The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1062

Rongjing reached out to touch her head, took her to sit down, and said to the outside, "it's time for dinner!"

Outside Linglian has already prepared the dinner, hears the speech to answer quickly, and Yi snow carries the evening meal together to walk in.

Yunqianyue looked at the hibiscus fish on the table. Her eyes brightened and she asked, "how long haven't I eaten this?"

"It seems like a long time!" Rong Jing said with a smile.

"Slap me and give me a date. People like you Cloud shallow month scolded a, picked up chopsticks, can't wait to eat.

Rongjing reached out and rubbed his forehead. He seemed extremely helpless: "I didn't intend to punish you. I just wanted to wait for you and the jade prince to come back and let you have a meal of fried fish with hibiscus, so that you can know my good. This Hibiscus fried fish, the jade prince can not do

Cloud shallow moon corners of the mouth curved, squint at the scene, "is it so?"

"Well!" Rong Jing nodded with a smile.

"People say that if you look at a man's heart, you should buy off his stomach first. When you get here, how can it be reversed?" Yunqianyue looks at him funny. The anger of being punished for copying the female trainer also disappeared. There is no doubt about his authenticity, this man is cute, this little mind for him as if it is common.

"If you don't buy my stomach, I'll buy your stomach!" Rong Jing said with a smile.

With a low smile, yunqianyue took his hand with the one that didn't take chopsticks, held it tightly, and said in a long voice: "OK, Mr. Rong, I know. You are telling me to buy your stomach! I remember. "

"Well, I wish you had this understanding, so that I wouldn't have to worry about telling you a few more times." The corners of his mouth were raised.

Cloud shallow moon eyelid rolled, no longer speak, but to him in front of the dish added a piece of fish.

After sweeping the quiet atmosphere in the room before, they enjoyed the meal.

After dinner, it was late at night. Yun Qianyue was tired of racing and yawned. Seeing that Rongjing was still sitting at the table, he asked, "are you going back to Lord Rong's house or staying with me?"

After that, she suddenly felt that this was so uncomfortable?

"Stay here!" With a smile, Rongjing stood up and took off his robe. He said to Yun Xiaoyue, "I haven't slept with you for a long time. I think it's tight."

Cloud shallow moon face a red, a time speechless.

Rongjing put the crescent white robe on the hanger, turned to look at the cloud shallow moon, saw her face bright red sitting in front of the table, he chuckled, walked slowly, looked down at her, "unexpectedly shy?"

"Shy? What a little girl would have done eight hundred years ago, I can't! " Cloud light moon, put aside eyes, hard mouth tunnel.

Rongjing gazed at her face, no longer talking, quietly staring, eyes are the gentle leaching water.

Yunqianyue felt his eyes and his heart jumped uncontrollably.

Rong Jing looked at her for half a sound, and suddenly gave a low smile and put his hand over her heart, teasingly saying, "the heart beats so fast!"

Cloud shallow month reaches out to open his hand, shame anger way: "roll back to your Rong Wang Fu to go!"

Rong Jing smiles and holds her hand with her back hand. She lowers her head and approaches her ear in a low voice: "we haven't been intimate for a long time. It seems that you are unfamiliar. I don't mind making you familiar with it tonight, and it's completely familiar."

Yunqianyue's face became more and more red. She raised her eyes to see him and reminded him: "there is still a month to go and hairpin!"

Rong Jing said, "well," but I can't wait. What can I do? "

"Minors do that Not good The cloud is shallow and the moon is difficult.

"Didn't you always want me? At that time, I didn't want to wait for hairpin? " Rongjing looks at her face, which is already red to the skin. In the dim yellow light, it is particularly attractive. He whispered some bewitching way: "I was not ready before, but I am ready now!"

"I'm not ready yet!" The cloud is shallow and the moon's voice suddenly increases.

"Well?" Rong Jing raises her eyebrows.

Cloud light moon on the eyes of the scene, that eye has a pool of whirlpool, it seems to want to suck her in, her heart beat faster, want to move away from sight, but how can not move away. A moment later, she suddenly closed her eyes and thought about it.

Rongjing suddenly laughed. He bent down to pick up Yun Xiaoyue from his chair and walked to the big bed. When he came to the bed, he put her down gently. He untied the buttons of her coat one by one, and pulled the ribbon off, leaving the light silk lining inside. He hung the next clothes on the head of the bed and finished everything. He looked at the closed eyes of Yun Qianyue, and his smile deepened. He slowly went to bed and held her in his arms. His lips stuck to her ear and whispered, "sleep!"

"Sleep?" Cloud light moon opens eyes.

"Don't you want to sleep?" Rong Jing looks at her with bright eyes.

Cloud shallow month made a yawn, even busy way: "nature wants to sleep, today horse racing, tired to death me." Words fell, and quickly closed his eyes.

Rongjing stopped talking and closed her eyes.

In the past, a person in the curtain seems to be cold and cold, but a person is warm and warm.

It's useless to scold yunqianyue. She always wanted to eat him earlier. But when it comes to the point, she is actually timid. Think about her, whether it is Li Yun in the previous life or Yun Qianyue in this life, what makes her afraid? Now, I don't know what's going on. I'm afraid of my hometown? Or wait too long, do not want to be so hasty, disorderly, no specific time will be two people into one? In a word, this kind of feeling is very complex, a variety of ideas and complex mixed together, has become the current feeling."Cloud shallow moon, you finally have a conscience!" A word suddenly appeared from Rong Jing.

Cloud light moon thought is interrupted, open eyes to look at him, do not understand how he suddenly burst out such a sentence.

Rongjing hugged Yun Qianyue's delicate and delicate body into his arms, sighed gently and contentedly: "I used to wait for you, waiting too long. Ten years, for you, may be a flick of one's finger, but for me, it's just like a year every day. It's not because of the cold poison that it's hard to bear. In my opinion, being tortured by you is my biggest pain 。”

The cloud is light and the moon is blinking.

"For a long time, I thought that you would really marry Ye Tianyi and become a royal woman. I had a heart for a long time. I wanted you to live in the purple bamboo grove of Prince Rong's mansion. However, I didn't compete with myself and wanted to fight for it. However, I was beaten down by the fact that I couldn't live for several years. Then, after ten years, I finally figured out that it was better to ask you to belong to me than to die of hatred. Even if I die, you can still remember, but you don't want to be the one who relieved me of cold poison and stubborn disease. Even uncle yuan has been afraid to try, for fear that if I'm not careful, I will not be saved, but let me die faster. Because of this kind of scruples, he helped me once a year for ten years, but he couldn't completely eradicate it. However, you were totally reckless and did not turn back. But it helped me. Since God made me born for you, how can I let you go? " The sound of the scene is not low or high, like a gentle flow of water. , the fastest update of the webnovel!