The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1080

The road that night sky inclines, is a road that does not return? Is he not confident that he can win this time? Did you not think about it? Today, he came here, simply get along with her for half a day, whether it is in the past that he has entangled with her for ten years. Those past, after all, has left traces in his heart.

The prince of heaven, who once respected and respected by everyone, is now just a sword under the imperial power struggle. Once sold, it will hurt you if you don't hurt others.

Although ruthless to him, but it adds to the suffering and helpless.

I don't know how long she stood in front of the window. Until her legs and feet were numb, yunqianyue didn't come back to herself and left the window to sit on the soft couch.

In the evening, ye Qian, Yun Dushan, nanlingrui and xiyanyue came back from the palace.

Ye Qian ran into the house and said loudly to yunqianyue: "yunqianyue, you said that you would not let me see that jade beauty. I saw him first when I entered the palace today. It's the prince of Donghai. "

Cloud shallow moon cast a lazy glance at him, "he also entered the palace?"

"Are you stupid? Of course, he has entered the palace. How can the emperor invite him less when he is holding a banquet today Ye Qian white cloud shallow month one eye, found her facial expression is dispirited, surprised way: "you how?"

"Not feeling well!" Cloud light moon road.

"What's the matter? Didn't you feel well when we left in the morning? Was it cold yesterday? " Cloud evening cold smell speech immediately nervously come over, stretch out a hand to cloud shallow moon pulse.

Ye Qian dodges some, lets the cloud dusk cold to the cloud shallow moon pulse.

South Ling Rui and West Yan Yue also came to look at her.

"My good brother, it's not necessarily cold that he's sick." Cloud shallow moon helplessly looked at the tense cloud dusk cold one eye.

Cloud evening cold at this time also put down his hand and said: "your pulse condition has no abnormality. Is it... "

"Sunflower water is coming! It's a big fuss. It scared us Ye Qian took the word and called.

Cloud evening cold face flashed a trace of unnatural, xiyanyue "Er" a, nanlingrui rolled a white eye, "little girl, you are really more and more delicate, sunflower water just came. As for your appearance? "

Cloud shallow moon white a few people one eye, think of her sunflower water just past, to a fart! But I don't want to explain it because of the night sky. Simply do not speak, let them misunderstand.

Ye Qian came to Yun Qianyue's side, changed the topic and said to her, "you are a good woman. That jade Prince is such a good person, actually does not treat you well. It is said that when you first met him, it was because you went to catch a snow fox a few years ago. You should have known him not too late. Why didn't you like him? On the contrary, I like the black hearted weak beauty? In my opinion, he is more than a hundred times better than Jing Shizi. "

Cloud shallow moon white her one eye, did not speak.

Ye Qian said to himself, "this world is really more immortal than Rongjing. Yunqianyue, what kind of luck have you taken? Catching a fox can meet such a beautiful person? Moreover, he is also the jade Prince of Donghai state, who is on top of ten thousand people. And he can see that you are good to anyone. When someone mentions you, his nose and eyes are warm. Tut! People are more than people. They are very angry. "

Cloud shallow moon still does not speak.

"Well, you have a word to say." Ye Qian stabbed the cloud for a while.

"What do you say?" The moon asked lazily.

"You are..." Ye Qian hated her teeth and looked at her like, "how many women in the world, how can you have such a good life? How many women hit the wall. "

"Then you'll hit it!" The cloud is shallow and the moon is painless.

Leaf Qian horizontal her one eye, live a mouth, that facial expression seems to be lazy to say with her again.

Nanlingrui wants to say something, but seeing the listless appearance of yunqianyue, he gets up uninteresting and stands up and goes out. "I haven't had enough to drink at the banquet today. I'll go to Rong Wang's mansion and have another drink with that jade beauty."

"Wait, I'll go too!" Xiyanyue immediately got up to catch up with him.

"Twilight, are you going?" Looking at the moon, ye Qian obviously wants to go.

"No, if you want to go, go! I'll see my grandfather later Cold clouds shake his head.

"Then I will! You two wait for me Ye Qian stood up, the voice did not fall, people have out of the door.

Three people go far, cloud evening cold did not get up, but looked at cloud shallow moon way: "moon, what happened?"

The cloud is shallow and the moon is light, and the sky is cold.

"Kuishui pulse and normal body pulse I can still detect out." It's cold at dusk.

Cloud shallow moon suddenly smile, do not answer to ask, "elder brother, do you have a good time in southern Xinjiang?"

Cloud evening cold a Leng, immediately nodded, "good!"

"When I was in the cloud palace?" Cloud shallow moon slants head to ask.

Cloud evening cold thought for a moment, and then said slowly: "I have been in the cloud palace for ten years, and my biggest trouble is to think about how to get rid of Princess Qingwan. In southern Xinjiang, there is no such distress. "

"Ye Qian doesn't pester you?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.Cloud evening cold smile, "also is not not not entangled, she How to put it? She knows what she wants. "

Cloud shallow moon blinks an eye, "elder brother, you tell me the truth, do you like Ye Qian now?"

The clouds are cold and silent.

"No?" Cloud shallow moon raises eyebrow, "Ye Qian also did not like you?"

The cloud evening cold looks at the cloud shallow moon's look, suddenly sighs, smiles: "the moon son, likes sometimes too light, sometimes is too heavy. We're fine now. Let's go with it! In this life, maybe like it or not, maybe she is the only one for me

Cloud shallow month a Leng, suddenly smile, "brother since say ye Qian is your only, it seems that good days are not far away."

Cloud evening cold smile, do not admit, do not deny, no longer speak.

Cloud shallow moon also no longer entangled, between people have their own fate, no one can intervene, this depends on the fate of two people. She said to the cloud evening cold way: "today night sky inclines to come, ate lunch here, played chess for half a day, just left soon."

Cloud evening cold smell speech clear, "so you feel uncomfortable?"

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon nodded and sighed: "how many people want to hold the heaven and earth in hand? But in the twinkling of an eye, the grave is white. I think God and how many people played a joke, not willing to be worth a few money? It's worth fighting for that bloody chair? "

Cloud evening cold smell speech a sigh, "everyone has everyone's choice, don't think so much."

Cloud light moon shakes her head, the complexion is flickering, gently way: "I don't want so much, I am thinking, this day finally came!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!