The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1070

"What are you going to do about Qin Yuning?" Leng Shao Zhuo asked again.

"If she threatens me, kill. If she doesn't threaten me, let her jump! Ye Qian thinks she should die more than I do. " Cloud shallow moon to Qin Yuning have no feeling, do not matter tunnel.

Leng Shao Zhuo nodded and asked, "what do you want me to do?"

Yunqianyue blinked and looked at him askew.

"Although we didn't find out who was behind the scenes, my father and I knew who did it. The palace of filial piety has always been relied on by the heavenly sage and the royal family has attached great importance to the maintenance and support of the father. Otherwise, I would not be dissolute and have been doing evil for many years without any trouble. " Leng Shao Zhuo said slowly: "although I am a little prince of the filial piety palace, I help the royal family and father, but I want to help you. I want to help you alone, not the cloud palace behind you, nothing to do with what you want to do, I am willing to help you. The person I want to help is just a cloud moon. "

Yun Qianyue was moved a little. She looked at the man sitting opposite her. When they were young, they didn't like each other. Now he realized that he was saved because of yetianyi. One of the purposes of yetianyi was to make his relationship with her known to the public, and the other was to win over Prince Xiao. At that time, she was very indifferent to hand over the big return pill, and saving his life was just a life. Unfortunately, things are hard to predict. She never thought that Leng Shao Zhuo would treat her like this one day. He will tell her that the person he wants to help is just a cloud light moon.

"I used to think that all the women in the world were better than you. But in the end, it turns out that the best one is you. " Cold Shao Zhuo sees cloud shallow moon to stare at him, he suddenly smiles.

Cloud shallow month pulled pull the corner of the mouth, reach out to rub forehead, "Leng Shao Zhuo, I didn't expect you to say such words."

Leng Shao Zhuo looked out of the window. The breeze was blowing and the curtain was floating. He sighed, "I didn't expect that, but now I feel like this. That's what I mean

"I'm glad to hear from you! But this muddy water is too deep. Just be yourself Yun Xiaoyue shook her head, "I don't want you to help me, because I don't know the way ahead. But one thing is certain. I and ye Tianyi are bound to oppose each other! "

Cold shaozhuo nodded, "I understand!"

Cloud light moon to him smile, smile and the past is different, some warm.

Leng Shao Zhuo looks like a flash, but for a moment, he stands up and says goodbye. Cloud shallow moon sits on the chair motionless, smile to him, wave, he walks out of the room slowly, soon out of the shallow moon Pavilion.

Cloud shallow month looks at Leng Shao Zhuo's figure disappears, finger gently taps the table top. For a moment, I leaned back lazily and closed my eyes.

At noon, news came out from the palace that on the day of the fourth Prince's wedding, the fourth Prince's side imperial concubine was struck by the southern Xinjiang forbidden magic, which caused the damage to the Royal offspring, and the emperor issued a document to the king of Southern Xinjiang. The document said that the king of Southern Xinjiang should go to the heavenly capital to deal with the matter together.

After the document was sent out, the old emperor sent a large number of good medicinal materials to the fourth Prince's house, and sent the imperial concubine to visit Zhao Kehan in person. She was young and expected to add children and grandchildren to the royal family soon.

Zhao Kehan can not get up, night day Yu instead of his side imperial concubine to thank his father for his love.

It seems that a little blood in the big festive pageant did not set off a greater bloodbath, so the matter was taken over with the wisdom of the people.

On the second day, the old emperor issued three decrees, and one month later was the day when King jingshizi of Rongwang's mansion and Qianyue lady of Wangyun's mansion, as well as their crowns and hairpins. The Ministry of rites, Prince Rong's house and Prince Yun's house set out to do this together. They must have a perfect ceremony of hairpin.

At the same time, the imperial edict was read in the Rong Wang Fu, Yun Wang Fu and the Ministry of rites. People's eyes were immediately shifted to the two people's crown and hairpin ceremony.

In ancient times, the ceremony of men and women's adulthood was attached great importance to by the patriarchs and the families, which was regarded as a great joy. What's more, these two people are still the most important figures in Tiansheng capital. Prince Rong's mansion, King Shizi, is in charge of such a large mansion. It is highly praised by the people all over the world. The young lady of the cloud mansion is the legitimate daughter of the cloud palace. From small to large, she has been the focus of attention of the world. These two people's rite of adulthood is not the same.

Rong Wang Fu, Yun Wang Fu and the Ministry of rites received the will, immediately began to prepare.

In Rong Wang's mansion, Rong Xi, as the chief housekeeper, took charge of it at the first time.

In the cloud palace, green branches and jade bracelets are also quickly set up.

King Yun is in charge of the Ministry of rites, and Yunli Shizi is in charge of the Ministry of rites. Therefore, the officials under the Ministry of rites attach great importance to this. After receiving the will, he immediately discussed specific matters with the people in charge of the two governments.

For a time, this event caused a sensation in the capital, and all the people were looking at it one after another.

The topic of Rongjing and yunqianyue has been spreading from small to large, from being children to being adults, and entangled with the drama of two people's mutual love. Therefore, the ceremony of reaching the crown and hairpin on the same day of the same year began to issue the imperial edict preparation, which has attracted the eyes and public opinion of all people.

Not only did the people in Beijing pay attention to it, but the news also spread rapidly from the capital to Japan, covering the whole world.Yunqianyue is not excited about this. If it is the only thing that makes her think about it, it means that she is an adult. It's natural to do something. There's no need for underage boys and girls to bear the burden.

The day passed in a flash.

The next day, yunqianyue heard that the queen was not feeling well. She thought of her aunt's haggard and pale face covered with powder. She planned to enter the palace. Although she hated the palace, her aunt was her. These days, she raised her fetus in the palace, probably because she knew her mind, so she did not send someone to invite her to the palace. It's time she went into the palace to accompany her. That day in the night day Yu mansion Zhao Kehan slippery embryo matter to her should also have the influence mood. What a clever person my aunt is.

Linglian and Yixue hear that yunqianyue is going to enter the palace and go to prepare the car immediately.

When the carriage was ready, Yun Xiaoyue added a piece of clothes, packed it up, and left the house. Soon, she came to the gate of the cloud palace and got on the carriage. Ling Lian and Yi Xue drove to the palace.

The carriage passed by gambling houses all over the world. There was a seal on the gate, and an X word was pasted on a large yellow paper.

Cloud shallow moon swept a glance, then put down the curtain, thinking that belongs to the gambling house of all corners of the world for decades of glory, is finally over. Prince Xiao didn't say a word this time. He knew that ye Tianyi and yuzishu could not be provoked by him!

The carriage came to the gate of the palace, and just stopped steadily. Ling Lian lowered her voice and told the moon inside: "Miss, it's the sixth princess! It looks like you're going out of the palace. "

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon should a, think how she can forget the royal family still has such a not peaceful Lord. , the fastest update of the webnovel!