The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1063

"How did you say that?" Cloud shallow moon will head on his arm, looking up at his side face asked.

Rongjing laughed and said softly, "I just want you to know, I want you, I want you for ten years, it's been too long, so when you want me, I'm just like you are now, close and flustered, flustered and timid. Now you look like this, I was then. So, cloud shallow moon, you have a conscience, I really live in your heart. That's what you do

"That's what I've been talking about for a long time The moon rolled her eyes.

"What do you want me to say?" Rongjing chuckles and breathes in her ears. In the dark, the sound is like a musical charm.

"How much wine did you drink today?" Cloud light moon changes the topic.

"I don't remember!" Rong Jing shook his head.

"A lot of wine!" Yunqianyue turned her mouth and closed her eyes. She suddenly remembered something and opened her eyes and said, "the filial piety palace and the Deqin Palace are the old emperor's reliance. The old emperor prefers night's natural beauty. When the filial piety palace and Deqin palace listen to the old emperor's will, they will take the filial piety palace and the Deqin palace into their arms. It's reasonable to say that night Tianyi should not choose the five lakes and four seas gambling house of the prince of filial piety if he wants to explore. If Zishu is determined to pursue the matter today, the gambling house of the four seas in the house of filial piety will close down. If the door is closed, it is very unfavorable for the source of silver in the Xiaoqin palace. Only when you have the financial support behind you can you act well. What does Ye Tianyi think? Is it that in order to test Zishu and I, we should not hesitate to enter the palace of filial piety

Rong Jing smell speech light way: "do you forget that there is a cold Shao Zhuo in Xiaoqin palace?"

Cloud shallow moon thought move, looking at the Rong Jing.

"Leng Shao Zhuo is a wonderful flower in the filial piety palace, and also a wonderful flower in the heavenly holy emperor's palace. It turns from a great evil to a great good, from shouting at you to fighting for you. He is the son of filial piety prince, now is a variable of filial piety palace. Ye Tianyi chose the Sihai gambling house of the prince of filial piety for the sake of mixing the good and the bad, and giving a warning to Prince Xiao Yung King Road.

"If I let Zishu close the gambling houses all over the world?" Cloud shallow moon is silent for a moment, ask quietly.

"Whether it is not investigated or investigated to the end, it has nothing to do with the seventh prince. It's only about filial piety. There are two things you can't get rid of in Wang Ping's life. One is his precious son Leng Shao Zhuo, and the other is the casinos all over the world. " Rongjing said slowly: "if you let the jade Prince close the casinos all over the world, then in the future, no matter who is right or wrong, Prince Xiao will always find the jade prince to make a sum of money. It's an old fox. It can retreat, it can advance, it can shrink and it can stretch. It's extraordinary

Cloud light moon frowns tight.

"Sleep! Let's first see what the prince Xiao will give you and explain it again! " Rong Jing pats the body of cloud shallow moon.

Cloud shallow moon "um" a, close eyes, no longer think.

This night, two people embrace and sleep, a good night sleep.

The next day, Rongjing gets up, and yunqianyue wakes up at the same time. Rongjing goes to the early morning after dressing properly. Yunqianyue lies lazily on the bed and looks at the roof with open eyes. After about half an hour of staring at the roof, she also gets up.

With the early meal, cloud shallow moon originally wanted to call Ling lian to prepare a car to Rong Wang Fu. Ling Lian, however, first sent back the news that in the early days of today, the emperor was furious with Prince Xiao when he was nearly injured by firecrackers in the casinos all over the world yesterday, but he didn't find out the murderer. He was furious with Prince Xiao and ordered him to close the gambling house and give an account to the jade Prince of Donghai. The jade prince was invited to the golden palace early in the morning.

Hearing the speech, yunqianyue dismissed the plan to go to the palace of honor. After thinking about it for a moment, she told Ling Lian, "I haven't been in the palace for several days. Go and prepare for it. I'll go into the palace to see my aunt today."

"Yes Ling Lian immediately went down to prepare the car.

The carriage is ready, and the cloud moon comes out of the shallow moon Pavilion and goes to the gate of the cloud palace. When she arrived at the gate of the cloud palace and was about to get on the bus, she saw the carriage of the fourth Prince's mansion coming in a hurry. She stopped and watched the carriage approaching.

After a while, the carriage of the fourth Prince's mansion came, and the curtain was lifted up, revealing the face of Tian Yu at night. He saw Yun Xiaoyue's joy and said, "sister Yue, I'm looking for you for something!"

"What's the matter?" Cloud shallow moon think night day Yu big marriage tomorrow? A month goes by so fast.

"As you know, han'er's parents have left the capital and returned home. She has no relatives in Beijing. She has a male daughter, so she has no good sisters in Beijing. Now she has been in my residence, but I want to give her a big show. I want to marry her like other women. She can carry her sedan chair to my house, but I can't carry her from xinuang pavilion to dongnuang Pavilion, so I want to Night day Yu said here, it seems that some hard to speak of looking at the cloud shallow moon.

"I see. You want her to be carried out from the cloud palace, don't you?" Cloud moon interrupted him.

"Yes Night day Yu nodded, looked at the cloud shallow moon, and tried to say: "if you don't agree, just let me not say, after all, you have helped me a lot on that day. Although you have never called my brother, but I am older than you and grew up together since I was young, my brother can't make it difficult for you to do it. "

Cloud shallow moon suddenly smile, indifferent ground wave a hand, "what can be difficult to do? It has become common for me to offend the emperor and uncle. You send her here! We haven't married our daughter outside the cloud palace, so let my father recognize her as an adopted daughter. I recognize her as a sister, and I will marry from the cloud Palace tomorrow! ""Do you really agree?" Night sky Yu eyes a bright.

"When did I tell a lie?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

Ye Tianyu saw that Yun Qianyue didn't seem to be a fake. He looked relaxed and said with a smile: "it's because the cloud palace has never married a daughter, so I'm afraid that the cloud palace and you should not agree with this. Now that you don't mind, my brother has sent people here! "

"Good!" Yun Xiaoyue nodded with a smile, "fortunately, I prepared for my brother and sister-in-law's marriage a while ago. I have experience. Although I do some work in a day, I will give you a good arrangement. Don't worry

"Thank you, sister! With your words, I'm relieved. I'll go back to my house and send people here. " Night day Yu words fall, see cloud shallow moon nodded, he fell down the curtain, told the coachman, the carriage quickly left the cloud palace gate.

Cloud shallow moon wants to see night day Yu so much, no matter how the final result, Zhao Kehan is also a blessed woman.

"Miss, are we still in the palace?" Ling Lian asked softly.

Cloud shallow moon waved, "another day! My aunt has been raising a baby in the palace. I have nothing to do with it. I feel like I haven't seen you for a few days. I want to go and have a look. Now I'd better take care of the fourth Prince first! You go to find the green branch and jade bracelet, let two people start to prepare now, decorate the cloud palace, some festive. I'm waiting for Miss Zhao in the shallow moon Pavilion. "

"Yes Ling Lian went immediately. , the fastest update of the webnovel!