The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1069

Cloud shallow month hears speech the mind to move, saw Qin Yuning? If Leng Shao Zhuo didn't mention the name today, she almost forgot this woman, who disappeared on the day of her marriage with yetianqing. She looked at Leng Shao Zhuo and raised eyebrows at him.

Cold Shao Zhuo definitely nodded, "I really saw Qin Yuning."

"Where is she? At the wedding banquet Cloud shallow moon inquires. Thinking that if Qin Yuning appeared at the wedding banquet yesterday, although there were so many guests, she could not be unaware of her breath.

Cold Shao Zhuo shook his head, "I came earlier yesterday. Before the sedan chair came, I entered the mansion. After entering the mansion, I had a stomachache, so I went to the backyard to find the toilet convenient. After I got out of the toilet, I saw a woman's back coming out of the courtyard of night sky Yu. Although it is just a figure of her back, I am sure that person is Qin Yuning

Cloud light moon's eyes narrowed, "a back figure? Are you sure? "

Leng Shao Zhuo nodded and solemnly said, "if someone else, I may not recognize it, but Miss Qin of the prime minister's residence has been dignified since she was a child, just like carving with a mold. I can recognize it at a glance After that, he said, "what's more, I used to be loose and contact countless women. I've seen all kinds of women. If I don't have such poisonous eyes to recognize men, women are different. Every woman has her own differences. I don't have to look at my face, I can recognize a figure. "

Cloud shallow moon nods, "according to say like this, the person that you see, absolutely is Qin Yu Ning no doubt!"

"It must be her!" Leng Shao Zhuo nodded, "I didn't make a sound at that time, nor did I let her find me. After all, I know the origin and past of Prime Minister FENG. If he finds me out, I don't think I'm her match

"Well! You did the right thing! Qin Yuning has already had martial arts. " Yunqianyue looks at Leng Shao Zhuo and nods, thinking that this is the little prince of Xiaoqin's mansion and the successor of Prince Xiaoqin. He has no martial arts skills, so he is not Qin Yuning's opponent. If Qin Yuning discovers her, he will die.

"I wanted to tell you when I came back, but you went to the fourth Prince's house with the wedding procession. After that, something happened to the fourth Prince's wife. I thought it must have something to do with Qin Yuning, but the matter has already happened. I didn't rush to come here yesterday. I just came here early today, and I won't be doubted." Leng Shao Zhuo said again.

Yun Qianyue nodded, "the forbidden technique of the royal family in southern Xinjiang has not been spread out, and only the royal family of Southern Xinjiang will be able to do so. A hundred years ago, the royal family of Southern Xinjiang was cut off from a branch, namely, the Prime Minister of Qin. Now the king of Southern Xinjiang has been sick in bed, ye Qian sits firmly in southern Xinjiang, and puts forward not to interfere with the affairs of heaven. And it's impossible to come to the capital, so there are only prime minister Qin and Qin Yuning. The Prime Minister of Qin was originally the old emperor's man. Although he was secretly monitored by many people, the one who could not be monitored was Qin Yuning, who had been missing for two months. Since the person you see is Qin Yuning, it is no doubt that she acted secretly in advance. "

"Why did Qin Yuning hurt the side concubine of the fourth prince? The emperor killed the child in her stomach with Arnebia euchroma, and she still helped the emperor, so don't you remember Leng Shao Zhuo is puzzled.

"Because she is not the one who loves. Naturally, she didn't want to stay, so she killed her. For her, it may not be considered a good thing. But to help the old emperor to not necessarily, she is now night natural person Cloud light moon road.

Leng Shao Zhuo knew it, and suddenly sighed, "the battle between the emperor and the son, the blade of blood first affects the old and weak women and children."

Cloud shallow moon see his face show worried color, think cold Shao Zhuo really is changed, from inside to outside change. In the past, where would he worry about the weak, she laughed at him, "this is the inevitable thing. Although the child is good, but for the night day Yu and Zhao Kehan, or come at a bad time. It's better to be cut by a knife than to be cut by a knife. "

Leng Shao Zhuo nodded at the smell of speech, "although the words said so, for the fourth prince, the blow is really not small. I'm afraid this time, innocence will change. "

"The moon is long enough," he said

Leng Shao Zhuo looked at Yun Qianyue and clearly saw that her mouth was slightly mocked and her face was indifferent. He hesitated for a moment and asked seriously, "Yun Qianyue, if the second prince and the fourth prince are against each other, will you help?"

Yunqianyue blinked her eyes. Yesterday, she and Rong Jingcai discussed this topic. Unexpectedly, Leng Shao Zhuo brought up the old story again. It seems that many people already have a mirror in their hearts, and their attitude is very important. Does it also include nightlife who is watching its change? She raised her eyebrows and asked, "do you want me to help or not?"

Leng Shao Zhuo pursed his lips and seemed to be unable to answer this question for a while.

Cloud shallow moon looks at him, also no longer speak.

After a while, Leng Shao Zhuo still shook his head and said, "I don't know. You seem to be cold, or very emotional. I don't know how you feel about the night sky, but for the night sky Yu, you have no heart. Ye Tianyu has been good to you since childhood. No matter what he's doing behind his back, he never seems to have used it to you. "

Yun Xiaoyue nodded, "it's true!"

Leng Shao Zhuo said again: "do you remember? Many years ago, at the Palace Banquet, you and I had a big fight. I couldn't beat you. I was beaten black and blue by you, and I couldn't get up on the ground. But your hand was just scratched and bleeding. After the fourth prince came, he didn't even look at me. He anxiously dragged you to the hospital. If you refused, he scolded you with a straight face. Later, you followed him"Well, there seems to be such a thing!" Yunqianyue thought for a moment and nodded with a smile.

"So, you're so emotional, I don't think you won't stop helping?" Leng Shao Zhuo said again.

"How about me? How about not helping? " Cloud shallow moon carelessly spit out a word.

Leng Shao Zhuo was stunned.

"According to the law, the cloud palace and the royal family have been walking on the edge of ice. The old emperor and I have been unable to tolerate fire and water, and the night has collapsed. Yetianqing and yetianyu are going against the royal family. I am the one who should help most Cloud shallow moon light voice light if cloud smoke, "help them, to my advantage harmless."

Leng Shao Zhuo looks at the cloud shallow month, knows that she still has words behind her, listens quietly.

"But I won't help you!" said Yun

"Why?" Leng Shao Zhuo has a trace of surprise looking at the cloud shallow moon.

Cloud shallow moon light smile, shake head, "have no why! Although I value feelings, they are not the most important thing in my life Then she said, "and their surname is night."

Leng Shao Zhuo seems to understand some, and some do not understand. He nodded in a muddled way, no longer asking.

Cloud shallow moon also no longer talks. She has helped yetianqing and yetianyu enough. How many people think that she attaches great importance to love and righteousness, but only she knows that those are unimportant small things. She is actually colder than anyone else when it comes to the key things. The person who does not integrate into her life, she will not attach importance to affection and can't distinguish what should be helped. Treason is the thing that should not be helped. , the fastest update of the webnovel!