The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1060

Jade book a smile, "no, live in the Rong Wang Fu, I will send the moon back, and then go to the Rong Wang Fu."

"Well, I'll get together another day! The jade prince likes to rest Ye Tianyi took back his sight and wrote to Yuzi: "Tianyi's residence is next to the cloud palace. The jade Prince knows it now. You are welcome to come at any time."

"Good!" Jade letter nodded, no more words, to keep up with the cloud shallow moon.

Rong Jing's carriage stopped at the gate of King Yun's mansion, and a string song was sitting in front of the carriage. Seeing the two men coming back, he quickly got out of the car and wrote to Yuzi: "jade prince, I'll take you back to the mansion and have a rest."

Cloud shallow moon turns over to dismount a horse, ask: "Rong Jing?"

"Miss back to the moon, my son is in your Pavilion!" The string song says.

Cloud shallow moon nods, look to jade son book, "son book, you want to go in?"

Yu Zishu took a look at the string song and the carriage behind him. With a smile, he shook his head and said, "no need! I went to the cloud palace. I'm really tired today. "

"Well, then you go." Yun Xiaoyue waved to him.

String song immediately lifted the curtain of the car, Yu Zishu slowly leaned forward and got into the carriage. The curtain fell down and covered his body.

Xiange also got on the bus, waved the whip, turned the horse's head, and went to the Rong palace.

When the carriage had just gone a few steps, Yun Xiaoyue was about to turn around and enter the mansion. The curtain of the carriage suddenly lifted from the inside. Yu Zishu said in a very low voice: "yun'er, what did you call me when firecrackers were smashed at me from the third floor all over the world today?"

Cloud shallow moon footstep a meal, recalled for a while, way: "small seven careful, how?"

Yu Zishu looked at her and said slowly, "the seventh Prince is ranked seventh? Have you ever called him this before? "

The moon's light clouds move.

Yu Zishu looked westward and saw that ye Tianyi did not enter the mansion immediately, but was still standing at the door. He took back his sight, stopped talking, and the curtain fell.

Xian Ge looked at Yun Qianyue and saw that she didn't stop her. She drove away from the gate of the cloud palace.

Cloud shallow moon quietly watched the carriage leave, thinking of the crisis at that time, she blurted out "Xiao Qi, be careful!" For a while, I feel confused. Although she was far away from the West courtyard door, she could still feel clearly. She closed her lips and did not look to the West. Instead, she stood still.

Behind him came the sound of footsteps, accompanied by a very low cry, "Miss, you are finally back!"

The cloud shallow month takes back the thought, turns back, sees Ling Lian and Yi snow to rush to come, she asks: "what matter is so urgent?"

The two stopped and shook their heads together. "Nothing happened. Jing Shizi has been waiting for you in the room since the afternoon of the sound. You have not come back until it is late. The maids and maids are worried and want to find you, but jingshizi won't let them. Now that you are back, it's completely dark! "

"So it is! It's OK. I'll go back Cloud shallow moon nodded and walked toward the courtyard.

They followed her.

The gate of cloud palace was closed tightly behind the three.

Back to the shallow moon Pavilion, sure enough, all the rooms in the courtyard were lighted, but the main room in the East chamber was dark.

Cloud shallow moon looked back at Ling Lian and Yi Xue. They both shook their heads and said in a low voice, "maids and maids want to hold a lamp, but jingshizi said it's not necessary."

Cloud shallow moon takes back sight, reaches out to push open the door. By the light of the houses in the courtyard, some light came into the room. Through the bead curtain, he could see Rongjing half lying on the soft couch with a book on his head. The white robe of crescent moon had a faint light in the dark. He did not move. It seemed that he didn't know anyone was coming in.

Yunqianyue lifted the bead curtain and walked into the room. She went to the table, held the lamp, and walked to the soft couch. When she came to Rongjing, she heard his very light breath, which was even. She was obviously asleep. She reached for his book and gave a light cry, "Rongjing!"

Rongjing did not move.

Yunqianyue looked at him with a faint complexion and a slight breath of wine. She didn't know whether the wine he had drunk in the palace didn't wake up or he drank it later. But the wine was excellent. His breath was like snow and lotus, but now it was mixed with a faint fragrance of wine. She sat beside him, put her hand around his waist, buried herself in his arms and sniffed his breath, Exclamation way: "all said that the beauty is drunk, has a unique taste, the original is really so!"

"Prince Yu is also a beauty. He drank wine today. Do you think so?" Rong Jing's voice suddenly remembered.

Cloud shallow moon looks up, see him already opened an eye, to him flatter ground smile, "nature does not have you!"

Rongjing Wenwen looked at her faintly and said to her, "it's too late to come back today! Although I agree with you to go out, I don't agree that you come back so late. You should be punished! "

"Punishment? How to punish? " Yunqianyue looks at Rongjing and thinks that if he kisses her, she doesn't mind.

Rong Jing stretched out his finger and pointed to the book cloud shallow moon had just removed from his face and said: "punish you to read it once and write it again."

Yunqianyue looks along Rongjing's line of sight, and sees two big characters: "female training" on the cover of the , the fastest update of the webnovel!