said that it was time, luck and life. According to you, that's probably the case The moon sighed slightly. Indeed, compared with the last emperor of the previous dynasty, the emperor and her aunt, empress Zhenjing, are the difference between Tianhe and shuiwa. The first emperor portrayed his love for Empress Zhenjing as unique, but those who really knew the inside story knew it. It was just an illusion. There are people in Rongwang mansion who live against the moon to the dawn. Acacia, hope, no blind date, struggle to teach two ecstasy."The Ye family, the first emperor, was just deceiving the world." Rong Jing's voice was slightly cold, such as a layer of frost, "there are real gentlemen and real villains in this world. There are also villains in the guise of a gentleman, who call them friends, but plan their country, seize their homes, destroy their businesses, and rob their loved ones. Finally, he coerces people with the great benevolence and justice of the world, destroys their will, destroys their souls, dies their bodies, buries their bones, and never turns over. "

Cloud shallow moon a Zheng, looking at Rong Jing, see his voice calm, face calm, but a pair of eyes seem to break a layer of frost and snow. The whole body breath is still peaceful, but the bone is permeated with cold as ice, she can not help but tightly grasp his hand.

Rong Jing takes back his sight and looks at the cloud and moon. The frost in his eyes fades away in an instant. The ice covered breath of his whole body also disappears in an instant. He opens his mouth to her and opens a warm smile. He whispers: "cloud light moon, I'm lucky to have you."

Cloud shallow moon looks at him, for a time speechless.

"Just scared?" Rong Jing slightly turned over the body and asked in a soft voice.

Yunqianyue shook her head, suddenly stopped, turned around, put her hand around Rongjing's waist, ignored the eyes of thousands of people, looked at them, buried him in his arms, hugged him tightly, and whispered, "Rongjing, you will always have me."

Rong Jing's face moved slightly. For a moment, she laughed and looked down at her with warm eyes. "I naturally know that I will always have you. I live, you live, I die, you die. In a word, all your life, you've been tried to get out of my hands. "

"I didn't want to run!" Cloud shallow moon sniffs his body elegant like lotus breath, low tunnel. , the fastest update of the webnovel!