The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1065

Although the old emperor nearly killed yetianyu that day because of the affair between the fourth Prince and Zhao Kehan, it seems that people have forgotten this matter after a month. Today, there are still lots of cars and friends in front of the fourth Prince's house.

The sedan chair stops at the gate of the fourth Prince's mansion. Night Tianyu turns over and dismounts. According to the ancient marriage affairs, he starts to shoot and kick the door with a bow and arrow, which is commonly known as xiamawei in ancient times.

Cloud shallow month accepted all the way attention ceremony, at this time finally extricate herself, she also turned off the horse, feel to now should have nothing of their own son? He followed the guests and planned to go inside.

"Sister Yue, come and hold han'er!" The night sky Yu calls cloud shallow moon in time.

"My good brother, do you really use me as your own sister?" The moon turned back helplessly.

Night day Yu to her a smile, exposed a big white teeth, a bright red robe, give him a bit of a look, with a smile: "you are not my sister, come here quickly!"

Cloud shallow moon helpless, can only go through, today is the day of people's great joy, the new for the big, she is duty bound to help ah!

Holding Zhao Kehan's fire basin and stepping on red silk, he came to the Xi Tang where he was decorated all the way.

All the people in Xi Tang are already present. The old emperor was ill in bed and drank wine yesterday. Naturally, he could not attend the ceremony today. But unexpectedly, the queen was there today. Surrounded by the attendants, the queen sat on the wedding hall.

Yunqianyue looked at the queen and saw that she hadn't seen her for two months. Her aunt was haggard, but her face was still covered with powder. Her face was not too ugly. She calculated the days. Now she has been pregnant for six months, and the time flies by.

The etiquette official called a auspicious time has come, the cloud shallow moon lets go of Zhao Kehan's hand, stands beside the etiquette official body.

Worship heaven and earth!

Two obeisances!

Husband and wife say goodbye!

Into the bridal chamber!

Everything went smoothly, and everyone at the banquet offered congratulations to the fourth Prince Ye Tianyi. Ye Tianyi leads Zhao Kehan to the back hall of the inner courtyard.

Cloud shallow moon breathes a sigh of relief, thinking that from now on, she will be successful, can sit down to drink a cup of wedding wine? Unfortunately, her idea has just risen. She hears a cry of pain from Zhao Kehan, who is pulled by night Tianyi. She is startled and turns her head suddenly. She sees Zhao Kehan covering his stomach and bending over his waist, and his cover slips down. Her face is extremely painful. She was stunned and looked under her body. She saw a piece of blood on the ground where she was. Her face changed and she quickly walked over.

The crowd at the guest table was also shocked by the sudden scene.

"Han'er!" Night day Yu also face color big change, anxiously called out.

Cloud shallow month comes near, hold Zhao Kehan's pulse, give her pulse.

"Sister Yue, what's the matter with her? How could this happen... " Night day Yu anxiously looks at cloud shallow moon to ask urgently.

Cloud shallow month in Zhao Kehan pulse for a moment, lips tightly close up, heard night day Yu asked her, she raised her head to see him, a time did not speak.

"Sister Yue, what's going on? You talk Night day Yu see cloud light moon rare look, more and more flustered.

"She slipped her tire!" Cloud shallow moon spits out a word.

"What?" Night day Yu startled to release hold Zhao Kehan's hand, can't believe ground looking at cloud shallow moon.

Zhao Kehan did not have support, will plant to the ground.

Cloud shallow month immediately hands to hold her, to night day Yu way: "I probe her pulse, it is slippery tire really."

Night day Yu stares at Zhao Kehan, seems to have been muddled, the body is stiff and motionless.

Zhao Kehan also seems to be startled, painful face is stiff together, white seeps a person.

"This How can this slide? " Night day Yu after a moment of reaction to come over, again hold Zhao Kehan.

"This needs further investigation! I don't know yet. Take her into the room first! It's very dangerous to have a slippery fetus. We have to find out the crux of the problem quickly before we can give her the right medicine. Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous. " Cloud shallow moon talks to the guest seat to look at, did not see the night of natural and Rong Jing and jade Book figure, night light dye and Rong Feng to be in.

Night day Yu smell speech also can't take care of the blood on Zhao Kehan's body, hurriedly will hold up her waist, quickly walk back to the room of the hall.

Cloud shallow month to Rong Feng and night light dye waved, the two people immediately get up to her, three people follow the footsteps of night day Yu to go back to the hall.

Such a thing happened at the wedding banquet, and everyone was silent for a moment.

The queen wanted to stand up and follow. A mammy behind her grabbed her. She knew that she should not move much, so she sat on the throne and stopped moving. Watch the three go away.

Come to the back hall, night day Yu will Zhao Kehan in the Xi room, cloud light moon first walked in, night light dye and Rong Feng to look at one eye, also followed to go in.

"Sister Yue, give her a good pulse and see what's going on with her? How could she be so happy that she had a miscarriage today? What did she eat? " Night day Yu stands in front of the bed, facial expression unexpectedly is even whiter than Zhao Kehan, who is in pain on the bed.

Cloud shallow moon nods, again carefully to Zhao Kehan pulse. After half a ring, she put down her hand and said to Ye Tianyu, "she didn't eat in the morning, but she didn't eat. All of us in the shallow moon Pavilion didn't eat. Since she didn't eat anything, she was contaminated with something on her way out of the pavilion. ""What's with it?" Ye Tian Yu asked again.

Cloud shallow month does not answer, to night light dye and Rong Feng wave, "you two people's medical skill is stronger than me, you come to have a look, she is contaminated with what?"

Night light dye saw night day Yu one eye, night day Yu did not stop, he came to give Zhao Kehan pulse. After half ring, he let go of his hand and shook his head to night Tianyu.

"Don't tell me you can't see it?" The night sky Yu looks deep.

"I can't see it!" Night light dye shakes her head.

"Rong Feng, you show her!" Night day Yu looks to Rong Feng.

Rong Jing stepped forward to Zhao Kehan's pulse. After a moment, he shook his head to the night sky Yu, "Maple can't see it."

"It's amazing! You three are so skillful that none of you can see it. What is the most poisonous thing in the world Night day Yu did not know is startled, or angry, tone angry and trembling.

"Rong Feng, you go to find Rong Jing!" Cloud shallow moon looked at night day Yu one eye, to Rong Feng Road.

Rong Feng should a, back out.

Night light dye sees Zhao Kehan, who is lying on the bed, biting his teeth without saying a word, and retreats from the Xi hall by night Tianyu.

"All out!" Night day Yu suddenly wave a hand, the servant girl in the room Xi old woman all silence, exited the room.

Not long, the room only left night day Yu and the bed of Zhao Kehan, and cloud shallow moon.

Cloud shallow month sees Zhao Kehan's lip to bite to break, such a moment's Kung Fu, she lies on the bed already a bed of blood. She took out a pill from her arms, handed it to Zhao Kehan's mouth, and whispered to her, "eat this first!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!