The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1061

Women training! What she hates the most!

When looking at a light cloud, suddenly face down

Rong Jing did not speak, only looked down at him, eyes warm and light, calm and quiet.

Yunqianyue and he looked at each other for half a sound. Seeing that his eyes didn't turn for a moment, he was suddenly discouraged, but said: "OK! I write it

Rong Jing instantly laughed, reached out and patted the head of cloud shallow moon, "this just is good, go to write!"

Cloud shallow moon mouth corner to draw, buttocks heavy sit on the reclining chair does not move, the tone is soft and soft way: "I haven't eaten yet."

"Finish writing before eating!" The tone of Rongjing is gentle.

"Finish and write! Otherwise, I have no strength. " Yunqianyue looks at him courteously.

"I don't think you look powerless!" Rong Jing shook her head, reached out and pushed her away, "good, or go to write quickly, you linger for a while, more hungry for a while!"

"You're too willing!" Cloud shallow moon immediately angrily looked at him.

Rong Jing eyebrows slightly raised, slow and leisurely way: "for this kind of punishment, I am very willing!"

Yunqianyue sat still and glared at him with his big eyes. Unfortunately, he stared for a long time, but Rongjing was still. She was discouraged again. She slowly withdrew from his arms, stood up slowly, and walked slowly to the desk. She laid rice paper slowly, and slowly raised the pen. Just about to write, she found that the book was not taken, and instructed Rongjing, "bring the book to me! ”

Rongjing stood up with the book, walked slowly to the table and stood still. Fortunately, he opened himself in front of the cloud and the moon.

Cloud shallow month horizontal his one eye, begin to write according to female training.

Rongjing stood by and looked at her and reminded her, "you'd better write down while writing. When you're finished, I'll test you."

“***!” The moon glared at him again.

Rong Jing picked his eyebrows and obviously didn't understand what he meant, but he didn't intend to ask. He just watched the cloud and the moon write.

Yun Qianyue looked at the words on it with difficulty. She didn't want to write them in her heart. Unfortunately, she was born with the memory of her eyes, so she was very painful. She twisted her small face into a bitter gourd. After writing for a moment, she said in a vicious voice to Rongjing: "the light is too dark!"

Rongjing reached for the wick.

"It's still dark!" Yunqianyue is trying to find trouble.

"Ling Lian!" Rongjing called out.

"Jingshizi, the maid is here!" Ling Lian answered outside immediately.

"One more lamp!" Rong Jing tells Ling Lian.

"Yes Ling Lian immediately went down.

Yun Qianyue continues to write with a straight face, which reminds her of the time when she started the Phoenix robbery and lost her memory. Yun Dushan supervised her to read and read. In order to disguise her reputation of being illiterate, she made herself very painful. Now I think of it, it is the same as today.

Ling Lian quickly walked in and looked at yunqianyue and Rongjing with a puzzled look. When she saw the female precepts in front of Yun Qianyue, she was transcribing. She looked bitter and bitter. Suddenly she knew it. She chucked her lips and snickered for a moment. She put the lamp down and walked out.

"It's still dark!" Cloud shallow month raises an eye, just saw Ling Lian pursed the corner of the mouth to smile, and then angrily called out.

"Bring another lamp!" Rongjing ordered again.

Ling Lian steps a meal, immediately received a smile, hurriedly answered, "yes!"

Cloud shallow moon glared at Rong Jing and continued to copy.

After a while, Ling Lian came in with a lamp and placed it gently and carefully on the desk to see the moon.

"If it's not bright enough, you can take two more!" The scenery is slow and leisurely.

Cloud shallow moon light hum a, do not speak.

Rong Jing told Ling Lian, "go down! Dinner will come at the end of half an hour

"Yes Ling Lian didn't dare to smile this time, so she went on.

After listening to Rong Jing for half an hour, Yun Qianyue looks at the thick female training. She grinds her teeth. It seems that she can't hide any more today. She can only speed up her speed. Her slow and leisurely writing suddenly turns into a Shua Shua. The light sound of ink falling on rice paper is especially clear in the quiet room.

Rong Jing took a look at the cloud with satisfaction, sat down slowly, poured a cup of tea for himself, and tasted it slowly.

This picture, seen from the window, is a noble and elegant person who is enjoying tea without delay; another is writing fast and is about to fly.

After two columns of incense, cloud shallow moon way: "my hand ache!"

"Change handwriting!" Rongjing suggested.

"You..." Cloud shallow month stops pen, stare at him, "can't write again tomorrow?"

"No, you don't have a long memory in that case!" Rong Jing shakes his head, the eye light is still very gentle, but not half silk.

The moon, turn over the pen. After writing for a moment, he suddenly said: "I'm not really to blame for coming back late today. If you want to blame, you should blame someone's action behind you. He threw down firecrackers on the third floor all over the world to hurt Xiao Qi. That's why I'm delayed! "

"The seventh Prince ranks seventh." Rong Jing glanced at the cloud and the moon.Yunqianyue writes a meal and looks up to Rongjing.

"You should call him prince Yu, or by your friendship, you can call him yuzishu or Zishu. He is the eldest prince and crown prince of the east sea state. In any case, he is not the seventh Rong Jing looks at the cloud and the moon.

Cloud shallow moon pursed the corners of her mouth, drew back her sight, and said in a low voice, "you are right, he is a jade book!"

"Keep writing!" The tone of Rongjing is gentle again.

Cloud shallow moon convergence of mind, continue to pick up pen.

Rongjing no longer talks, the room is quiet, once again the brush sound of ink falling on rice paper.

Half an hour later, after a copy of a woman's training was finished, Yun Qianyue put down her pen and said to Rongjing, "I don't need to recite it for you."

"No more!" Rong Jing reaches out and pulls Yun Qianyue's hand and puts it in his hand. He rubs her gently with a gentle tone.

Cloud shallow month horizontal his one eye, "now know heartache? If it's tomorrow, your hands will be swollen. "

"I don't blame you for coming back late. I believe in Prince Yu. I believe in you. Naturally, you will not do anything that makes me sad. What I blame you is that you don't realize that this life is different from that one, especially the night nature. But you are not aware of his threat to you, so you put Xiao Qi on your lips and left people with a handle. " Rong Jing's tone was a little cool. "Today, in the palace, he was suspicious of the jade prince. He tried many times, but he didn't let him find half a handle. But now you go back to the city, he only uses a small firecracker to test, and you will show your horse's feet. Cloud shallow moon, encounter jade son Book thing, you never grow up, when can grow? You tell me, after copying this training today, have you grown any better? "

Cloud shallow moon hangs down head, low voice way: "grow into! After that, Xiao Qi will always be buried in my heart, only Zishu and yuzishu. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!