The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1064

Cloud shallow moon looked at the prepared carriage and walked back to the house.

Back to the shallow moon pavilion not long ago, night day Yu then sent Zhao Kehan. Zhao Kehan seems to be plump than a month ago. It seems that ye Tianyu is really good for her. The heroism and rigidity in her eyebrows and eyes have turned into the tenderness of her daughter.

Night day Yu sent people, then hurried back to prepare.

Cloud shallow month smiles to pull Zhao Kehan's hand, arranged a room to live for her in shallow month Pavilion. After a while, the seven princesses smell the message also came. Although the temperament of the three women is different, they all have one thing in common, that is, a tough and persistent heart, so they soon chatted together.

When he came back from the next Dynasty, yunqianyue sent someone to invite him. When he came, he heard that Zhao Kehan was going to marry from the cloud palace and accept him as his adoptive daughter according to the meaning of Yun Qianyue. He agreed with a smile. At noon, a simple ceremony was held, and Zhao Kehan became the adoptive daughter of Prince Yun.

This day, in the three women gossip home and cloud palace busy preparation in a hurry.

The next day, on the fifth watch, Zhao Kehan got up, and a lot of people began to dress her up. Yun Qianyue has always been with Zhao Kehan. The last time he married his brother, this time he married his sister. It can be said that he understood the ancient marriage procedure. Both the man and the woman knew everything about it. Secretly thought that with so much experience, when she got married, it was no more flustered.

Dressed up, auspicious time out of the door, cloud shallow moon as a sister, instead of mother Xi's position, all the way to the gate of the cloud palace.

The gate of the cloud palace is closed, the gongs and drums are blaring outside, the suona is playing, and everywhere is the sound of joy. All the sounds and shades of the capital are covered, it seems that only joy is left.

Cloud shallow month thinks night day Yu really gave Zhao Kehan a day big ostentation.

Under the red cover of the head of Zhao Kehan looms a happy smile, step by step, with the help of cloud light moon, walk very steadily. Under the command of yunqianyue, Linglian and Yixue, Tingyu, tingxue and other maids of the cloud palace stand at the door and face Ye Tianyu, who is wearing the bridegroom's favorite clothes, extorting the red envelope at the door. Yetianyu does not know whether it is Xie yunqianyue's temperament or after being instructed by an expert, the red envelope has already been prepared, and a large number of them are thrown along the top of the gate and mixed with the red envelope Together with the candy. The gate of the inner courtyard of the cloud palace was covered with a full floor.

Cloud shallow moon speechless looking at the ground is copper money, silver, candy and mascots full of circumstances, half loud spit out a sentence, "it's really rich!"

Zhao Kehan chuckled and said in his ear, "when the fourth prince came to see me in the evening yesterday, he said a word to me. Do you want to hear it? "

"You don't have to tell me what you love. If it's about me, I'll listen to it." Cloud shallow month swept Zhao Kehan one eye, feel certain is about her.

Zhao Kehan said faintly with a smile: "Tianyu said to me when he left last night that today a person heard that he would pick me up from the cloud palace. He said to him that some people like mischievous things. They don't have enough money. They can't take people away. Can you look at it? So, today, he is well prepared. "

"Rongjing!" Cloud shallow moon falls in Zhao Kehan's words, spits out two words.

Zhao Kehan nodded with a smile, "it's jingshizi!"

"This black heart! Wait Cloud shallow moon secretly grinding teeth, told the gatekeeper, "Tell ye Tianyu, let him jump in from the gate and take the bride out from the gate! Otherwise, don't try to pick up people. "

The gatekeeper obeyed and called out.

Outside quiet for a moment, night day Yu wearing a red suit, flying from the top of the door jumped in. Stand firm body, to cloud shallow moon Binbin a courtesy, smile way: "month younger sister is laborious!"

Cloud shallow month glared at him one eye, "I give you hard so long, no red envelope?"

"Yes!" Night day Yu takes out a very small jade fan from the bosom, hand cloud shallow month, smile to ask, "this can be satisfied?"

Yunqianyue reached out to take the jade fan and saw that it was a twelve bone jade fan, but the fan was very small, more than twice as small as cangting's twelve bone jade fan. She took it in her hand and found that although the jade fan was small, it was of great use. It was actually a concealed weapon with a gold needle. She was immediately satisfied, and her face was full of smiles, and she turned into a flower. She said to Ye Tianyu, "pass the customs, take the bride and go!"

Night day Yu a sigh of relief, horizontal hold Zhao Kehan, fly out of the gate.

After he went out, yunqianyue ordered people to open the gate. Zhao Kehan had been put into the sedan chair by Ye Tianyu. Ye Tianyu also sat on his horse. There was a batch of empty horses beside him. Seeing that yunqianyue came out, yetianyu waved to her and pointed to the horse way beside him: "sister Yue, come back with me?"

Cloud shallow month speechless ground looks at him, "you are bridegroom official? How can anyone accompany you in the wedding

"You've done a lot of things out of the ordinary. Come up Night day Yu words fall, see cloud shallow moon standing still, to her low voice way: "I am afraid of accident, have you in, I am at ease, you follow me together!"

"Good!" Cloud shallow month hears the speech to nod happily, the toe is light, the clothes are flying, sat steadily on the horse.The wedding procession starts with a bridegroom, accompanied by a dandy woman, and leaves the gate of the cloud palace with eight sedan chairs. This scene is rare for thousands of years.

Yesterday, it was a solemn capital. Today, it was decorated with red clothes and flowers. Overnight, the capital was decorated with festivity.

Cloud light moon in the capital people have eyes, all the way accompanied by night day Yu to greet the bride into the fourth Prince's house. , the fastest update of the webnovel!