The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1059

Yu Zishu laughed and stopped talking.

Leng Shao Zhuo looked at the cloud shallow moon and jade book one eye, also pursed lips no longer to speak.

Sweat beads rolled down from Prince Xiao's face, but he did not wipe them. He straightened up and looked at the door of the gambling house. His back was already wet with sweat.

For a moment this place was silent.

After a while, Leng Kai came out of the room in a hurry and fell on his knees with a pale face The little old man didn't find out who did it. None of the people in the casino left. After checking around, everyone had evidence of gambling on the spot. No one found out who threw firecrackers from the third floor. It is said that when the firecrackers were fired, all the guests on the third floor looked back. There was no one in the room, so they heard the sound of the firecrackers below... "

"Waste!" Leng Shao Zhuo comes forward and kicks Leng Kai. He says angrily, "there is no shadow of a person. Is it a ghost?"

Leng Kai didn't dare to dodge, so he got a kick from Leng Shao Zhuo. He even said, "little prince, maybe a martial arts expert, sneaked into the casino and escaped our guards and guests..."

Leng Shao Zhuo was angry and angry, "there are hundreds of people guarding this casino? What kind of martial arts master can hide in quietly? What's the use of the filial piety Prince's house to support you Then he stopped looking at Leng Kai and said angrily, "come on, cut this old thing off!"

Leng Kai was shocked, "spare your life, little prince. If I go to check again, I will find out..."

A dark guard in black appeared in response to the sound, and the sword came out of the pin, aiming at the cold and sharp kowtow.

"Stop it!" The prince of filial piety made a voice to stop it.

The sword of the dark guard in black took back and stood on one side.

"Father, what is the use of such things for him? It's better to kill. " Leng Shao Zhuo looked at Prince Xiao and said angrily.

"He should have been killed, but he was not even known to be so calculated. He was allowed to bring firecrackers into the gambling house and let people want to harm the jade prince. But the killer couldn't be found. It's useless to kill him. He has been running casinos for so many years, but his father still knows him well. Although he is not good at his work today, he has not made any mistakes over the years. Let him check it again! " Filial piety.

"Little prince, I must find out the murderer..." Leng Kai repeatedly guaranteed.

Leng Shao Zhuo is silent and looks at Xiangyun and yuzishu.

Prince Xiao also looked at them and said sincerely, "Miss shallow moon, Prince Yu, the old minister will never harm your two hearts. Even if it is crucial, it is impossible to make such a big loophole in my casino, so that you can catch a current one. What's more, I have absolutely no such heart. It's not good for the old minister if I hurt the jade prince. Right? Maybe, as I said, it's the martial arts master who sneaked into the casino and killed the jade prince. I must find out clearly. Please give me some time. "

"Good!" Yu Zishu nodded slowly.

"I don't want uncle Leng to find a scapegoat at will. If you do, you can think about whether you can hide it from me." Cloud shallow moon throws a word.

"Of course not!" Prince Xiao shook his head again.

"Zishu, let's go back to our house! Since this is the territory of Prince Xiao, let's give it to Prince Xiao! " Cloud shallow moon no longer looks at filial piety prince, to jade son calligraphy way.

Yu Zishu nodded.

Cloud shallow month looks to Rong Feng, "still send you to Wen Bo Hou Fu first!"

"I have nothing to do when I go back. I am a witness with my own eyes. I stay here to find the murderer with Prince Xiao Xiao and Prince Leng. You go back to the mansion with Prince Yu first! Prince Yu is shocked today. You should treat him well. " Rong Feng shook his head.

"No problem!" Cloud shallow moon nods, turn over to mount a horse.

As soon as Yu Zishu waved his hand, the horse he rode jumped away when he left to dodge firecrackers. However, his skin was still hurt by firecrackers. Fortunately, the wound was not big. Seeing him waving, he ran over and turned over to mount the horse.

Both of them are not talkative people. After sitting on a horse, their legs are sandwiched and two horses leave the four seas gambling house.

Turning a street, this street is very quiet. You can see the door of a mansion in front of you in the distance. Listening to a carriage, a person gets on and off the carriage. The man is dressed in a snow blue robe and looks at the outline. It is the seventh Prince's night nature. The gate where he is located is the seventh Prince's mansion.

Yunqianyue remembered that she had to pass through the seventh Prince's house before going to the west mountain, and that it was also necessary to go back to the city from the west city. She glanced at Ye Tianyi lightly and kept on fighting.

Yuzishu naturally saw Ye Tianyi. He looked at him for a moment. It seemed that ye Tianyi heard the sound of their horses' hooves. His steps, which were supposed to go to the house, stopped suddenly and looked back to the West. His eyes flash, and cloud light moon side by side, hit the horse, continue to move forward.

When she came to the gate of the seventh Prince's mansion, yuzishu reined in her horse. Yun Qianyue didn't want to stay, but when she saw yuzishu staying, she also reined.

"I heard that Prince Yu and yue'er went to Xishan to have a good time today?" Ye Tianyi looks at two people, and looks back in front of their horses. He asks with a smile.

"Yun'er is good at riding, but I can't compete with her." Yuzishu smiles gently.

Cloud shallow moon white jade book one eye, "don't be too modest! It's me, but you're the one. You can run so fast after drinking. Isn't it sincere to find a bet for meYu Zishu chuckled, "I'm using the strength of a drunken maniac!"

Cloud shallow moon light hum a, no longer speak.

"Yueer's riding skill is naturally good, and Tianyi has always known it. In the early years, she always wanted the Chifeng horse in Northern Xinjiang. What she wanted was that the Chifeng horse could run more endurance than ordinary horses. I promised to get her two Chifeng horses, so she didn't care about it any more. "

"Chifeng horse is not the best horse. Jade snow flying dragon and hard-working BMW are the best horse." Yu Zishu nodded with a smile and looked at the moon at the cloud. He said with a laugh, "when did the request come down so low?"

Night Tianyi hears the speech, and her eyes light slightly.

"If I can't get jade snow flying dragon and hard-working BMW, I'll take the second place! You are rich in the East China Sea. Would you like to give me two such good horses Cloud light moon road.

"Good! Donghai Kingdom has two jade snow flying dragons and hard-working BMW. When you go to the East China Sea, I will send them to you. " Yuzishu agreed happily.

"Rich and generous!" Cloud shallow month rebuked him a, voice a turn, and happy way: "this is you promised me, ah, do not go back on your regrets."

"When did I ever go back on my words?" The jade book raises eyebrows.

"No! Then I can rest assured Cloud shallow moon nodded and said to him: "back to the house, tired to death!" Then she went forward.

Yuzishu looked at Ye Tianyi and said with a smile, "goodbye to the seventh prince! I'm really tired today. I've come back to my palace and have a rest. We'll have a chat some other day. "

"The jade Prince lives in the cloud palace?" Ye Tianyi's eyes follow the shadow of the moon and ask casually. , the fastest update of the webnovel!