The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1081

As time goes by, a month goes by in a hurry.

This day came to the day of Rongjing and crown, cloud light moon and hairpin.

Because they were on the same day, they were very important people. Rong Wang Fu is the only legitimate daughter of the cloud palace. Such two identities make everyone focus their eyes on them.

Rong Wang Fu is located in the North City, and the cloud palace is located in the east city. One north and one east, there is still some distance. Therefore, the Ministry of rites discussed with the two prefectures to hold the ceremony of Guan he and Ji Ji in one place, and also told the old emperor. After thinking about it, the old emperor chose Fushou mountain outside the northern city.

Fushou mountain is located 20 miles north of Beicheng. The whole mountain looks like a giant Buddha. So it was called Fushou mountain. Fushou mountain stretches for ten miles, and a roof watching platform is built at the top of the mountain. It is said that the roof tower has a history of thousands of years. It was praised as a place of happiness, longevity and happiness by emperors of all ages. Every emperor of every generation would go to Fushou mountain to worship heaven when he had a happy event.

The first emperor won the world in one fell swoop and destroyed the old relics and books of the former dynasty, but only left Fushou mountain and Lingtai temple. Lingtai temple was saved by more than a dozen monks in armor to save the first emperor, while Fushou mountain was preserved only because of its implication.

At that time, the first emperor and crown, and later married the queen, and after the accession to the throne, they all went to Fushou mountain to worship heaven. This is also a continuation of the history of Fushou mountain for thousands of years. Because the first emperor of Tiansheng Dynasty continued to be listed as the first emperor of all dynasties. Later, when the emperors and empresses got married or the country was very happy, the emperor would also go to Fushou mountain to worship heaven, continuing this supreme respect.

Based on Rongjing and yunqianyue, although they are not princes, they are members of the four royal families because of their distinguished and special status. Therefore, the old emperor specially allowed the two people to hold the ceremony of Jiguan and Jiji together in Fushou mountain.

After the edict was issued, the people poured into Fushou mountain one after another.

In the early morning of this day, the weather was particularly cold. When I opened the door, I saw the frost white color of heaven and earth.

Ye Qian pulls the cloud evening cold first to Fushou mountain. Xiyanyue was also dragged by Ye Qian.

Yunwangye, Yunli and Princess seven came to the pavilion early in the morning, and the moon was dressed by Ling Lian and Yi Xue. After dressing up properly, he first went to the ancestral hall of King Yun's house to worship.

Cloud old prince has been waiting at the gate of ancestral temple. Seeing the arrival of yunqianyue, he orders people to open the ancestral hall. After that, he looks at the humanity: "from the boy, seven princesses, accompany the moon girl to go in together!"

"Yes, grandfather!" Yunli and seven princesses answered respectfully.

Cloud old prince went in first. He took Yun Qianyue's hand and walked behind him. Yunli took the seven princesses and entered the ancestral hall. The gate of the ancestral hall was closed after several people entered.

The ancestral hall of King Yun's mansion is the same as when Yunli's adoption ceremony was opened a few months ago, but the only difference is that there are two more people in the ancestral hall today. One is a beautiful woman, and the other is a man with brocade robe and jade belt. Both of them are very familiar with the moon. It is yuqingqing and nanlingrui.

Yu Qingqing didn't hide her face. Her eyebrows and eyes similar to the moon were exposed under the bright pearl of the temple.

Yun Li and seven princesses were all stunned and stopped. They all looked at them with wide eyes and slightly surprised.

"Mother The moon called out first.

Yuqingqing and nanlingrui are facing the direction of the ancestral hall gate. When they see yunqianyue and others coming in, she smiles and responds warmly. Her voice chokes, "well, my daughter is grown up today! How time flies

Cloud light moon shows a smile, eyes slightly sour. The dead can't stand by her side and dress her hair. Her mother's heart is probably worse than her. But fortunately, she was alive. Today she was in front of her, and she felt that nothing was important. It's better to have a mother than not to have one. There is no need to insist on the rest.

"There are so many tears!" Nanlingrui chided, came over and picked up the tears in yunqianyue's eyes with his finger belly. Although his words were rough, his action was gentle. In a moment, he put his chin on Yun's shoulder and said softly: "good sister, you're going to be an adult today. Hurry to find a way to marry yourself out. If you don't get married, your brother's daughter-in-law can't get married."

Cloud shallow moon originally moved, smell speech tears immediately sucked back, pushed him with his hand, asked: "I marry or not, what does it have to do with whether you can marry a daughter-in-law?"

"Naturally, it has something to do with it. If you get married, I can get home with my daughter-in-law." Nanlingrui soft and continuous tunnel.

Cloud shallow moon rolled a white eye, did not speak.

Nanlingrui's head rubbed against the shoulder of yunqianyue, and his voice suddenly said in a very low voice: "little girl, you don't care how many people call your brother, but you should remember that I am the only one who is your brother. Do you hear me? "

Cloud shallow moon eye socket a sour, indignant way: "you see where you have a brother's appearance?"

"If you don't look like a brother, you are a brother! We have the same blood on both of us. No one but me Nanlingrui is proud of the tunnel.

Cloud shallow moon can't refute him, slightly hum a.

Nanlingrui takes her head away from her shoulder, reaches out and gently pulls a piece of her hair behind her ear. In a moment, she reaches out and rubs her head in a random way, and rubs the bun that Yun Qianyue had already tied up."Well, why do you mess up my hair?" Yunqianyue reached out and opened his hand and glared at him.

Nanlingrui withdrew his hand and pushed Yu Qingqing to the front of yunqianyue. He said lazily, "I'm trying to give this woman a chance to give you a hair. Don't you see that she's going to cry to death?"

"Stinky boy, where am I crying?" Yu Qingqing looks back at nanlingrui.

"I cry in my heart, and the tears will flood your bowels." Nanling Rui road.

Yu Qingqing's face flashed unnaturally, and then she sour her eyes and said, "my daughter, of course I want to have my hair cut. Son of a bitch! I also tied your hair last year

"You?" South Ling Rui picks eyebrow, "is not father emperor?"

"I begged my brother to make him look like him to tie your hair!" Yuqingqing road.

"Oh, no wonder I think that old man's hand was shaking all the time. He couldn't even hold the comb. It was you." "South Ling Rui suddenly," I think he as for so excited? "

Jade is green and her face is red.

"Then your mother didn't cry out on the spot. Do you still expect her to hold a stable comb?"

"It's just a stupid woman. You can't expect her to do well!" However, she gave her a chance to smile! We went to Fushou mountain a little earlier, and Rongjing's boy is estimated to have set off now. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!