The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1067

"When you think about when you feel uncomfortable, and when you feel uncomfortable, who is around when you feel uncomfortable, maybe it's a very ordinary little thing, but the more common it is, the more unusual it is." Cloud shallow moon points her way.

Zhao Kehan thought carefully again. After a moment, he suddenly said, "it's linger!"

"Linger?" Yunqianyue looks at her.

"Yes! It was her. I just felt uncomfortable, but in order not to let Tianyu worry, I didn't say anything to the public. Of course, it will not be given to the people of the fourth Prince's house. She is the only one who has been following my maid. She knows that. " Zhao Kehan white face way.

Yunqianyue nodded, opened the window and called out to the outside: "which is linger?"

No one answered in the courtyard.

Night day Yu also seems to have heard just Zhao Kehan's speech, calm face to ask outside person, "which is Ling er?"

No one answered.

"Are you dumb?" Night day Yu angrily drank.

"Back to your highness, Ling Er didn't come..." At last one spoke.

"Where is it? Look for it Night day Yu anger road.

Several people immediately got up from the ground and walked out.

Night day Yu turned back to the room and said to Zhao Kehan, "on the day you came to the mansion, I said to you that you don't want this maid, but you read that she has been following you since she was a child, saying that she will not betray you. Now that it is good, the fault lies in her body!"

Zhao Kehan pursed his lips.

Night day Yu looks at Zhao Kehan's appearance, also does not have the heart to blame, walked to the bed, stretched out his hand to hold her hand and said: "I here people are after thousands of selection, countless times of temptation to stay. Since I was a child, I was prevented from persecution by my second brother. Later, we became a group. Now we're together to guard against others. Since you have married me, things like today will not be less. You've learned a lesson this time, so you can't be soft again. "

"Well!" Zhao Kehan nodded with red eyes.

Night day Yu releases her hand, external face cries, "medicine how not decoct? Come and ask

"Yes A man outside immediately answered.

After a while, the man who had taken the prescription to decoct it earlier came in with a bowl of decoction. Night day Yu looked at one eye and said to him: "take it to King Shizi to have a look!"

The man immediately came to Rongjing with a bowl.

Rong Jing looked at the soup in the medicine bowl and nodded slowly, "take it to the fourth Prince's side imperial concubine!"

The man handed the medicine bowl to Ye Tianyu, who scooped up the decoction and fed it to Zhao Kehan. The house was filled with the smell of medicine and blood, which made the wedding room full of gloomy depression.

Cloud shallow moon turns to begin, look out of the window again, see a few people carrying a maidservant dress up person come, that maid is silent, obviously dead. She narrowed her eyes, expecting to be the result. She took back her eyes and looked at the night sky Yu.

Night day Yu looks up, along the bead curtain of the door, also saw the outside situation, the face suddenly sinks.

"Is linger dead?" Zhao Kehan also looks out the door.

"Take your medicine first and rest after it! Don't worry about anything else Night day Yu take back sight, continue to give Zhao Kehan medicine.

Zhao Kehan nodded, cooperated with the night day Yu to open his mouth and swallow the decoction.

A bowl of soup medicine to see the bottom, night day Yu with an empty bowl stood up, from the outside called in two people to wait on Zhao Kehan wash blood stains change clothes. After seeing Rong Jing and cloud shallow moon one eye, lifted step out of the door.

With the night behind the day Yu, also slowly walk out.

Cloud shallow month comes to bed, to Zhao Kehan light voice way: "Zhao elder sister, it is no big deal, child you will have later. You should take good care of yourself. "

"Well, thank you, sister!" Zhao Kehan nodded with red eyes.

Cloud shallow moon no longer more words, also turned out of the door.

In the courtyard, Ling Er is lying on the ground. Judging from her face, she has been dead for a long time. Ye Tianyu instructs people to check the people who have been in contact with Ling Er these days, and then checks all the people kneeling down in the courtyard one by one, and then he waves back all the people. Looking back at Rong Feng, who asked Rongjing to come in but did not leave, and the night light dye who left the room after he had come earlier, and finally looked at Rongjing and yunqianyue.

"If something like this happens, let's withdraw the banquet." Cloud light moon road.

"No, keep the feast!" Night day Yu shakes head, "month younger sister, you go to front to help me to greet the guest!"

Cloud shallow month looks at night day Yu, see his eye ground has clear blood silk, she nods, think today she is really used by him in the end. Reach out to pull up Rong Jing, greet on Rong Feng and night light dye, "go, go to greet guests!"

Rongjing has no objection, and keeps up with the pace of cloud shallow moon.

Night light dye looked at night day Yu one eye, reached out to pat his shoulder, did not speak, also followed two people.

Rong Feng came to night day Yu in front of him and said to him, "fourth prince, you should go into the room now and accompany your side imperial concubine!"

Night day Yu looked at Rong Feng one eye, nodded, Rong Feng no longer speak, lift step to keep up with cloud shallow moon three people. Three people out of the yard, night day Yu loose hands, palm a bright red, in a moment, he closed his eyes, turned into the house.On the night, I met his sister, who was in a hurry, and asked, "how to face him in a hurry?"

Yunqianyue remembers that he didn't see the night sky tilt just now. Now he is about to get the news in a hurry. What kind of things make him so important that he didn't come to the wedding banquet of the fourth prince? She restrained her mind and said to him, "sister Zhao was killed by the soul swallowing skill of Southern Xinjiang. The child is gone, and the adult is saved!"

Night sky inclines to smell speech facial expression a loose, "the adult keeps good! Otherwise, the fourth brother will surely suffer a lot. "

Cloud shallow moon is silent, think Zhao Kehan although saved, but night day Yu receives blow equally not small.

"You're all out, and I don't have to go in!" The night sky inclines to take a look in the courtyard, take a look at Rong Jing, Rong Feng, night light dye road.

"He said that the banquet continued, and he caught me to greet the guests. Now that you are here, it's up to you." The moon and cloud will definitely push things to night sky tilt.

Night sky inclined to see her one eye, see her face a little tired, think of yesterday Zhao Kehan lived in the cloud palace, she was busy about a day, this morning she accompanied to see off the bride, certainly very tired, then happily nodded, "good!"

"Then I'll go back to my house first!" Seeing the promise of the night sky, the moon stopped staying and asked Rongjing, "are you eating wine here or going back with me?"

"Go back with you!" Yung King Road.

Cloud shallow moon no longer speak, pull up the scene to go.

"Little girl!" Night light dye suddenly calls out cloud shallow moon.

Cloud shallow moon stops, looking back at night light dye. , the fastest update of the webnovel!