The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1084

All three no longer speak.

The carriage went out of the north city to Fushou mountain. The road outside the city is also very quiet.

An hour later, the carriage stopped at the foot of Fushou mountain.

Yunli picked up the curtain of the car, looked out, turned back to the cloud and said to the moon: "sister, so many people and vehicles, the people in Beijing today are afraid to have come here."

Looking out from the curtain of cloud separation, yunqianyue saw that dense people had gathered at the foot of the mountain, making Fushou mountain almost full. The vehicles of each government had already arrived a step earlier. Everyone was dressed in gorgeous clothes or plain clothes, but the expressions on their faces were all full of expectations. Her eyes implied excitement and excitement. She could not think too much of ten thousand people. Tens of thousands of people watched her and the ceremony of hairpin and crown, which was probably the biggest pageant of adult ceremony ever.

"How slow it is!" Rongjing's voice suddenly rang out.

Cloud light moon along the sound to see, only in her vehicle left side, parking a black carriage, standing in front of the scene. A white robe with a jade belt around the waist and a crystal clear white jade pendant on the waist. There is no more ornament on the whole body. However, among thousands of people, it has an extraordinary amazing beauty.

Cloud shallow moon again thought of that sentence, "strangers such as jade, childe world unparalleled."

Cloud shallow moon is infatuated between, Rong Jing has come to her car, stretched out a hand to her.

Cloud shallow moon will hand in his hand heart, just put in, then be Rong Jing tightly hold. With a gentle pull, she was pulled out of the car, and as soon as her feet were steady, he had already pulled her up the mountain.

Yun Li and seven princesses have a look at each other and both get off the car and follow them behind.

The ceremony of crowning and hairpin was held in Fushou mountain for thousands of years. What's more, such a pair of men and women who are rumored to have made mutual promises for life are rare.

At this moment, ten thousand people's eyes are fixed on two people's bodies.

At this moment, all the rumors about the love affair between yuzishu and yunqianyue are forgotten. What everyone can see is only the two people, and what they can remember in their heart is just "the heaviness of one person, the lightness of all the people in the world." It's just that "this is the only wife in my life, but I don't want to marry you." The oath.

Rongjing holds the hand of yunqianyue, his steps are gentle and steady. His face is still jade like, poetic and picturesque. However, the scene at this moment is different from that of the past. There is no indifference, and there is no indifference in the cloud. His breath is no longer idle and casual, and some just seem to overflow from the bottom of his heart.

Never had the respect and attention.

The cloud is shallow and the moon is too far. I have a look at Rongjing.

Rongjing's eyes have been looking at the mountain, and her eyes are quiet. It seems that she has sensed the eyes of Yun Qianyue. She looks at her and smiles at her. Her voice is warm like the spring breeze. "Yunqianyue, we have grown up together and become adults together. Today, you and I will always hold your hand and walk up the mountain. From now on, your life will belong to me I'll be yours, too

Cloud shallow moon heart moving, can't help but be a pair of warm eyes like spring wind. But still do not want to be so moved by his words, put aside his eyes, muttered: "this morning Rong Wang Fu put honey in the meal?"

Rong Jing chuckled and approached her ear slightly and said, "you're right, honey!"

A little, look at the moon, how far away from him

"Not afraid!" Rong Jing shook his head with a smile and took her hand to the mountain.

Cloud shallow moon no longer speak, follow his steps. No matter how many people looked up and down the mountain, her hand was in his hands. It's against etiquette, it's against the common customs. Men are unmarried, women are unmarried, men and women are not married, but they have already broken it. Even the Fushou mountain, which symbolizes the emperor's power and reverence in the world, is just a witness to their two hearts being the same.

Yunqianyue doesn't want to think about Fushou mountain, which is a symbol of imperial power. Why did the old emperor agree to hold a crown ceremony and hairpin ceremony with Rongjing and her here. I don't want to think about what kind of scheming Rongjing has done in the dark these days. Today, he led her hand to Fushou mountain, and did not want to think about the role played by yetianqing and yetianyu against the old emperor today. What kind of role did Rongjing play in helping, promoting, standing on the sidelines, or watching from the sidelines. Not to think, today night Tianyi, night light dye, Leng Shao Zhuo, Rong Feng and other people are sitting? Is it in the mountains or in Beijing

She doesn't have to think about it

If there is no road in the world, and she has no way in front of her, and she has to go out of a way, then her road must be a person. That person is called Rongjing.

Don't think, how many emperors and empresses have passed on this road.

Don't think about how much imperial power was buried along the way.

Do not think, this road today, will change the fate of many people.

If you don't think about it, the stars will change and the world will change. Who is still alive or who has died.

Don't think about

"What do you think?" Rong Jing seems to feel the unprecedented silence of cloud shallow moon, and suddenly asks her.Yun Xiaoyue smiles at him, his smile is bright and brilliant, and her tone is soft and soft in the cold frost like wind. She looks up at the man who is incomparable like jade and asks with a smile, "I'm thinking, I'm an adult, and you're also an adult!"

Rong Jing's eyes flashed and looked at her with a low smile and asked, "so?"

"So tomorrow I'm going to make a pair of diamond rings." Cloud light moon road.

"Diamond ring? What is that? " Rongjing looks at her.

"I won't tell you!" Cloud shallow month picked the eyebrow triumphantly, partial head, the footstep light backhand pulls the Rong Jing to walk forward.

Rong Jing took a look at the mountain and said with a smile, "I'll go to the mountain and ask a man. He must know."

Cloud shallow month knows him to ask who, turn back immediately ferocious way: "do not ask, you ask, I will not hit!"

Rong Jing had no choice but to smile and compromise: "OK! Then you should hurry up and let me see the diamond ring you said

Cloud shallow moon "um". , the fastest update of the webnovel!