The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1079

"Cloud shallow moon, you have to worry about your brother even if you ignore us? Look at your brother. How thin is he? If you give him another vegetarian diet, he will be thin and thin Ye Qian sees cloud shallow moon not to move, hastily hand out a finger cloud evening cold.

Cloud shallow month looked at cloud evening cold one eye, saw him smile to her, she coughed a way: "elder brother already is your person, he is thin or not naturally want you to worry about, what's the relationship with me? He grows two catties of meat, and you are the first to see it. "

Ye Qian a choke, cloud evening cold and a light cough.

Cloud shallow moon again ignore two people, walk to wash face in front of basin.

Nanlingrui and xiyanyue lingered to get out of bed and cleaned their faces one by one.

Half an hour later, Ling Lian and Yi Xue came up with their meals. As expected, they were full of vegetarian dishes according to the orders of Yun Qianyue. Nan Lingrui and Xi Yanyue, including Ye Qian, all think that Yun Qianyue is joking, and they can always see some minced meat. Unfortunately, they are wrong. The last dish is full of vegetarian dishes. Only Yun Dushan smiles and picks up chopsticks.

The three men and three pairs of eyes looked at the cloud and the moon.

Yunqianyue blinked at them innocently, "if you don't eat, you can wait for noon. There must be meat at noon!"

Three people take back sight, each picked up chopsticks, no one again issued opinions.

The next day, the light moon Pavilion of the cloud palace was in a very lively atmosphere. Several people get together, you a word, I a word, or bickering, or sarcasm, or chat, or talk. A few people of similar age are like children, with different identities and different personalities. However, the topic is up and down, and we haven't seen half silk embarrassment and coldness, and get along harmoniously.

At night, they naturally stayed in the cloud palace for several days.

Xiyanyue, nanlingrui and yunmuhan live next door. Ye Qian and Yun Qianyue are in the same bed. They seem to be back a few months ago when ye Qian came to Tiansheng capital for the first time. It seems that a few months ago, those thoughts and calculations, as well as the estrangement and conflict between them, have been erased with the present cloud Twilight cold and her return from southern Xinjiang. They talk about relaxation.

Until late at night, ye Qian yawned and said, "yunqianyue, isn't that yuzishu is with you every day? I've been here for a day. Why didn't I see that beautiful jade lady? "

Cloud shallow month also made a yawn, languidly way: "I guess something is wrong today! I didn't come. "

"Will he come tomorrow?" Ye Qian asked.

"I don't know!" Cloud light moon is really tired, close your eyes.

"If he doesn't come to see you tomorrow, I'll kill him to the house of Lord Rong!" Ye Qiandao.

Cloud shallow month hum a, do not want to say again.

Ye Qian is also sleepy eyes can not open, said the last words, also snoring to sleep.

The next morning, before they got up, the old emperor of the palace sent Brunei to deliver a message. Prince xiyanyue, Prince Rui of Nanliang, Princess Ye of Nanjiang and his son-in-law are invited to enter the palace. The emperor will hold a banquet in the palace to entertain distinguished guests from afar.

Ye Qian dally up, see cloud shallow moon with did not hear like, still lying asleep, stretched out his hand to push her, "get up into the palace!"

"You didn't let me go! No Cloud light moon turned over and continued to sleep.

"When did you behave?" Ye Qian stares, and reaches out to push her, "gone!"

"If you talk more, I won't let you see the jade beauty of jade." Cloud light moon warned her.

Ye Qian immediately stopped and said, "I want to see the jade prince, but you can still stop it?"

"Why don't you try? Although I can't let him leave, I can't let you leave, and I can't stop you from seeing beauty, but I can make him wear a mask. Do you believe it or not? " Yunqianyue opens her eyes and squints at Ye Qian.

"Don't pull it down!" Ye Qian curled her lips and was defeated. She got up and walked out of bed.

Cloud shallow moon nobody disturb her good sleep, continue to nest in the quilt big sleep.

Ye Qian looked at her jealously with a yawn as she combed. Yesterday she said it was too late, and she had a layer of eye circles.

When did ye Qian leave the cloud shallow moon to know, but also did not pay attention to, will not sleep enough sleep to make up for back. Sleep until the sound of the afternoon, Linglian was called to wake up.

Ling Lian whispered, "Miss, the second prince is here. I want to see you."

"Night and sky tilt?" Cloud shallow moon rubs the eye to ask.

"Well!" Ling Lian nods.

Cloud shallow moon frown, bow head to think for a while, reach out to rub forehead, say to Ling Lian: "invite him in!"

Ling Lian went to her voice.

Cloud shallow moon sat up, put on clothes, dressed properly, and got out of bed. After cleaning the face, just sitting in front of the dressing mirror, he saw the night sky tilt into the shallow moon Pavilion. She looked out of the mirror and continued to comb three feet of green silk.

Night sky opened the door and came in, and saw Yun Qianyue sitting in front of the mirror, pale purple Ruan Yanluo, sitting upright, slender, three feet of green silk from her head straight down on the ground, the mirror reflected a beautiful and refined appearance, beautiful and beautiful. He could not help but stop and look at her quietly."Why are you free today?" The cloud shallow moon asks him at the same time.

Night sky tilted back to the sky, walked toward the cloud and the moon, stood behind her, did not answer, looked at her half ring, and asked, "sister Yue, can I help you with your hair?"

Cloud shallow moon action a meal, suddenly a smile, shake head way: "forget it? I'm afraid your hand will scalp me

Night sky tilt eyes light a dark, move to one side of the soft couch to sit down, smile way: "you said right, I did not give the woman hair, really afraid to tear off your scalp."

Cloud light moon clearly saw the dark color in his eyes, pretended not to have seen it, and said naturally, "come to me for something?"

Night sky inclined to shake his head, "no, I think you are fast and hairpin, you and I have known each other since childhood, but the days that I really get along with are very few. I have nothing to do today, so I come and sit with you."

Cloud shallow moon nod, no longer speak.

Night sky tilt also no longer speak, looking at the cloud shallow moon line hair, eyes light focus.

Because yunqianyue got up late, it was already noon, so she had just finished combing her hair, and Linglian brought her lunch. Yunqianyue asked yetianqing if she had eaten, and yetianqing shook her head, so she ordered Linglian to add more dishes and chopsticks.

During lunch, they had a chat with each other. Yunqianyue found that night Tianqing really came to find her and was waiting for her.

After dinner, ye Tianqing heard about Gobang from ye Tianyu. He asked Yun Qianyue for a game. Yun Qianyue had nothing to do with him, so he played Wuzi with him.

In such a flash for half a day, the sky will be late, and the night sky will leave.

When leaving, night sky inclines to stare at cloud shallow moon to see half ring, that eye light seems to want to remember her in the heart general.

Cloud shallow moon stands in front of the window, looking at the night sky leaning out of the shallow moon Pavilion, my heart suddenly inexplicably uncomfortable. From when, she wanted everyone to be good, but her heart was clearer than anyone else. It was not easy to say a good word? Each person's birth status is doomed to his life track and the road he wants to walk. No one can stop him. Even if he can, he doesn't want to stop him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!