The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1083

Yunqianyue stretched out his hand to lift the curtain and looked out of the car. The door of the house on the street was closed, only a few scattered figures were walking on the street. She dropped the curtain, thinking that the prelude to every great event would probably be the same. Some are signs of coincidence, others are signs of necessity. She sighs softly, tomorrow does not know how the earth is overturned.

"Sister, don't you look very well, don't you feel well?" Seven princesses asked cloud light moon softly.

Cloud shallow moon shakes head, "no, just feel 15 years passed really fast, Hula suddenly grew up."

Seven princesses smell speech cover mouth smile, teasingly way: "you think fast, I see, some people may always feel slow! On that day, I had a chat with Jing Shizi. He said that he had been waiting for many years. He finally reached the crown and you finally reached the hairpin. If not, he won't be able to make it. "

Cloud shallow month smell speech face a red, also smile, "really do not know shame, this word also can say casually."

"It's said that jingshizi's city is very deep, and no one can guess his mind. In my opinion, it's a good guess. His purpose is to marry you home Seven princess funny tunnel.

"I also want to marry him. It's very simple for us to communicate with each other. Unfortunately, this is the most difficult thing." Cloud shallow moon also smile, tone a little light.

The seventh Princess accepted the smile and said in a low voice: "I also think you and King Shizi are the best match. Even the people in the world now think you are the best match. But you have an engagement with the royal family. The father and the emperor put that engagement on the body of seven brothers. If you change any one person, you will be easier, but you are the seven elder brothers who are deeply entangled with you. You're going to be so hard. "

Cloud shallow moon "um".

The seventh Princess didn't know what she thought of. Her face darkened and she whispered to the moon, "sister, do you think the second and fourth brothers will die today?"

Cloud shallow moon a Zheng, look to seven princess.

The seventh Princess pursed her lips slightly, looked at her and said, "I really don't want them to die. That chair is so good? Over the years, I thought that I was the most sober person alive, watching all the people inside and outside the palace struggling, including my father and Emperor. He sat in that supreme position and carried out his whole life, but when he was old, did he not bring life or death? A hundred years later, he is just a title in the history of Tiansheng. Every day I don't have time to spare. I don't see any good in his position. "

"We don't see it's good, but men's hearts are different from women's Cloud light moon road.

Seven princess looked at her, seems to be very puzzled, waiting for cloud shallow moon to solve.

"A woman's heart can be small enough to hold only one man in her heart, while a man's heart can be large enough to hold the whole world, including women. That's the difference. " The voice of yunqianyue is a little cool. "The mountains and rivers are picturesque, and the songs carry the whole life. How many men don't want to call on the wind and rain, stand on the high ground, write the foundation of a lifetime, and remain famous in the history books for thousands of years? I'm afraid there are very few people who don't have one. "

The seventh Princess frowned, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "what about King Shizi? King Shizi knows your heart. "

Cloud shallow month suddenly a smile, slant head looks at seven princess, smile to ask, "sister-in-law, what do you want to say?"

The seventh Princess shook her head. "I just don't understand. There are always exceptional men in this world? Among the people I know, the second, fourth and seventh brothers, as well as the brothers and brothers of the crowd, none of them is unwilling to camp. If they want that position, those who are capable will fight for the emperor. Those who have no hope will help those who have hope. In the end, they just want to get a king. Even if it is the night light dye of Deqin palace and Leng Shao Zhuo of Xiaoqin palace, he wants to do his best to keep the cloud palace. All these years, I can see clearly, but I can't see through the only king of the world. "

"Why can't you see through it?" Cloud shallow month still smile to ask, "just you say his mind is very good to guess?"

"His mind is very good, and he can't see through it." The seventh Princess shook her head and said slowly, "that feeling can't be said. Father and seven elder brothers do not prepare you to leave the royal family. He loves you and fights for you. It is fair to say that his mind is in the light. He dares to treat you openly in front of his father and seven elder brothers. He ignores the imperial power, and even puts his nobleness above the imperial power. Let the world look up to him. It's not because he is the son of Rongwang mansion, but just because he is Rongjing. But it is because they are placed in the light, so that people can not see through. Sometimes I wonder what Jing Shizi wants besides you. "

Cloud shallow moon Mou light flashed, smile way: "sister-in-law thinks in addition to me, what else does he want?"

The seventh princess looked at Yun Qianyue's smiling face and saw that she was smiling deeply. Her mind moved and immediately said, "sister, I don't mean anything else. I just tell you what I think. If I don't say it properly, if you can't hear it, just think I didn't say it

Cloud shallow moon chuckles, "sister-in-law said very well. I didn't hear you badly. You and I are family members. Why are you so vain? "

The seventh Princess breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I just feel that the simpler some things look at, the more difficult they are behind them. Sister, you are a thorough person. You can understand everything better than I do, and you know more about Jing Shizi than I do. I must have said more about it today. But I still want to say that Jing Shizi wants more than you. "Cloud shallow moon smile but not answer.

The seventh princess looked at her. From the beginning to the end, yunqianyue had no more expression except a deeper smile. She sighed in her heart and said in a low voice: "the river of Yeshi has been for a hundred years. Sooner or later, there will be an end. It doesn't matter to me who sits in that position. Even if the world is in chaos and the country changes its master, it is the end of Yeshi's Qi. But I hope my brothers and brothers can live well after all

"My sister-in-law has a good idea. Let's pray for them today." Cloud light moon road.

The seventh Princess nodded and sighed: "maybe it's just expectation. How can we not dye blood? What they have done is to conspire against the great crime. The father and the emperor will not spare them. Seven elder brothers and ranxiaowang are there. They are not rivals and have no way to live! "

The cloud is shallow and the moon is silent.

"Unless Jingshizi and you save them. " The seventh Princess added.

"I won't save it. I don't know if Rongjing can save it or not." The moon shakes her head.

Seven princesses no longer speak, the face shows the hurt color.

Yunli has been sitting opposite them, listening quietly. At this time, seeing the seven princess's expression, she reached out and held her hand and said, "don't think about it. Everyone has their own choice. No one can do it. You have already been abandoned by the emperor. If the cloud palace collapses, one day you will be cut off. So, it's already the case. Let's just ask for the best result! "

"Well!" Seven princess on the face of the injury dispersion some, raised the head, to cloud from gentle smile. , the fastest update of the webnovel!