The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1068

Night light dye looks at cloud shallow moon to seem to want to say what, opened mouth, suddenly stopped again, waved to her, "nothing!"

Cloud shallow moon sees him not to say, also no longer inquires, turn to walk forward.

Passing by the vestibule, I saw that there was no one on the Queen's seat. It seems that she has returned to the palace after such a long delay. She was suddenly too lazy to go again, leaning against Rongjing, she said to him, "you hold me back to the mansion!"

Rong Jing took her body, and with her, she left the fourth Prince's mansion in an instant.

The wind in late autumn has the meaning of silk coldness. The thin clothes of cloud and light moon are not enough to resist the cold. She shivers a little, and Rongjing's arms are tightened, and she is wrapped in her arms with wide sleeves and whispers: "it's time to add clothes!"

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon has no strength to answer.

"Not feeling well?" Rongjing asked in a low voice.

"Well!" Cloud light moon should again.

Rongjing looks at her face, and a shadow is cast under her long eyelashes. He said in a warm voice: "it's normal that things like this happen today. The descendants of yetianqing have not been left. How can the descendants of yetianyu stay?"

The moon is silent.

"This is Tianjia! There is no peace for a day when a new Lord is not determined. " Rong Jing voice can not hear the mood, "perhaps the new Lord has decided, this river and mountain may not be peaceful."

Cloud shallow moon raises an eye to look at the day, suddenly way: "night day Yu and night day incline this time should be reversed?"

Rong Jing's eyes flashed and did not answer.

Cloud shallow moon also no longer speak, from the sky take back sight, close eyes way: "this autumn is really deep, the day is really cold! You're right. It's time to add clothes. "

Two people talk back to the cloud palace, Rong Jing floats down in the shallow moon Pavilion, holding the cloud light moon to the house.

"King Shizi, what's wrong with Miss Jing?" Ling Lian and Yi Xue see Rong Jing come back with Yun Qian Yue in his arms. Yun Qian Yue closes his eyes. They are surprised. They think something is wrong and they ask urgently.

"It's OK. She's just not feeling well! You don't have to pay attention to it! " Rong Jing took a look at them.

Two people smell speech a sigh of relief, no longer ask.

Back in the room, Rongjing puts yunqianyue on the bed. He sits in front of the bed and looks at her, without speaking.

Yunqianyue closed her eyes for a moment, opened her eyes, and said to Rongjing, "the old emperor is forcing them to oppose. Do you think yetianqing and yetianyu will die

Rong Jing gazed into the eyes of Yun Qianyue, "do you want them to die, or don't you want them to die?"

"Is it up to me?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

"In certain circumstances, it's up to you!" Rongjing nodded.

Yunqianyue is silent again. Rongjing looks at her. After a moment, she whispers: "I grew up with them. I don't like them dying if I can. But if they do, I don't think I'll help them

Rong Jing raised eyebrows, "why?"

Cloud shallow moon looked at Rong Jing deeply, drooped her eyelashes and said, "because you don't want me to help them."

Rong Jing chuckles and reaches out to point the tip of the cloud moon's nose, "cloud shallow moon, your mind has always been so clear! How can I not love you

"Do you love me because I have a clear mind?" The cloud is shallow and the moon is squinting at the scene.

Rong Jing shook his head with a smile, bent down, lowered his head and put his lips on the lips of the cloud shallow moon, and gently allowed to kiss. Cloud light moon light, red lips cater to him, lips and teeth filled with fragrance.

On this day, the great joy of the fourth Prince's house turned into great sorrow, but the guests did not disperse, so they made the wedding ceremony a beginning and a ending.

On this day, Zhao Kehan, the concubine on the side of the fourth Prince's son, turned into a lady in the nursing ward in a twinkling of an eye.

On this day, the old emperor issued a decree that gambling houses from all over the world would be closed down from now on, and they would not be allowed to open again. Gamblers from all over the world are sent to exile in the cold and bitter land of Northern Xinjiang. They are not allowed to step into central Beijing again.

On this day, news came out from Fenghuang pass that Princess Luoyao of Donghai appeared at Fenghuang pass to accompany Prince Rui to repair Fenghuang pass.

Many things happened on this day, but the most amazing thing was the grand wedding of the fourth Prince's mansion, and the bride's pregnancy forbidden in southern Xinjiang.

The next day, the autumn was clear and the sun was shining.

Yunqianyue received a letter from xiyanyue early in the morning. There was nothing in the letter. It just said something about his general situation in Xiyan, inquired about the situation of Yun Qianyue, and finally expressed his missing. But the words of warmth, every sentence warm heart, so that the cloud shallow moon because of yesterday's Zhao Kehan slippery birth matter, the dark mood relaxed a little bit.

Just after reading the letter, Ling Lian came to report that Leng Shao Zhuo had come. Cloud shallow month takes the letter to look out of the window, as expected sees Leng Shao Zhuo to walk in. Compared with a few days ago, because of the dark change of the third childe xiyanyue, now he is a bit more calm and introverted. The old emperor ordered to close all over the world, which was a great loss to the filial piety palace. She secretly thought that Leng Shao Zhuo came to find her purpose. After a while, the bead curtain was picked up and Leng Shao Zhuo entered the room from the outside.

Cloud shallow month turns head, smile to him, "did not use breakfast to come to look for me?"

"I want to come and have breakfast with you. I wonder if you would like to give me a meal." Leng Shao Zhuo smiles."Ling Lian, bring the breakfast! Two bowls and chopsticks! " The moon called out to the outside.

"Yes, miss!" Ling Lian answers outside.

Cloud shallow month smile looks at Leng Shao Zhuo, sat in front of the table, smile to him ask: "is this OK?"

"Well! Yes Leng Shao Zhuo is not polite and sits on the table. See cloud shallow month in the hand holds letter, he slightly a concentration, Mou Guang flashed a silk of what.

"It's a letter from Xi Yanyue. Do you want to read it?" Yunqianyue handed the letter to him.

Leng Shao Zhuo looked at the letter to him, he was slightly surprised to see the cloud shallow moon, "can I see it?"

"What's the matter! If you want to see it, just look at it! " Yun Xiaoyue throws the letter to him.

Leng Shao Zhuo hesitated for a moment, opened the letter paper, looked down and read it again, with a smile on his face, he closed the letter paper, and then returned it to Yun Qianyue, saying, "I know that he is very well, so I feel relieved. Although he is not my brother, I always regard him as my brother. It will be the same in the future! "

Yunqianyue gave him an appreciative look.

Ling Lian brings food, Leng Shao Zhuo and Yun Qianyue pick up chopsticks at the same time. Two people have a take not a hit to speak, after dinner, cloud shallow month asked Leng Shao Zhuo, "say it! What do you want me to do? Do you want to go back to your father's gambling house? "

Cold Shao Zhuo shook his head and said with a smile, "I said I just want to come to you for a meal. Do you believe it?"

The moon rolled her eyes.

Leng Shao Zhuo watched her eyelids roll up and down. After a moment, she closed her smile and lowered her voice: "I'm here to tell you that I saw Qin Yuning yesterday." , the fastest update of the webnovel!