The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1082

Yu Qingqing takes a look at nanlingrui and takes out a jade comb from his arms and combs his hair again to yunqianyue.

Cloud shallow moon stands quietly, this moment, the joy in the heart and overflowing about the affection of relatives can't be said.

Cloud from and seven princesses stand aside, two people half silk voice also does not send out. Cloud from see jade Qingqing face and ancestral hall plaque in front of her portrait, now see the portrait of the real people, understand. Although the seventh Princess didn't know what the secret was, she had a thorough mind, and now she also understood a little bit. It was a death penalty for the cloud palace to deceive her father and Emperor. As a princess, she was not excluded by them. Today, she knew it would be revealed in front of her, but she was still allowed to come in. This is really taking her as a member of her family, not as the daughter of the royal family. At the same time, she felt that it was the most correct thing that she had ever done in her life to marry Yunli and Rong Wangfu. Let her realize that she has never experienced the warmth of home, not because she is the daughter of the emperor, Princess Ming, in their eyes, she is not a princess, but the daughter-in-law of the cloud palace.

"Yunli, you have to call my brother when no one is around." Nan Ling Rui turned his head and said, "I'm the little girl's brother!"

Cloud from understand, like flow of good nod, slightly a gift, respectfully called out, "brother!"

Nanling Rui immediately laughed, reached out and patted Yun Li on the shoulder and said with a smile: "the prince of cloud mansion is born to be your son. We can't stay. Left a real me, in exchange for a false cloud dusk cold, now he also left, this position is your. I hope you can sit longer. "

"What are you talking about! He can sit for a long time Cloud shallow moon white South Ling Rui one eye.

"Not necessarily, little girl. It's going to be a mess. It's still a matter of whether the palace of Lord Yun will exist in the future. This son of the cloud palace is more worthy of consideration. " Nanlingrui doesn't think so.

Yunqianyue doesn't speak any more. What he says is the truth.

"Little sister, do you remember that when you were three years old, you fell down in the imperial garden and lay on the ground crying? I happened to pass by and drag you Nanlingrui looks at the seventh princess.

Seven princess eyes suddenly open big, can't believe to look at nanlingrui, a moment, she nodded, some embarrassed low voice way: "remember!"

Nanlingrui immediately laughed, "ten years ago, I was called yunmuhan, and then I have been called nanlingrui. But this identity is not expected to be changed to death. Since you have married Yunli, you are my sister-in-law. You are not the princess of the royal family, but the daughter-in-law of the cloud palace. When there is no one in the future, please call me brother! "

"Yes, brother!" Seven princesses and cloud from the same, respectfully called out.

Nanling Rui immediately smiles with satisfaction. He reaches into his arms and takes out two sweets. He puts them into Yunli and seven princesses and says, "really good, brother, please eat sugar!"

Cloud shallow moon a face black line, raise eyes to the sky, she really don't want to know this person.

Yunli and seven princesses took the sugar and looked at them. They seemed to be unable to laugh or cry, but they all said, "thank you, brother!"

"Stinky boy!" Yu Qingqing said with a smile.

"What kind of parents, what kind of children! This stinky boy has learned from you when he is out of tune The old king of cloud, who had not spoken, scolded, and did not want to see them again.

"Bad old man, you're right at last!" Nanling Rui is very happy.

"Don't talk to me. I'm upset to see you! My old man didn't know what evil he had done in his whole life. He couldn't keep his son, his grandson and his grandson. It's not easy to have a smelly girl and granddaughter with me. I'm still an adult, and I'm going to get married. " Cloud old Wang Ye scolded Nan Lingrui, his face was very sad.

"Father in law, it's all my fault. It's hard for you!" Yu Qingqing looks at the cloud old prince reluctantly.

"Come on, come on, what else are you talking about! When you marry a daughter-in-law like you, our ancestral grave of the cloud palace is smoking. I have nothing else to be satisfied with. " Cloud old Wang Ye waved his hand, "although you are not around me, I know that one by one, I will be content to live one by one. How long can I live? The point is that you have a long time. "

"Father in law, you must live a long life!" The jade is green and the eyes are slightly red.

"That's a trick to the ghost!" Old king Yun waved his hand and said to her, "on a happy day, you don't want to cry. You should give the little girl a piece of hair, and then ask her to go to Fushou mountain. Jing Xiaozi is estimated to have gone. He can't let him take all the blessing and longevity by himself. How can you give it to the little girl?"

"My granddaughter! I thought that Rongjing was the grandson of a bad old man Nanling Rui road.

Cloud old Wang Ye hum a, dig south Ling Rui one eye, "he is much stronger than strong, if can, my old man just don't want you this grandson, want king boy."

"What a pity! Who told you not to let grandfather's life well Nanlingrui deliberately gas cloud old lord, "I even if root cabbage, you also have to calculate."

"You son of a bitch!" Mr. Yun is going to smash nanlingrui with his cane.

"Rui'er, don't be angry with your grandfather." Lord Yun stopped his crutch, reprimanded Nan Lingrui and said to him, "Dad, how many years have you been beating people with crutchesCloud old lord hummed, "can't change! If I knew that you were such a thing, I would have stuffed you back into your mother's stomach, and there would have been no later stinky boy, a bunch of little bastards who didn't let people worry

The cloud Lord immediately shut down.

Nanlingrui curls her mouth and doesn't speak any more.

Cloud shallow moon rolled a white eye, this old and young father son son son three people stay together, who can doubt is not close? Some things are supposed to be handed down from the roots. Like father, like son, but this bad old man doesn't seem to understand.

After finishing her hair, Yu Qingqing looked at it with satisfaction and said with a smile, "OK!"

"Worship and go to Fushou mountain quickly!" Lord Yun ordered.

The cloud shallow month originally also wants to pull her mother to brew some kind of mother and son kinship, smell speech was strangled by this sentence. The dark man of her ancestors first read the genealogy and then led her to worship her ancestors one by one.

It was half an hour after the worship.

At that time, it was already early in the morning, and the cloud was surrounded by people to the gate of the cloud palace.

The gate of the cloud palace has been ready to roll. Yunqianyue is accompanied by the seventh Princess and Yunli and gets on the carriage. Old lord Yun is old and doesn't go to Fushou mountain any more. Only Lord Yun takes all the people of Yun's mansion to Fushou mountain.

About the reason why people in the city went to Fushou mountain, the streets of the capital were very quiet. , the fastest update of the webnovel!